I had this short story on my last profile. I hope you enjoy it.
Snow slowly falls blanketing the ground in white. The moon and stars are hidden behind the dark clouds overhead. You hear the howl of the wind.
Quietly you walk past trees and bushes, keeping your eyes forward. Pain shots through your wounded leg as you take each step. A trail of blood follows you. Your breathing is ragged and quick.
Once again you hear the howl of the wind. This time however it seems a little off. The night sky grows darker and the snow starts to fall more heavily. Shortly you are caught in a blizzard.
Though blinded by the snow you continue on determined to escape. Desperation and fear eat away at the roots of your mind, slowly consuming you.
You try to glance around feeling like you are being watched. The pain in your leg becomes too much for the moment so you stop to rest a minute. The howl can be heard again, closer this time. You start to panic as you realize that you have lingered too long.
As you stand you look ahead of you and you barely make out the body of a dark gray wolf. Your eyes widen and you try to scream for help. The wolf begins its quick advance.
Deep inside you something is triggered and the fear dies immediately and is replaced with something different. The pain in your leg fades and actually feels good.
The wolf closes in quickly. As it comes closer it starts to grow and shift. Taking a more humanoid like figure.
Suddenly you erupt into a rage and you feel the adrenaline coarse through you. Your bright glowing blue eyes focus on the wolf as it lunges for you. A small grin appears on your lips and you thrust your hand forward.
The nails of your hand pierce through the wolf's chest. You fall to the ground with the dead creature. Satisfied you pull your hand free. A need surges and you drive your fangs into the corpses neck and drain the blood completely.
08:13 Feb 19 2008
I love it!!!!!