todays rant is on stalkers in general...
of late we in edmonton have had a few large celebrity names in our fine city...namely angelina jolie and brad there has been a whole lot of celebrity hunting occuring...
seriously people....let them live their fucking lives....these people could not even take their kids for a ride to the mall without a mob waiting for them....
I'm not saying I wouldn't like to meet them.....but I would want to have small talk and maybe a few cups of coffee....not hound them like chubby kids at the chocolate factory.
in other news.....someone very close to me is also being stalked.....this is even creepier as she is neither rich nor famous.....
and all I can say to that is the fucker is damn lucky I am not I would gladly take an assault with intent charge to defend her...
thats all for todays rant
you say you are the land of the free and the home of the brave.....
well wake the fuck up before your so called leaders take more of your so called freedom away.....they already can enter ANY home and give no reason other than suspicion....
suspicion of WHAT and with what cause you ask...NONE!!!
nice piece of rights and freedoms destroying that terrorist act is.....
not a citizen..even tho you have lived there almost you entire too can be deported with NO CAUSE OR EXPLANATION.....
fuck I have not seen a setup this draconian since studying up on nazi germany
and then there is land of the brave.....
to me bravery is placing yourself in dangers path to save someone....not invading foreign nations on false pretenses in a barely concealed effort to steal their natural resources....
not saying saddam didn't need to go down....
but you had your chance in desert storm with the worlds approval....and you dropped the fucking ball
going back now with lies as your reasons makes you look like the chumps you are proving your nation to be to the rest of the world community
where is the bravery in that
bravery would be bringing those hard working soldiers home to help clean up that big pool that used to be the great home of mardi gras
bravery would be admitting you were wrong to the rest of the world....