So once again today I faced a pointless journey into the city. I was up early once again and this time on less sleep then the night before. Although this morning there were no car crashes to liven my day, just cold wind and lots of ice.
I got into town at about 09:35 and my class was supposed to be at 10:00. I waited around and by 10:30 the teacher still hadn’t shown up. Then another teacher came in and told us that the class we have in the afternoon is cancelled. So that means I got out of bed, came into the city and once again it was for nothing. I could have stayed in bed.
Several good things did come out of the day though. I missed the first bus home waiting for class and I had to wait around for another bus, so I went to Trinity college with another guy from my class and we sat in their canteen while he had a cup of tea. We weren’t supposed to be in there as we are students of DIT, not Trinity. But we went in anyway and sat down. While he drank his tea I grew bored so I walked over to the table where you make the tea and I got 2 little plastic stirrers to play with. I still have them by the way.
After this I went to the gallery of photography and was looking at the books they have on sale. I was tempted to buy a cheap one, they sell good hardback books, very heavy and for between €10 and €25 if they are on sale. I decided against it and went to a second hand bookstore called chapters and started looking at their selection. While I was downstairs I found two old sci-fi books. One is from 1977 and the other 1983.
I am including a scan of their covers as the artwork on these old sci-fi books is always worth a look. I will also leave the price stickers on to show the cheap cheap price I got them for.
I have read the first 2 chapters in Alien Embassy and so far it is really good, reminds me of William Burroughs work.
Something that really bothers me is people who call themselves artists/photogrpahers and yet are terrible at both and just dont see it.
I am watching blade trinity.
I see myself getting angry and tuting a lot while watching this....why don’t i just turn it off?
I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment.
***Half way through***
Lost count of complaints.
Ok what the fuck, a blind research scientist that works on computers, How does she know she didn’t make a typo on the screen? Oh and how about this for a politically correct stamp, she is a single mother.
One thing that really bothers me is the lack of consistency. Look, are vampires super strong or are they not? you cant have a vamp display super strength then all of a sudden show them getting their asses kicked by a human, it just doesn’t work that way.
On December 31st i ordered a DVD box set.
It contains 3 DVD's all featuring the blind swordsman - Zatoichi.
The delivery time is meant to be 3-5 working days + 2 or 3 for weekends or general postage problems.
The package, arrived, today.
The reason for its late arrival, it was mistakenly sent to IRAN!!!!
A few months ago i had a package sent to Sweden or Switzerland by mistake, i forget which exactly, but IRAN....Its probably radioactive now and bugged by the yanks.
Not only was it sent to Iran, but it was OPENED in Iran and then sent back to me. 2 of the 3 DVD’s have been opened already.
Maybe it was delivered by a Blind Zen-postmaster.
I am not hungry enough to bother cooking dinner tonight. I may have to resort to frozen pizza stuff.
Was bitching about me in his journal.
He objected to the new rules I have instated in my house. After i confronted him on this he said that the one rule he objected to was the rule that i made which stated:
It speaks a lot of the suggestibility of young minds that in the last week there have been several profiles and quotes and journal entries etc... all containing the word Deathdealer.
I was watching Tv the other day and I had paused on Nickelodeon?? and i was watching a show called O' Grady. Its a new animation and i liked what i saw. However half way through the episode there was a boner joke and then there was a pointy nipple joke caused by cold. These days MTV will bleep out the word Nipple, who am i kidding, MTV will bleep out anything and yet a children’s channel is able to broadcast a subversive Nipple Joke. This just goes to show that they are not censoring correctly. I have no problem with the nipple joke on the channel, i just find it strange that simply by not mentioning the nipples in the joke they can broadcast it. I bet MTv would have cut it. I cant stand what MTv has become, it sickens me to watch it. I get so angry i almost throw things at the screen if i ever linger on the channel for more then 5 seconds at a time.
So now for the flashlight part of the title.
I was walking my dog last night in the woods near my house and it was after 10 so it was dark. And on my way back there was a man with a torch in the field. He was obviously looking for someone or a group of someone’s. So i made sure the dog made a lot of noise to make it obvious i was not trying to hide from the man.
The mans response to this noise was to turn off his torch and stand still. He didn’t know where i was as the sound would move through the trees. So i, deciding that his behaviour was slightly odd i walked to the edge of the woods and stood in the darkness watching him. He stood there facing in my direction but he couldn’t see me with the tree braches and brambles etc...
I stood there for a full 5 minutes looking straight at him and yet he didn’t see me. So after the 5 minutes he turned his light back on and turned around and walked off to the other side of the field, and i just went home.
Words that i see while looking at profiles that make my eyes glaze over:
• Emo
• Bi
• Wiccan
• Juggalo/Juggalete.
Well the following is a scan of an envelope my brother received yesterday. And there were one or two things on it that just gave it that all american feel.
I had to go into town today, to leave back some lie-berry books. Well I was getting the bus and i noticed that the bus now costs €1.90.
I am so fucking sick of this government raising the costs of public transport, raising the cost of living and then telling everyone what a great place to live Ireland is. They never mention that Dublin is about the 10th most expensive place to live on the entire planet. And I’m not making that up, there was a study and it was somewhere in the top 10.
Well i managed to get into town without freaking out and i handed in my essay, then i had to walk to the other side of the city and leave in 2 lie-berry books. So i left those 2 books in and i came home with 4. 4 big heavy books about modernism and photography, oh joy.
I just saw saw. And having seen saw I can say that I enjoyed seeing saw so much I now seek to see saw II as if seeing saw II is as enjoyable as seeing saw then I must see saw II having seen saw.
I have been going to bed every 2 or 3 days. And i have only gotten about 4 hours sleep. I can see someone being killed, by me, in the not to distant future.
Sometimes a lot of fruity faggy things get written in there, makes me wonder about some of the people who participate on this site.
There is also a lot of *hugz* and *pounce* crap too.
I gave my neighbours until 3am to stop playing their crappy music before i did something. It is now 02:48 and the music has stopped.