For abstinence! Not for me, well I will bennefit...
Did you know:
"everytime Cancer rubs off.. the server goes down"
No, Moonie I had NO idea.... O.O
I am glad.
Not because of the no, but the honesty of it. That is all it takes for something to be real. Honesty.
Sometimes it is the journey of hurt that we have to travel- because we choose to learn the hard lessons.
Most don't get it.
Because it is so very hard.
And today is a new day, with our life starting all over again. You know I started to think about groundhog day the movie... with the same day starting over and over again.
It is the metaphor of our own lives. We start each day new. So why do we let yesterday be more than a lesson? How come we let it weight us down?
Yes that was very much for me too... must remember what is past is what our foundation is.
That doesn't mean we can't hire uber sexy contractors to repair it :P