I was just sent a message log between two members. The usual one threatening the other etc.....
While I was looking at profiles I came across this.
I am so tired of the tit for tat mentality around here. As a result I am having to cave and re-rate you as your mirror rating system seems to demand. However I do not think it will have the effect you expected.
If you decide an honest rating is better than my irritated 1 let me know and I will re-rate you, of course this means that you will have to re-rate me based on what you think of my profile and not based on what I thought of yours.
Don't be mistaken and think I am giving you this 1 as I expect or demand you rate my profile a 10. I merely wish you to rate my profile based on its content rather than what I had rated you.
It's pretty dumb- but those people work by a weird code.
This game can make it really in ones face sometimes....dam I love the rating system. A fantastic creation with ten options.
Go Daire go! I agree completely!
I would love to see some decimal points between 9 and 10. Give everyone extra numbers to play with.
I don't know why they bitch, they're just going to change their names when their rating drops below 9.9!
Some of them you're better off not rating at all.
If you are going to try and threaten an admin at least have the common sense to use a spellcheck before you hit send.
Some people I will just never understand.
O.O Now you have me wondering who???
Perhaps its better you don't understand people like that?!!
Chuckles...I actually like people not to use one, it allows me to feel superior for a change.
Yeah, spell check just makes them look smarter than they actually really are....
No man... The terror would be too great if they spelled it correctly. Threats always look legit when they're spelled right.
Oh, wow.. an illiterate threatened an admin! how dare they! make them swallow the dictionary! heh. You have the power.. or is 'Powers' ;)
Hey, 'Powers' is my Irish family name! :P
Ah.. I thought there was a bit o' blarney in you darling.. now it is confirmed!!
They wouldn't follow the fad, if they did.
17:16 Mar 14 2010
rofl...Go Daire, go!
17:54 Mar 14 2010
yes and seeing as he said he was in the military funny but his picture doesn't look like someone in the military to me .
18:43 Mar 14 2010
The respect is only for others to give there's always got to be an exception for themselves.