well i'm now 31....
I hate gettin old.....and I hate being a salesman....but we do what we must do to live I guess......
bleh....time to drink
nice to be visited by mordes and requiem tho.....
I'm a flirt...I know this.....I flirt with everyone...
this post is for the people who take it too seriously tho.....see I also refuse to take life seriously....so if I flirt.....unless I make a point of telling you it is more than joking..please assume that is all it is.....I am very happily taken and have been for a few months now.....so please if I do flirt.....know that I am not serious about it.....it's a fun playtime to me....as it ought to be to more of you....flirting is healthy....being flirted with boosts your self esteem.....as does having your flirtation responded to...it need not go any further than that.....in fact it rarely in life will go further than that.....unless your name is cassanova....and in that case....I tip my hat sir's and madame's
never take life too seriously.....it won't take you seriously either
Sometimes I just find some people rather infuriatingly childish
what is the better course in life?if you have issues with someone is it better to talk it over with that person?
Or is it better to make snide commentaries on the few small snippets that you know of a person?
I would like to think that the people I talk to on this site can act as adults...but then again i'm delusional....
to make dimly unwitty commentaries about my interest in philosophy and weak cutting remarks about me calling myself an artist is childish in the weakest ways, all it does is prove to me that some people are not worthy of attempting intelligent discussion as they are probably too immature to understand the concepts in the first place
oh well some people seem to feel a need to try to belittle others in their misguided attempts to boost their own waning self worth...someday they may learn that helping others boosts oneself so much more effectively instead of trying to harm others
this is intended for one...but is something to think about for all....myself included...as none are immune to ego's whip...but we can take the teeth from little ego if we choose to