CuRsEdToDaRkNeSs's Journal

CuRsEdToDaRkNeSs's Journal


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1 entry this month

Some people's children.

18:26 Aug 05 2022
Times Read: 476

There are some people who claim to hate drama and want nothing to do with it, that can not help themselves. They absolutely live for it. They can go to someone's very simple journal entry, that has zero to do with them, and make the most derogative comments simply to start drama and also proving the point of the journal entry being made at the same time. I find this both ignorant and to be blunt outright stupid. Why can those individuals not move on with life and just hold their tongue? Did they not watch Bambi as a child? Don't get me wrong, I come across this behavior in the real world as well, not just here. My brain can honestly not wrap around the childishness of it all, which is the cause for this rant.

Some may say that I am doing the very thing I am ranting about by making this journal entry, but no I am not. I am not personally attacking anyone, calling out names, attacking anyone on their journal, etc... just simply ranting about the idiocy I come across that to be frank irks the hell out of me.

Bottom line to this rant is this... "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.", "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.", oh and grow up. My adolescent child has more common sense and better manners.



19:22 Aug 05 2022

20:33 Aug 05 2022

it's an open journal to the public and people have different opinions. I'd much rather someone be encouraged to share their opinions than be dismissed or censored which is a form of coercion in my opinion. I'm not given to making comments much in open journals because they tend to take on a different quality as many use it as a means to empower certain individuals and ingratiate themselves than speaking privately and directly to them. I actually dismissed the entry I'm pretty sure it's about until I read this one and only then was curious about it.

21:27 Aug 05 2022

I can appreciate someone giving an opinion that is relevant to the journal entry... it is when the person attacks someone in a journal entry and it has zero to do with what the entry is even about that I find to be ridiculous. It's when I have to stop and think to myself why was that even necessary? Debate and opinions on topics can absolutely be a good thing, it is how the world turns however when a person just makes irrelevant negative remarks about someone I consider that more on the lines of bullying than having an intelligent conversation about a topic.

22:11 Aug 05 2022

I understand your point. I often put myself in the light of what another is talking about though I know it has nothing to do with me just to see things from different perspectives but beyond that also know that sometimes people are in those states of mind where they think the world is against them. In which case dismissing them by editing their journal entry only seems to compound the problem then carries on in other ways. Sometimes I find myself speaking with someone in private messages then they take to blocking after making a comment to me as a last word so I then make a to whom it concerns open journal entry. If someone makes journal entries in open journal expressing things they can still be pointed though they are generalizing as you have done yet still be speaking about a certain person especially if they feel others are against them wrongfully not much different than stubbing you toe on an inanimate object and taking your anger out on it. In which case it's just mature to be patient with them.

22:28 Aug 05 2022

The only issue here is it is being assumed I am speaking of one specific journal entry and in this instant I am not. I have seen it happen a few times in the past few days with multiple people, which is where the rant stemmed from. One person would not have created such an irritated feeling. I also point out that it is not just here on VR but in real life as well. If a person feels attacked by what I have said, then perhaps they should evaluate themselves to realize they are guilty of such things. That said if a person feels the whole world is against them.... they are indeed the common denominator in the situation. If one individual has a problem with 100 different people that may or may not have a single thing in common the one person is indeed the problem, not the 100 other individuals.

22:53 Aug 05 2022

06:06 Aug 06 2022

Yeah it's a rant on Vampire "Rave" in your own journal which may have more or less of certain traffic of common denominators that are given to express themselves here more than others. I'm sure from your admin position you see plenty of issues relative to this site and outside of it in your life that relate to what exactly inspired the entry. However, the timing of it seems to coincide with a specific one to me rather than all the others. Indeed there are averages like when rolling to six sided dice that seven comes up the most and would be likened to a majority in a social setting of many people with the same views but doesn't mean the rolls that are rare should be dismissed. Actually it's been my experience that just because people form groups doesn't make them right though it does give them more power-something I plan to express in the future when I have more freedom to do so.

16:18 Aug 06 2022

You have missed the point of what I said. 1. Of course the timing is closer to one entry than the others, that is the thing about something that repeatedly happens and builds up to a rant. The same type of action happens multiple times until it finally happens that last time that then births the rant. The straw that broke the camels back. That does not mean that the rant at that point is only about the last time that event occurred exclusively, it just means that it is included of course. It would be unfair of you, without living my life to know what also happens in the real world or how frequently it happens to make the assumption you have about it being more about one situation than any others. 2. If a single person comes in contact with many different types of people... some may know one another, some may have no clue the existence of others, some may not like some of the people that the person knows, some may be best friends...... they do not have to have the same views or they can... it doesn't really matter the point is.. .if this single person comes in contact with many people in different walks of life, but that person creates enemies out of 100 (for an example) and that one person is the only common denominator, that would stand to reason that at that point the 1 person is the issue not the 100. Can an entire group of people be against one person yes, but I am saying a group of people that the 1 person is the only thing they have in common... they are not of the same views, ideals, etc.... just 100 random people that have come in contact with that single person. This applies to many things in life. If a person eats 100 tomatoes, they all come from different areas, farms, stores etc and every single tomato the person eats causes a reaction.... it is the person that is the common denominator and is clearly allergic to the tomato.... that is not the fault of the tomato but is an issue with the person.... same concept, different scenario. 3. I am also not saying anyone or their views should be dismissed... I am saying it is ridiculous to attack and bully someone in a completely unrelated setting to what they are speaking about. If the topic is "The Sky Is Blue" and someone comments saying, I think the sky is more a purple hue that is a relevant to the topic comment and view point.... however if in the same topic a person comments and says you are a complete jerk and I hate your guts and then proceeds to tell the world their negative view of that person... it is not relevant to the topic, is unnecessary, disrupts the intellectual people wanting to converse about the topic, and is just someone being a bully with a personal issue with someone... It is just simply a childish act, especially if the person that is starting the dramatic issue is someone who constantly complains of being bullied themselves. Why stir the pot when the only thing in it is cold water?

We do not have to have the same view point on any of these topics, that is what makes us individuals.

20:22 Aug 06 2022

21:12 Aug 06 2022

I didn't mean to express this entry was just about a particular member's entry exclusively but as you say it is included and perhaps the last trigger that inspired it's expression. That said it doesn't negate other things I mentioned. One can generalize and speak about many people and still that one that is included that may have inspired the writing be subject to it. I didn't feel the desire for that very reason to comment in their journal which would be akin to dipping in another's business in a public view between two members I had nothing to do with but rather in your journal to give another opinion to a general topic in which this entry happened to include.

My intent was to share why things may happen from my own experience in dealing with people over the internet and this site in particular. Why do people behave the way they do? I have found others are more different than they are the same as their individual experiences shape them uniquely. So sharing a common ground is a very rare thing and is usually a deception to some degree if it is found. It's more a matter of compatibility of different people fitting together. Everyone has their own issues it's more a matter to me of can those issues be tolerated in order to work with them. I personally have Hypersensitivity that allows me to feel things on a deeper level that in some ways can be debilitating but also gives me a mindset others don't share that were not shaped the same way with it or the experiences I went through in life. Actually there seems to be a lot of us on this site.

Yes I agree members express themselves by attacking their character in different ways. Most do it in a tactful subtle way while others more blunt and obvious. Often it's just a matter of miscommunication then it escalates due to people needing to save face for their pride rather than just being patient.

Don't really know how you stand when it comes to occult forces. But there is a reality to it from my experience and there is a constant warfare going on on this site. Lots of different kinds of energy flying around this site for "real vampires" as it advertises. Some things you may not be privy to as certain members in question inclusive of your entry are practitioners to varying degrees I've had to contend with in this way to which someone not aware of it only sees things from inexplicable ways from their vantage.

05:12 Aug 07 2022

I can definitely agree with you on the miscommunication part 100%. Even now my journal entry is being taken as including others that I quite honestly know nothing about aside from they are a name on the website. It amazes me how many people assume things only to make an ass of themselves in the long run. They get all worked up and upset when they literally had zero to do with anything being said. Even you and I (OccultRanger) have had the miscommunication in the past of me reading journals but we cleared that up and moved forward... Members even now lash out in my direction just because I read their journal, and pass judgement on me as if I am doing something terrible to them when in fact I just enjoy reading journals for my own entertainment on the site and nothing more. I literally read ALL journals when I am on... EVERYONE'S which I know some people already know. It's ok though, people tend to forget that admins are individual people and judge them as a whole group instead of individually without ever attempting to get know them.... that is not directed at any one person, just a generalized statement.

08:55 Aug 07 2022

I remember that...miscommunication. It was more a matter of the change of not seeing you in my last ten then seeing you often that raised alarms to me. As you weren't one I generally associated with. I think that was right around the time you had been promoted to Master Vampire. It's just a matter of having a dialog to work things out.

I think some members are simply insecure about themselves and feel alienated from others so blow things out of proportion.

17:50 Aug 07 2022

I agree with that. If people would assume less and simply have civil conversations it could eliminate so many unnecessary issues. I mean that in real life situations as well as on here. This isn't a perfect world, so I suppose that would be asking to much. It is what it is.

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