Things have bothered me in the newspaper lately.....there was a fucked up kid in the states that shot up his thats never happened before...but anyways....some newspapers are focusing on the fact he listened to hard core music and wore "goth" type clothes.....when have the newspapers ever commented on the fasion sense of all the gang and drug killings that happen every single day?
I have followed a gothic style for over a decade now.....and I have never gona on a killing rampage....not that the thought hasn't crossed my mind.....but realistically everyone gets a little homicidal sometimes....
but why do they need to focus on that...there are other facets the conditions present in growing up on a native reserve.....or being a mentally unstable kid...that certainly does not require wearing black.....
I mean seriously....the guy was a native neo nazi....if thats not a bit of confusion...
but my point is with all the screwed up things that could have caused this guy from drugs to living conditions...they make extreme notice of the color of his clothing....
when will the start reporting investigative news....and not fasion....
last night I was at the bar and was told that someone I know had decided to try to end her existence....this has been a recurring thing in my life.....I have been to as many funerals in my 31 years as my grandparents have in the same amount of time.....and to this day I just do not understand the idea....if you have any religious views whatsoever then you know that what you are doing is wrong....and I don't just mean christian....buddhist....wiccan......jew or native...they all say that you are breaking a natural cycle better left unbroken....
so why do so many people take this road...
a question for those more trained in psych than I is my guess....
Life can be funny's always got some way it's getitng ready to kick you when your down....
great example for aunt and unckle are fabulously rich, they have any toys they want or they money to get them....and yet they in a matter of a few years lost their daughter to auto accident and my aunt foud out she has cancer just when she was starting to get over that loss.
another one...
after years of the wrong ones....I find a woman that truly seems to make me happy...not just complacently content...but happy....but she is on the diametric opposite end of the planet....and I am not allowed to travel.....hows that for a kick in the ass
i try to be basically a positive person for those around me...but there are times when this just gets harder and harder....oh well....
any ways to all those whom life has kicked in the balls so to speak......
I raise my cup and say SALUT'
the world is a weird place sometimes.......
last week I was a door to door salesman making little I wash cars and make good money....strange shit going on in the world
but I just lost my train of thought.....hundreds killed
well now I have become older once again...
21 with a decade of experience.......and all I can say with my vast bleh....
I have a shitty job....a boring life....little money....
so i figure I am doing at least as well as the average person in north
all thats really matters tho is I have a girlfriend who loves me.....and whom I love.....even if we are separated by an ocean right now......the intent is there....and that is what really matters in my mind
Na..... you make my days worth living babe.