Dakotah's Journal


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10 entries this month

22:37 Jul 31 2017
Times Read: 1,071

True story, up until about two weeks ago, I had never been stung by any of the stingy insects, despite having grown up in the country and spending an inordinate amount of time outdoors. No bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, nothing. I soon after see a big ass nest in a light post we have out front, so I promptly get a can of wasp whoopass and spray them dead. A few nights later, I'm putting the cover over our grill and I feel something burning and pokey on my stomach. I reach down and something's on my stomach so I brush it off. I still felt a little pain but since it was night time I couldn't see very well. I put the cover over the grill and see something brown sitting on the top of the cover but can't see it clearly. I grab it and actually pick it up in my fingers before realizing it's the Fing’ wasp that just stung me on the stomach. I go inside; grab the can of wasp whoopass and that bitch gets a hose down. The stung area hurt for a bit but I went to bed and I guess I figured out I'm not allergic to wasp stings.

A week or so later, I'm inside in the morning bent over putting my shoes on to take the Wonder Beagle outside. I feel another burning stick in my stomach around the waist band and I look at my shorts to see if there's a pine needle or something there sticking me. Hey look, it's another fing’ wasp on my shorts. Knock him off and he gets the shoe about six times.

So, F U wasps.



23:59 Jul 31 2017

damn thats screwed up..they must like the taste of you even coming to get you inside..lol

04:47 Aug 01 2017

I've been stung quite few times by bees and wasps and hornets, I'm not allergic to being stung, it just royally pisses me off. I think the worst insect bite I've had was from an Assassin Bug. Those little bastards are treacherous. lol!

10:14 Aug 01 2017

Hey Ray, get this, I was telling Bats this, We now have a professional Wasp Killer (Could you imagine having that job. 0.0 ) coming out; they go over your property. Did you know there are Fake Wasp Nest (looks something like a Wasp Nest shaped Japanese lantern) to put out around our property. Seems wasp are territorial and they will scout a potential location before setting up a nest, so if you put a Fake Nest out, it tricks them into thinking that the local area is already claimed, and they will go find somewhere else to build.

12:18 Aug 01 2017

Im not sure what s worse. The sting of a wasp or the sring of a jellyfish. Its like pain with burn and electricity hit you at the same time.

16:55 Sep 01 2017

ouch damn


05:45 Jul 30 2017
Times Read: 1,122

Jesus f--ck. The original was kinda campy scary, parts of this was just fucking terrifying. I'm basically convinced it's gonna be the horror movie of the decade. In Theaters Sept 7th.



13:32 Jul 30 2017

its a remake of the movie "IT" as i watched this trailer... i think i like the first movie they made. it was scareier

13:36 Jul 30 2017

p.s. the movie came out that i am referring to came out in 1990 by steven king

17:02 Jul 30 2017

I think I found a good link to the movie, yes it took me this long to find it "It" lol


17:01 Sep 01 2017

It scared the shit out of me as a teenager I thought I would have had nightmares after watching it


20:13 Jul 29 2017
Times Read: 1,167

In my four years here on VR I have seen many types join that fall in certain catogerys. I will cover a few....

1. There the members who live the Vampire Life Styles that has spent time reading all there is out there on Vampires and old legends and they know there stuff. This type I love it when they post on the forums because you know what ever they contribute is going to be fantastic. When I first joined VR there was tons and tons of this type of member here. I loved there profiles and all they had on it. This type is pretty much gone from VR, not many left and I find it sad. Now, they where not the rpers... they did not claim to be blood drinking fangs that grew types. They knew about history as far back as you can go and would often share this knowledge.

2. Then there the Role-players. For some reason when they joined they wrongly mis-took this site as a community of role-players and they start there profiles off as how they are a thousand years old and well you know the profiles they put up. How hey 'bite'. I actually find there profiles now cute and about every 8 out of 10 profiles now are this type of member. However, they would admit they were only role-playing. They admit they thought this was a Role-playing Vampire Community.

3. Then there is the kind of member who joined and they were/are the darkest of the dark... they are real vampires and they hunt at night and find victims and they drink gallons of blood... and they go on and on trying to present they are the real deal. All there forum post and journal post are solely to try to convince us (the whole VR community) that they are special, real and how they are burden by being the real deal. They make forum post claiming what ever the topic is that happen to them, they experienced 'that'. Like if the topics being followed by 100 Ghost, they post something like they have 200 ghost that haunts them. When in reality they are just trying to be that snowflake that seeks attention and wants to present themselves like a rock star and gather admirers because something is lacking in there real life that causes them to go on the internet and lie-lie-lie to people. This type us with half a brain gets our eyes rolls and our sheesh someone really needs some mental help.

4. Then there the One Up type of member. No matter how bad your life is; there is 100x worse. No matter what bad thing has happen in your life, they had 50 more happen to them then you.

5. Then there the emotion attention seekers. They kill off every family member they have (sometimes even killing off the same family member 3x forgetting four months ago they already killed off GrandMa Polly, be in 30 car wrecks, have 30 fatal disease. All at a attempt to get people feeling sorry for them. Every post they make is some sort of tragedy. They will post photo they found of the internet that they hunted hours for of like a car all wrecked and shit and post it along with there journal post to prove to us that they are telling the truth.

Now when you mix a few types and we get a 3. 4. and 5. all rolled into one type here and we do now and then. I get angry that our community has one of these. I shake my head how some are pulled into these types and believe them. Specially the 5th type. I get confused how everyone knows on the internet some people lie. I am always surprised how fast some are pulled into believing these people so damn fast. And I spend a lot of my time saying to myself 'How the hell can some people be so damn gullible!' How can they so quickly believe the shit this person is posting! My one consolation though is knowing sooner or later these type are ousted. Remind me of the one dude said he was dying. He had told in private message 5 females here how he loved them and they were his one and only. Well one day on of these females message on the others and one talked how she in this love thing with this dude that is dying and the other girl said 'really' so am I..' and they realized... they both had been taken for a ride and they posted in Journal and the other 3 females read the journals and... and then come to find out the dude was lying about he was dying....'

Remind me of that story the little boy who cried wolf... we get a lot of 'the little boy who cried wolf' types here. But they don't last too long. Well they use to not last too long. I just hope the community is still wise enough to see 'the little boy that cried wolf' coming at them and also types 3. 4. and 5. Speically if they are rolled into One person.

Be wise people; this is the internet.



20:42 Jul 29 2017


03:59 Jul 30 2017

Then again, this is the internet, not some place where people sit around and make stuff up.

06:16 Jul 30 2017


09:16 Jul 30 2017

In the 10 years I am here and the couple of years I have been away many things changed and many different kind of people came. I prefer slence and peace and thats why I stay away from all of the people that makes my nerves explode and seek only for toxicating my day. I love spending my hours with my love one "tickle Dakotah" and my friends.

10:37 Jul 30 2017

Well said Lili, well said. Life is truly too short to get upset about this anymore and yes, I have better things to do. Plus, making my post I got it all out and people can take away from my post what they wish too. But I did put a warning out there.

17:00 Sep 01 2017



17:21 Jul 27 2017
Times Read: 1,227

I tell Lily I brb... got go afk a moment I brb babe

I am having One of those days where my brain is like this:

Downloading Dakotah Brain..... please wait.... Loading ---------48%

So Like I got my ear plugs in right, I just use ear plugs and I just won't go into what happen to my brand new headphones day after I brought them. So on with the story. So like the little cushions on the end on the ear plugs came off... so I look in my lap not there... glance down on the floor under me.. nope.. I get up, pull my chair away from the desk get down on my knees andl looking for that little black cushion thingy....grrr maybe its rolled under my desk... I pull my desk out to look under it ... nope... hmm well maybe it bounced close by my desk I am down on my knees looking all over the floor... whe I notice hmm my left ear feels a little funny stick my finger in there to see what going on and yelp... You guessed it.... The little cushion part came off in my ear and its been there all along....... 30 min later I tell Lily ok back... Not going tell her wh I had to go afk and this little story.....



17:26 Jul 27 2017

I dont mind the waiting if that what other wonder but I so can see you with the ear muff on the ear. Ohh gods love I am sorry but I try not to laugh and I fail. Gods love that was the funniest.
My sweetest man

21:40 Jul 27 2017

one memory of my mom and i on the way home from getting my first pair of glasses...... we are in the truck, going down the street, i'm looking around the truck, a few minutes later i say "thats a first" mom replys....."for what?" me- "i was looking for my glasses."

i was wearing them.....

mom laughs her ass off...

05:23 Jul 28 2017

lol wow

08:43 Jul 28 2017

We all have our 'blonde moments' lol


Free Personality Test

00:30 Jul 27 2017
Times Read: 1,261

These types of test can be fun when taken with a grain of salt. I took 'those' classes in college and in most of the classes we would self-diagnose by taken test like the link I am going to post. Of all the test I have taken though the years and while in college I have found this one to be freaky accurate. No one is going to see the result of your test (unless you want them too) so be honest. What do you have to loose. Personally I'm uncomfortable when placed in a box. Srsly. It makes me feel very nervous like a worm trapped in a pigeon hole. Having said that, I have placed some of you in little boxes but that's you and not me so... well, there you have it. And I do have a hard list and a soft list. But you don't that... well, you didn't. At least you don't know who and what. Shuddup!

The Link: https://www.16personalities.com/



20:26 Jul 27 2017

I love taking personality tests, and as many as I have taken, they always come back with this type, so I guess this is really me lol. You tell me if it sounds like me dear brother!


The INFJ personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As Diplomats, they have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is the accompanying Judging (J) trait – INFJs are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.

INFJs tend to see helping others as their purpose in life, but while people with this personality type can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all.

INFJs indeed share a unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain – INFJs will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity not to create advantage, but to create balance. Egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to INFJs, and they tend to believe that nothing would help the world so much as using love and compassion to soften the hearts of tyrants.

*There is more, but did not want to post a book lol*


09:24 Jul 26 2017
Times Read: 1,283

What I miss the most since 2.0 went live is some of my friends whom left VR that I had built relationships, you know the ones you want to put time into building because from the first met you admire the living hell out of the person, and left due to them not like 2.0 and some also who just lost there caring for VR current community. You know those friends you could always message to show them something funny someone posted on VR and knew it would remains private what ever you chatted with them and they always seemed to be on your same thought waves.... I use to have tons of these type of friends here and now I only have a handful left. Since 2.0 seems to me VR has been so.... dead. One thing of 2.0 I do NOT like is how the camp box was on the home page of VR and the box would get lively from time to time. Now I normally don't even recall we GOT a vamp box and when I do its as dead as my brain some morning and I might keep the box open for a bit and not one person post in it anymore.



09:37 Jul 26 2017

yeah it does seem a lot of people have left, not that I have a lot of friend and fortunate that the couple I do talk to the most are still here.

09:40 Jul 26 2017

Glad your still here at least Bat's. You on my short left of Friends list I always enjoy chatting with here no matter what we might chat about.

09:41 Jul 26 2017

*list* LOL One thing I wish 2.0 had been coded with was ability to edit any post you make any where on VR.


20:22 Jul 25 2017
Times Read: 1,328

CitizenX needs to get his butt back to VR; its running a muck with fools. I know some of you do not care for the guy and his methods however,you have to admit he has a certain flare, style...what ever you want to call it; in exposing fools, liars what-have-you in his journal to the degree he cleans/rids our community of toxic waste.



02:51 Jul 26 2017

CitizenX was a complete asshole to me and down-rated me with one for no other reason than he didn't like my journal, I don't even know him or was even talking about him. I damn sure don't care for him or her or whoever that person is.

02:55 Jul 26 2017

Dakotah - you know you are my brother, and I love you dearly! That is why I say what I do now. Citizen X is NOT a nice person, does NOT have a "certain flare, style, or whatever!" He is a misguided fool himself! He downgraded me, giving me a one for NO REASON! Then laughed about it! He has serious mental health issues, and if he has not been on VR, then it is a GOOD thing!

No matter where we are, there will be fools, liars, and idiots. The key is to stay away from them! I hope Citizen X does NOT come back to VR, and in fact, is in a psychiatric hospital somewhere getting much needed psychiatric help!!

02:56 Jul 26 2017

I just thought he was an internet troll. lol

09:13 Jul 26 2017

Oh my beloved brother Ray even before I knew you well back then I always fely on YOU he got his views 100% wrong!!!

@ my sis, Oh I do try to stay away from them, I just tend to sometimes seem to be a magnet and get target by stupid here. LOL I message you private later and share with and show you what I mean. I bet you will flip when I show ya.

09:14 Jul 26 2017

*fely: Felt* dang one thing I with 2.0 had come with WAS spell-check.

09:15 Jul 26 2017

lamo well clearly my brain not 100% yet this morning

20:30 Jul 28 2017

I probably won't be surprised at what he said about me. Lol


04:37 Jul 22 2017
Times Read: 1,365

Warning Brothers if you find after having a cup of coffee and your solider ...rises... for no reason, then again if you need help to get him to rise load up on this brand before they pull it all off the shelf's lol:

(CNN)A Texas-based coffee company voluntarily recalled coffee containing an ingredient similar to what's in the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra, the US Food and Drug Administration announced. After an FDA laboratory confirmed the presence of desmethyl carbodenafil in the grounds, Bestherbs Coffee LLC recalled all New Kopi Jantan Tradisional Natural Herbs Coffee.

Coffee containing undeclared desmethyl carbodenafil was recalled.





16:44 Jul 06 2017
Times Read: 1,399

For You Gamers: Steam Summer Sale 2017 Has some great sales right now!


I blame the Pain Killers and Lily sending me to 'rest'. Lily, baby, I brought a few games, hon (LOL) :

Aarklash: Legacy (really liked Cyanide's other fantasy stuff, Orcs and Men and Styx, so figured I'd give this a shot)
The Last Door Collector's Edition Bundle (because Lovecraft)
GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst (I hear it's like Monster Hunter, which I've never played, so might as well dip a toe in here)
Rogue State (uhh, not sure why)
Hunted: The Demon's Forge (years ago, I had a screenshot from the Steam store of a page that said "Based on your recent purchase of 'Toejam and Earl 2: Panic on Funkotron' we think you might also enjoy: 'The Prima Strategy Guide for Hunted: The Demon's Forge'" because logic... and now I can finally sit down and play the game that inspired it)
GUILTY GEAR XX ACCENT CORE PLUS R (I look forward to the day when someone develops and app that automatically abbreviates fighting game titles to something like 'Guilty Gear etc. etc.')
Sky Break (hopefully better than FarSky, but reviews are mixed... I think this one must have been on sale)
Cally's Caves Definitive Collection (hello, 2d retro indie platformer, shocking to see you here)
Party Hard Collector's Edition (I think someone said this one was fun?)
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor (I've heard a bit about this game, and it sounds really interesting atmospherically, even though I suspect it's not exactly going to be 'fun')
Carrie's Order Up (the hell did this even get on my wish list)
Cursed Castilla - Maldita Castilla EX (hello again, 2d retro indie platformer)
Wolfsong (RPGmaker? Really? Siiiiiiigh.)
Fallout 4 (Hey, finally, a game I might actually play!)
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company (No idea why this one is here, either)
World Of Diving (Sure, why not, Subnautica is cool, diving in general is cool, maybe this won't suck)
Pandora: First Contact (another space 4X I can install next to Nu Alpha Centauri and never touch or look at)
Wyv and Keep: The Temple of the Lost Idol (hello yet AGAIN 2d retro indie platformer)
Disney Epic Mickey 2 (I'd prefer the first one, but I don't think it's on Steam and I don't care enough to look)
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered (I have the original Indigo Prophecy, which I haven't beaten, why did I get this)
Shipwreck Deluxe Edition (hmm, looks a lot like Zelda but I'm expecting something more on the level of Anodyne)
Ray Gigant (a combination VN and dungeon crawler... I don't like either of those things, so naturally I bought this)
200% Mixed Juice (I have a bunch of Orange Juice stuff, it's never mind blowing or anything but it's fun enough)
Pathologic Classic HD (looks weird enough to be intriguing, no idea if it's any good)
Mighty Gunvolt (hello yet again AGAIN 2d retro platformer)
FINAL FANTASY IX (because 12 still isn't on Steam for some reason)
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition (It was cheap, at least)
Hollow Knight & Soundtrack (should have got the Gog version)
Mortal Kombat XL (I don't know why I buy these, I never play them online and nobody I know IRL will play them with me anymore, just burning money at this point)
Mighty No. 9 (I'm crying like an anime fan on prom night)
Learn Japanese To Survive! Hiragana Battle (Sure, edutainment, learn while playing video games. I hope it works while uninstalled, sitting in my Steam library, because otherwise OOPS)
Planar Conquest ("if we keep remaking Master of Magic, eventually one of them HAS to not suck")
Quadrilateral Cowboy Deluxe Edition (I like Blendo Games stuff, but it's too weird for me to know if it's worth full price)

Total damage:

Plus about $50 from the Gog sale earlier which was mostly just random crap like Oddworld and Tex Murphy and Rune.



17:50 Jul 06 2017

Now I know what you were doing when I was telling you to rest. You well "resting" and "sleeping" with the help of the games. Busted mr. "winks"


00:28 Jul 06 2017
Times Read: 1,441

Sometimes I think the VR ToS needs to be revisited and some new things added to it... like certain slang words not allowed. For example the "n" word and raciest comments disallowed.



00:37 Jul 06 2017

We live in a community and time that calling someone names is bullying and you can ruin someone life only by a word.

01:20 Jul 06 2017

We try to get rid of racism in the real world, I think we should also try to get rid of certain raciest slang in community's online like VR too.

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