My Dear Lucious,
I want you to know,to understand and see,what you mean to me.
I would cross oceans for you,lay upon beds of glass,and so much more.
Since that day we meet,i felt close,but never would i have thought i'd
feel so strongly for you..I have had for so long wanted to tell you my feelings,But i was afraid,afraid of rejection,But i was able to tell you,Because no matter the circumstances,I want you happy,I know life has taken so much from you,and i know how hard it feels to be alone,All i want is for you to find happiness,Lucious i love you,it is the honest truth,for i could not lie to you,i would rather die.I've had so much go wrong in these last few months...and never imagined i'd ever heal up again.Lucious i want so much for you,i want you to smile again and have that beautiful spark in your eyes like you had one time before,I'd give you the world and more,the truth Lucious, is i need you,you may ahave heard that many times...but it comes from my heart and soul,so long ive been afraid to say anything to you,Now i have got the courage to,and i dont know what i would do without you,thoses nights we would talk hours upon hours,i was was happy,i was alive,i could see you smile and laugh,you were happy...*smiles* and i was happy for you,know this Lucious even if i could never be at your side,I'd only ever want the best for you,for you to be treated with such love and respect that it isnt possible for one heart alone to hold,But i will never stop loveing you,from the first day we spoke till this early morning,ive never forgotten a word we spoke,Never forgotten your smile or laugh,I want to share my life and world with you,I want to be at your side,more than anything, Lucious i love you,i could stand upon the highest grounds and shout it aloud,I Love You...i honestly,truly,loyaly love you my dear Lucious.....
Mood: In Love..
Music: Music of the night-Phantom of the opera