Nurse's Log:
Day: 1
Aboard the Ship: Ableworth
Gears and rain dueled to see who could be the loudest.
After years of growing up in the slums of the many districts surrounding the eastern main cities, you'd think I'd be used to all this.
I even lived within an abandoned clock with my best friend and sister. But this horrid ship seemed to a hundred times worst. I heard some drunks in the floor above me and the machines internal combustion riot around in the floor underneath me before sending me through the different pipes until some popped into my room.
I rubbed my eyes and felt each bag from all the endless nights of sleep I've been suffering since I was little.
Through the porthole I saw the Sun peak through and held my head under the sounds of the outer panels turn out to absorbed the solar power.
Time to get to work... or seem like it.
Nurse Karri Shoto