I just got back from seeing hot fuzz with flan, her dad and her granddad. Was very entertaining with a little surprise at the end that is amusing. Don't go to see this movie if you don’t have a cheesey sense of humor and don’t go if you expect to see a movie that is going to be tame. Lots of nice splashy blood and splosions.
At the start of the movie when that please be quiet and turn off your phone announcement came on me and flan were sitting there and her granddad, who is a little hard of hearing, was talking and talking loudly. So we sat there laughing in the dark, it was more amusing then most of the jokes in the trailers. Although the trailers did look good, I want to see knocked up and that bad ass movie, well, something like bad ass, cant really remember the exact title.
I haven't really been writing in here lately, and I’ve had a few things in mind to write about. One of those things happened the other night. Me and flan were in bed and the dog decided to wake up really early in morning. Usually he just wriggles around, stands on you a few times and goes back to sleep.
This time however he sat beside flans head and looked down at her. Then he sneezed. Then he sneezed again, and again, and again. Each sneeze aimed directly at flans face. Once he thought flan was wet enough he decided that it was time to sit on my head. Which he did, and refused to move for about 5 minutes.
And once again I don’t have an exact date as to when this happened it was about 3 days ago. Me and flan were walking the dogs, all three of them. We were walking by a field near here and there were two middle aged, tired looking and mustachioed mexicans. They were climbing into a pickup truck and we just walked on by. As they drove past us though they had their music blaring. Now by that I mean exactly what I say;
Last night me and flan and her dad and his dad were watching Tv, and then bam. Sex scene. Shudder.