2 entries this month
Road Trip
22:19 May 23 2005
Times Read: 573
At this moment it is 10:08P.M. on a Sunday night and we are somewhere in Mississippi. I write this down on my palm and will post this when I get a chance.
My roommate and I, a dark road, traveling for a couple of days, and a Madonna album. I could really use a reality pill , starting to twitch and all you know.
Kilen really starts to babble when fatigued, bored, and sick of driving. Kinda of funny. Wish I had a camera or something I would share with all.
Yahoo almost to Yazoo, Ms. that means at least six more hours till home then we get to pack to move. Yes more road traveling and more useless babble to help with my stress and boredom. The only good part of tonight is that its very pretty on the back roads with the, I think, full moon illuminating everything. Very lovely.
Lightning bug gutts take about fifteen or so seconds to lose the glow to them.
We have decided that armadilloes must stay drunk so their reflexes will be slowed , then when a car goes over them their jump will come after the car is past. Then they just look funny in your rear veiw mirror.
Why is it when I tell Kilen to voice her opinion it generally is that I'm a shithead.
Bridges may ice in cold weather even if you can read both signs from the first one or if you can pee from one end to the other. It doesn't matter if their is forty-two bridges in less than a mile they all will freeze in cold weather, a sign on each just so you don't forget that the bridges will all have a chance to freeze in cold weather, now don't forget that. Only in the deep south would someone need to be reminded that bridges may ice in cold weather. It only gets that cold once every five years.
Those white planes they paint on the roads seem to be a phobia for Kilen. Every time we see one she jumps and taps the brakes.
Finally we are in Yazoo and it is only midnight. Let us see Mobile, Al. to Little Rock, Ar. to Cave City, Ar. toYazoo, Ms. and finally back to Mobile, Al. in two days is not bad i've done worse.
Is it wrong when a bitchy goth freaky female pretends to be in a Nascar race with the only other car on the road at 12:36A.M. and I threaten to slap her with a live fish does that make me a bad person.
Hurray I'm home for a couple days until we move.Rest while we can.
Bass Bozo's
21:58 May 23 2005
Times Read: 579
I have figured out a way to stop this plague of bass bozo's. Everyone has been subjected to these bozo's who think everyone wants to hear their damn bass filled music. They will play it loud enough that it will vibrate their own car apart. Well it is simple really just make some bass guided missiles. Or if someone can make an EMP device that was able to be narrowed to a single vehicle. That would be very nice. Can you tell I dislike bass bozo's alittle. I don't mind somebody enjoying their music but when their rights override my rights I want to just destroy the offending car and radio. Very small pieces would be best, yep small pieces.
Sire (100)
Dream Vacation
New Zealand to visit family |
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What Are You Listening To?
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Noble Sire (164)
Philosophers Corner
If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner. - H. L. Mencken |
01:40 - December 02 2024
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