Umm... Today I'm gonna clean my kitchen. FYI.
Haha. And later I'm gonna dye my hair "rose red" again! ^^ Yeey!
Yesterday was quite fun :)
Just hanging out with Mia and my sweety!
So nice!
And tomorrow I'm gonna drink my head off!
Feels like I need it. (or something)
We'll see....
But I don't really know where I'm going yet.
And if I even get a chance to met him tomorrow.
(buhu) But I hope so, othervise I'll get all fucked up...
Well... That's all for now.
Bye bye!
At the most thing in my life. Every day is the same...
Why won't something unusual happen?!
Ahh! Maybe at new-years-eve.....
Hope so...
Yeah. In kinda torn today....
Umm... Can't really explain why, but one second i feel great and the other it just feels like crap! AHH!
But... umm... no....
I'm so fuckin happy that his in my life! :)
Umm. Yeah yeah. It's 07 a clock now here in sweden, and I haven't got a real chance to sleep yet... OHH!
But hey, I don't care. Cos I'm with the best people that ever can excist. So I don't complain... :)
Umm... They're playing PS2. And I'm just sitting here all by myself. Forgotten... Buhu! No... It's okey. :)
In a few hours I'll be shopping! YEEEEY!
Umm... There isn't much more to say.
Good Night/morning (or something)
I haven't done much yet.... I'm just hanging out at Koffes place... Lika all other days!
But this day feel special. Somehow...
But I really don't know why.
Not so manny words has been sayed today.
I wonder... Oh... I wonder... But. I guess I'll just hace to wait for the answer. Or something...
"Words are meaningless, AND FORGETABLE!"
Bye bye then!
I can't really find the words for tonight.....
But it's been a great evening, or something... ^^
Yeah. I don't know where to start...
But I feel like writing this. Because I just have to express my fellings.... Umm...
And I feel like I'm far away up in the sky while I'm with him. And it just feels so fucking great! I miss him every second when I'm not with him.
I didn't even think I could get a guy like him. He was like.... umm... out of my leauge. Or something... Too perfect for a little girl like me.
But I guess I was wrong. And I'm happy!
I never want to lose him, EVER!!
He's so wonderful! OHH! I can't stop thinking of him. I think I'm going crazy! AHH!
When I there was only me and him for the frist time I thought I was dreaming. But I didn't...
Or?! Am I still just in a wonderful dream?
Tell me, coz I really don't know.
But it feels like heaven......
Ahh, hate it... Well... But what to do?! Nothing really...
YEsterday was kinda funny! Yeeey!
Thanx Andreas... Tihi!
Gonna miss him...
I hope I'll meet him soon again!
At last!
Tonight in gonna go to a "Marylin Manson" party!
Wiie! ^^
Later I'm gonna go to Koffes place and check out what the geeks are doing... Tihi!
Over and out!
Or someting ^^
Ohh, lkhngåibserpkjbkjgsb...
is today, and it lasts in 24h, so what is the best way to spend the day. Well. Good question Emilia...
I don't know.
Today I'm gonna sit in my appartment and talk to Elsa. We need help. Or so it feels...
Crazy stuff... Uhm. Yeah. Good idea!
Visit It kinda "yuck" but at the same time so beautiful.
It makes me wanna..... Ohh yeah....
Bye bye then!
Miss him so much...
Wonder if the thinks of me...
No, he's not... I'm so stupid.
AHH! I AM going nuts!
Well... I'm gonna be a good gril now, and do my homework! ^^
Don't know what to do! I think I'm gonig nuts!
Want him so badly! Ohh!
Fuck it.
David, 35 today! Yeey! ^^