Daermon's Journal

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This rant brought to you by religious intolerance, lack of faith, dead kittens, roadside attractions, and Bambi

06:53 Mar 14 2006
Times Read: 706

what a fucking night....

for the last few weeks I have been in a debate with a co worker about the mohammed cartoons, he you see....is a devout muslim....but before we jump up in arms and have his ass taken to the gitmo...listen up

he agrees with me somewhat that most of the muslim world is bad;y overreacting about this shit...it's a satire for fucks sake....

truly..is your faith so weak that it might possible be corrupted by a cartoon satire....?

the man who drew this is a satirist...it's what he does....he makes fun of things in politically pointed artwork....he cares not if you are red white black yellow christian muslim jew nazi satanists....to him it's all about the point being made, and this time the point was that terrorists use the name of mohamed(sp) as a basis for their terrorist acts, this is not to say that All muslims are terrorists...but as long as the muslim community does not proclaim against terrorism publically..they will be painted with that brush....regardless that the majority of them are peace loving folks....a few bad apples spoil the bunch...and extremists who blow shit up and cut peoples heads off for disagreeing with their views.....are really bad apples

time for some dead kittens...

read an article on addictions today....good read....and the article does make a powerful statement....masturbation is entirely subjective...the question of when is it too much really depends on the persons own values/ideologies (the article was on porn addictions BTW) so really...it's not just about killing the kittens....it's about at what point you stop killing them.....porn for some can be a simple amusement ending in a sticky keyboard.....or it can be a life shattering disease leading you to follow in the twisted and death needing footsteps of the twisted fuck arrested on child porn charges in canada a while back who ran a server with images as awful as a newborn being molested before it even had it's umbilical cut....that man needs to have his nuts chopped off with a rusty butterknife....as do the 90+ people he was in the process of downloading his files to when the cops busted in on him....die you scum sucking fucks

ok nuff on that for now.....

roadside attractions....my buddy (Plushcthulhu) got a book on roadside attractions...we were reading it while out for coffee and this shit is fucked up...so much so that it must be true..since not even Dr Timothy Leary in a drug induced weird could fake this shit..carhenge...somebody build a replica stonehenge out of dead old cars...seriously here...

the worlds biggest peanut?who really cares about this shit.....but you might be wrong thinking that as these weird fuck little places get hundreds of people every year and have gained great notoriety.....to what end you might ask....who the fuck really knows....thats not the point....some things simply don't have any good point....and that actually is the point.....in a strange convoluted way I suppose.

and then there is Bambi....the doe eyed little fawn who served us coffee...poor girl having to put up with me in a rant mood...sane people have run screaming in terror at the very idea....but this one stayed...listened...even joine in a little.....I don't know whether to pity her....or return to torment her again..hehehe

of course...considering her name.....I might just go hunting for her mother...hehehe

damn...that was just plain evil...bad monkey..back in the cage!




culling politicians

06:27 Mar 06 2006
Times Read: 712

Well our lovely fucking government is at it again...

this time the wolves are being made to pay for our excesses...

there is a nature preserve here in alberta that used to have a large herd of wild caribou....the numbers have been steadily declining over the years.....

all the studies done on the reasons and ways to stop it point to industrialization in the region....so what do those fucking twats in government do..they decide not to control human growth in the area...nooooo they decide that they need to cull the wolf numbers in the area instead....when all the wolves are doing is what nature made them for....

maybe if humans could just leave nature some fucking space then the problems would cure themselves and the natural order could be restored once again...

not fucking likely I know

maybe we need to start a politician cull

sounds good to me

fuck em all I say




fanatics in action?

06:26 Mar 06 2006
Times Read: 713

A new town is being founded by the owner of dominos pizza.....a devout catholic who apparently feels the need to try to force everyone else to catholocism in a manner befiitting the worst fanatics..the town is being named Ave Maria and will be located some 40 kilometers east of naples florida. It will be run on strick catholic doctrine in that pornography will not be allowed in any stores, condoms and birth control will not be sold in pharmacies, doctors will not perform abortions, and cable companies will not be allowed to provide adult channels. The town will be built around Ave Maria university(opening next year) and a church with a 20 meter tall cross(the largest in the country). This plan is being opposed by the American civil liberties Union under constitutional grounds in that religious groups haven't the right to exercise powers of government. Jeb Bush, florida governor backs this towns concept..(big surprise there)

this whole idea scares me in that if towns like this become allowed....the first people living there would be there of their own volition..but what about their children, what manner of fanatical brainwashing can they expect...and how long till they go to the extreme measures which are a precursor to largescale persecutions of anything non catholic?

It sounds very like the puritanical towns which led to the burning times....

be afraid....be very afraid



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