What are words? And why do they hurt? It's like they shouldn't hurt but they do and then you feel dumb that they do because they are lame and then yo are lame for thinking they hurt does that make sense? No I on't hink it does! But why does it matter? Why does it matter that I am alone? that I have noone and I will die without everf hvign sex agian and that life sucks it doesn't matter but I am telling you this, it hurts! And I am telling you that I hate it and that it sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks! And I am saing this and I am no high no I am not high I am not drunk or on drugs! But madened! From the constant feeding of the pain in the heart of this this thing of this need and this rant! And god fucking jesus I hate this! Who will reas this? Anyone? Noone? I doubt it! It's like them with their stupid thoughts and ideas and t hey think t hat they are so much fucking better and they aren't! Am i mad? As hatter? GRR! I want to do a drink cocain and snort beer and fuck a man and die withered without a soul! I want to be perfect and skinny and sane and fuck this shit! I am so tired of trying to please everyone else! I mean fucking come one! GRR! Those ppl! Those places! Everyone thinls they are better and noone sees the cuts and scars! And they never fucking will necause I don't want them too! And I fucking hate this idea that everything is supposed to be perfect w hen it so obviously isn't and it never will be! And I am going to die alone nad fat! SCOTTY DOESN'T KNOW! My mind hurts and I can't think and it all hurts and noon gets it and noone wants to or trys to and its liek fuck you! REJECTED FUCKING SELF LOATHING OBSORBED FUCKING ASSHOLE! ALL YOU DOES IS HURT YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!! *scream*