so may opinions and so very many morons with them...
there really ought to be some manner of testing before you are allowed to open your fucking mouth in this world....
I am so sick not just on this site...but everywhere online that I find a somewhat intelligent discussion starting....some moronic fool with an overinflated sense of self will start off trying to sound interested in the topic at hand....and then quickly fall into stupidity and insults as soon as their tiny minds few possible examlpes of wit are exhausted....and then the lowest common deniminator gets reached as at this point there is little you can do as every comment you try to make they will simply insult and belittle.....usually while trying to say how superior their own intellect is....
i'm sure a few of the people I am talking about may even read this fucking rant....but in all honesty....they will think it's about someone else....agree with everything said....and name many others but never themselves as the target of it....
I hold no fucking illusions here...I know that I myself do these things....that I feel is the difference between myself and these ingrates....
I know and accept the truth