I think this is my first post of any sort on this site. I'm not sure if other people will see this, but if you do, hi? Feel free to leave a comment if you want.
Something about my brain seems to be fascinated with blood. I tend to pick at my skin a lot, and I also climb around in bushes and stuff. This leaves wounds sometimes. Usually small scratches, but sometimes I'll bleed a little. It's never anything serious.
If I get injured, something clicks in me. I feel like an 8-year-old looking at cool animals at a zoo. Woah, blood! That looks cool. It's kinda awesome. It's kinda gross and sticky though. I should get a band-aid.
A few times I've tasted blood from picking skin at my fingernails. Maybe it was curiousity or pica. It's sort of a weird, airy taste to me.Sweet in a very weird way.
I wonder if it's like that for anyone else? Is being fascinated with injuries a usual vampire thing?