I wanna know.. I wanna know.. I wanna know..
Do you break things when you get mad?
Eat a box of chocolates cause you're feelin' bad.
Paint your toes cause you bite your nails.
Call up momma when all else fails.
Who are you when I'm not around?
When the doors are locked and the shades are down.
Do you listen to your music quietly
and when it feels just right,
are you thinkin' of me?
I wanna know..
I wanna know..
My oh my you're so good lookin'
but who are you when I'm not-a lookin'
Picked out my wedding dress.. I need to go get sized. I might have a place picked for the ceremony but I'm not sure about the reception.
I keep having this re-occurring dream that this man with a mask is trying to break down my door to kill me and Tim tries to save me but ends up dying. I manage to escape and get into a really old Lincoln town car and speed away but he catches up. I then wake up from the dream and I'm sweating and terrified. UGH. What good is a dream catcher if I keep having bad dreams
I'm so distracted today. It's Wednesday and I normally spend this day deep cleaning the apartment for the week that way on Thursday I can spend my time with Timothy but alas Call of Duty and Desperate Housewives are pulling me under into a mass of laziness :P
I love being humiliated in front of hotel guests. Just because you're a man and a manager does not give you the right to treat me that way what-so-ever. You wanna play hard ball. GAME-FUCKING-ON
I read the first line and thought this was going to be some sort of BDSM fetish list or something. . . .
Unprofessional conduct should be reported ASAP!