for several nights I've been dreaming about children
either I was having one or bearing a child or getting my child from someone else and still was biologically mine, then I dreamed of my cousin having a child, being pregnant...
man I know this is just dreams but... darn if only I did not have to change all those diapers it would be less confusing lol
on a nother matter I think the daughter of my boss is pregant... so fare out of all the ones I "knew" were pregnant or lost the baby its a 90% acuracy... actually I was wrong only once in about 30 people I met and said: you are pregnant, your wife is or your daughter is or your gf is or your cousin etch...
so its kind a cool
Anyhow, not sure if I will always be able to tell, but its nice while it last
good night
14:44 Feb 17 2012
Any chance of YOU being preggers?