had the weirdest dream...
was with a lover, and I had an engagement ring with awsome diamonds really nice ring, very nice, and we were driving in the car under a nice sun, with a perfect weather and I put the ring on my finger and he said: sure thing
then I woke up
wow, wierd, but not unpleasant, I could even say I felt serenity inside me...
ok, now got to prepare for work
some people are really full of themselves
I send a happy birthday I got a : ok
as reply
shit next time just don't even bother replying man was a waste of cyberspace..
I work on a Echat service on a web site for 2 department 2 languages (well technically in 4 days it will be 2 websites for 2 companies and 4 departments in 2 languages lol)
We have a daily maintenance to maintain the web site at its optimum, still people come in and argued or ask questions we advise them we can't answer at the moment, questions like: what is my bill? Why did you charge me 2$ or 100$
At 1 am in the morning till 3 or 4 am in the morning.... what the hell? Who worries about a bill at 3 am??? And if I tell you I can't see your information I can't access anything only help you with general help on the web sites, you get pissed? Come on... anyway even if I tell you why you got charge 2$... was that vital at 3 am? Couldn’t it have waited till 8 am? Or another hour and I can access everything to help you?
Personally I prefer a website doing maintenance daily then a site who have my credit information and personal data not updating not doing maintenance and therefore putting that information at risk of being wrong or worst.... stollen, fraudulently used. I could get wrongly charge stuff that I should not or worst that don’t belong to me.
Anyhow… all fun all night.
being on vr cuts my tv bill
I do not need to subscrib to comedy channels, drama channels, soap channels, movies channels, some even have 'adult' content, or real life show or even plain boring non interesting channels
I just log on, go to journal and read
then I am done for the day, night whatever
Thank you VR for helping my cut my tv bill :)
j/k... no guys seriously?
this place really has more entertainment then cable or satellite providers can give you and its free :)
If you miss an episode you don't even have to record it or go to a store to buy a dvd/blueray etch you got it all at a click of a button lol
or you can always ask around, you'll get all the juicy details lol
I know I am sarcastic... hey what would vr be without a little bit of everything?
Enjoy ;)
22:48 Sep 26 2011
I had the same dream *LOL*