odd mood...there are times I just want to fucking gut some assholes with a butterknife and make them die watching themselves get eviscerated......lately this has occured whenever someone fucks with the woman i love.....which has apparently happened a lot in the last week and a half......
and I cannot even hold her as I would like to to comfort her.....as life has seen fit to place us on opposite sides of the globe...
Naomi...if you are reading this......I love you dearly.....and don't let those motherfuckers get you down....you are better than that...you are better than them...
often I sit...wondering what direction life is taking me.......in life we make so many plans for ourselves....how many of them actually get accomplished?How many little boys who wanted to be a fireman..or a police officer....end up in a dead end nothing job.....working at some slave wage with an asshole as a boss...one of those guys who is only a boss cuz daddy owned the company...and doesn't actually have a clue whats going on.....
I heard at said before that for one mans dreams to succeed......dozens of other mens dreams must fail.....
something to think on
well last night was great fun......
nothing quite like being chained to a cross and whipped....getting shivers just recalling it....my back is still a bit tight in the muscles.....but no bruising.....then again...i never did bruise easily....
some awson japanes style drummers....some great stageshows by the local B&D scene regulars....and much exchange of ideas and play by the ppl in the scene.....so nice to see this city waking up and coming out.....so to speak....