The sun is out today. The plants went back outside. I watered them and sat them on the sunny side where they will get 50% sun. They seem happy to be back outside in the fresh air. Some looked a little droopy and I checked on them an hour later and they were straight again like reaching up to the sun.... these little guys are cute.
I changed this from music to My Garden. I brought a packet of seeds and a few flowers last week and I am going to record there growth and there stories. Yes they will have a story. I normally do not buy seed packs but decided too. I knew I was planting too early. The seeds I just dumped into a pot with some potting soil and a few days later I checked the pot and little plants are growing.
I live in an apartment complex and most around here are a lot older then me. I brought also 3 pansies, two yellow ones and a bright purple. I planted them in one of those long boxes. Before I knew it my neighbors were commenting on the flowers.
It struck me how these little plants are giving us something to talk about. It put a smile on my face how something so small, a little bit of effort and my neighbors and me are talking. I am getting growing tips, ect. We had a cold front hit us and snow. Not a lot of snow but enough to where I had many tell me to be sure to bring them in. Which I did. I am calling it a plant sleep over. Were suppose to be a freeze tonight so... my new plant friends will be sleeping over a few days.