lately I have been reading lots of journals.....
it's utterly amazing how blatant some or the people on this site are about insulting one another by name.....
heres a hint people.....theres a term to remember when writing online journals....
Main Entry: li·bel
Pronunciation: 'lI-b&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Anglo-French, from Latin libellus, diminutive of liber book
1 : COMPLAINT 1 —used esp. in admiralty and divorce cases
2 a : a defamatory statement or representation esp. in the form of written or printed words; specifically : a false published statement that injures an individual's reputation (as in business) or otherwise exposes him or her to public contempt b : the publication of such a libel c : the crime or tort of publishing a libel —see also SINGLE PUBLICATION RULE New York Times Company v. Sullivan in the IMPORTANT CASES section —compare DEFAMATION, SLANDER
numerous court cases for internet libel are currently going ahead having started as writings in an online journal...think on it people....
a while ago I was involved in a thread debate about the canadian seal hunt....what it came down to is 99% of the people who were against it were using 20 year old information about the practices.....and were highly uneducated about the whole thing
check it out