CherryAdvocaat's Journal

CherryAdvocaat's Journal


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6 entries this month

Hot Pot

17:30 Jan 19 2009
Times Read: 679

What a SHITE day! It started off rather nicely, with a lovely thick snowfall which was nice to watch. But then, it all went horribly wrong...

I was boiling my two little pocket-warmers in a pot on the stove, which is what you do to reset them. I may have forgotten that they were there while I was getting dressed and that. Oops.

Anyway, Paddy was the one who discovered the smoky pot of melted plastic, and without thinking, placed the hot pot onto the bench. About a minute later when he told me, I could hear snapping noises coming from the kitchen, which was the bench top bubbling and burning. Oh fuck. It was at that moment that I waved goodbye to my £500 bond deposit. We've spent much of today trying to locate and contact carpenters and joiners who might be able to fix it, because if I call the management company I rent the flat from, they'll well overcharge me for the repair.

Either way, it still means I have to fork out alot of money for something that could have been prevented by only a moment's sensible thinking. Shit happens I suppose, but this is really going to set me back alot. Argh. -_____-;




Ribbons and Tedium

19:40 Jan 16 2009
Times Read: 689

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, my parcel has arrived! Pretty things are mine! I'm having so much fun dressing up at the moment, the steel hoop petticoats are great and keep such a nice shape. I refer of course to the pretty things from this post. I'm so looking forward to the weather warming up a bit so that I can wear them to work instead of having to bundle up. Also, I was finally able to pay for the stripey Victorian dress using Paddy's paypal, which is great because the seller was getting kinda grumpy. My paypal for some reason simply would not work no matter what. Other than that, my life's fairly average at the moment. I've been doing alot of thinking about what to do with the rest of the year and beyond. Still haven't come to any decisions. I'm also thinking about what to get Paddy for his birthday which is next month, I have some ideas but he really is so hard to buy for.

On another random note, I had to redye my hair because the regrowth was looking ghastly. I dyed over the red with blonde, so now that part is pink with a fair amount of yellow at the roots, which makes it look like a fruit salad in my opinion.

Now that I think on it, nothing's really happened to me lately that's very interesting. Things are kinda dull, maybe I need to find some sort of exciting new endeavour. On that note, byeeee!



19:58 Jan 16 2009

Fashion extravaganza!

05:43 Jan 20 2009

Why don't more women dress like that? Where I'm from nobody does.


Hogmanay and Other Weirdness

02:18 Jan 09 2009
Times Read: 702

Plans for my ultimate return are being made, and it's scary. Feels like I only just got here, mind I still have heaps of time, but I can see it going by very quickly. I'm thinking I'll stay until September October-ish, then go to Italy and France, and be back in New Zealand just in time for summer.

Here's something weird. Paddy's ex-girlfriend Tess befriended me on Facebook, and I could tell it was just because she wanted to be nosey, so I accepted her out of politeness. Turns out she's not very polite, and unfriended me the very next day! What a nosey bitch! Hopefully all the smoochy pictures of he and I together gave her the information she wanted, buahaha.

Speaking of weird, the other day, new year's day infact, I saw the weirdest street show I've ever seen. It showed me that Steampunk is alive and well in Edinburgh, aswell as many other things that I cannot give names to. The street was crammed with people, including a large number of strange sundry people dressed bizarrely, and several of the closes were filled with displays, for example Anchor Close was filled with bells on strings. There were acrobats dangling from a crane which was wicked and provided much entertainment while I was working, aswell as a polka band, and a market called the Market of Optimism which had stalls 'selling' the queerest of things. For example, 'Rose-Tinted Opticians', 'Guardian Angels', 'Grow Your Own Luck', 'Optimism Renewal' and many many more. Everywhere you looked there was something purely weird to see, clearly they had gone to alot of effort to arrange this show, and the whole thing had a very ethereal feel to it. Edinburgh's so awesome, several days worth of festivities to celebrate Hogmanay. Dunedin could never achieve that kind of cool.

New Year's night for me wasn't a huge one, but it was very enjoyable. I got overly dressed up as I so love doing, which in the end attracted the attention of a number of French tourists demanding photos. I drank alot of wine and got boozey very quickly, then went into town with Paddy and Saul where we watched the fireworks from North Bridge. From there we could see the crackers both coming from the Castle and from Calton Hill.

Since then I haven't stopped working and am gradually driving myself insane. The cold weather is becoming unbearable and today I was out in the snow, which despite being akin to standing in a giant freezer, was quite pretty.

Well, Paddy's downloaded an old film from the 50s called Darby O'Gill and the Little People, which is about Leprechauns. So we're going to watch that now, lol, bye!





02:18 Jan 09 2009
Times Read: 703

Alright, I was finally able to pay FanPlusFriend (nearly a grand in NZ dollars) and am happy about that, so in a few weeks (it'll take that long to make and send everything) I'll have my pretty things! PayPal is still being a cunt and won't let me pay for the stripey dress, so hopefully I can pay some other way. Apparently the top from thegothicshop.co.uk has been sent so I'm looking forward to getting that! There's too many lovely things on the net that I want and can't afford, fuck it!

Tonight was quite enjoyable. I was at work, but there was a candle-lit parade on which I didn't know about. It was so beautiful, hundreds or even thousands of people carrying tall flaming torches up the Royal Mile, down The Mound, along Princes St, and up Calton Hill. I missed lots of other stuff that happened, but I heard that there was going to be fireworks and stuff at calton hill afterwards. The excitement finally overtook me and I left work an hour early. To be fair this is more excitement than I ever would have found in Dunedin, I won't be here this time next year, so this will be my only chance to see all these festivities. I was glad I left work in the end. I dragged Paddy back out, met up with Saul, and we went to watch the fireworks from a spectacular location, and they were so amazing! Afterwards we walked all through the carnival, both sides of it cause it's much bigger now, through town and then went to Jekyll and Hydes for posh drinks. Then we went to a greasy chip shop for expensive greasy chips, then went home. Such a lovely evening. I may have to take another evening off tomorrow, supposedly there's dancing in Grassmarket or something! yay! Well I'm going to go drink a glass of vinegar now (I'm getting into the habit of it now, it's good for the health!) possibly watch some Invader Zim then go to bed.




Christmas and Other Such Niceties

02:17 Jan 09 2009
Times Read: 704

First I'd like to announce that after weeks of being indecisive, I've finally made some internet purchases!

And this top which you can just see from the picture.

So apart from becoming much poorer, I've also got alot of other things to moan about aswell. While in the final stages of cooking xmas dinner, I managed to pull a muscle in my back. The rash that I got from the allergic reaction not only looks horrible, but today became extremely itchy, so much so that it made me cry. So being in bed last night struggling to fall asleep with a very crook back and itchy body made for very little sleep at all.

Today to combat the itching I covered my body with Soov cream, took lots of anti-hysthamines, bathed in porridge, and had Paddy rub aloe-vera oil all over me. It's been a shite time and still it itches.

Christmas itself was quite lovely. It was just Paddy, my friend Saul from Australia, and I. Paddy and I spent four hours cooking, we wanted to do it all properly.

We made a turkey, a ham, potatoes, carrots, peas, and three bottles of wine. For dessert Saul provided a fruit pudding, and I made my usual enormous bowl of pink Ambrosia.

Here are some photos from Freyja's Christmas!

My lovely Christmas dinner!

Close up of my own meal, cranberry sauce included :D

Paddy attempting a big smile with a full mouth.

Saul wearing a super-festive hat.

And finally me with my huge bowl of Ambrosia.

On Christmas Day in NZ which was Christmas Eve over here, my mum called me while my family were all together for xmas dinner. They passed the phone around so I got to speak to everyone which was so so nice, especially since I hadn't spoken to most of them since before I left. Everyone wanted to speak to Paddy so that they could hear his accent, oh dear.

All in all I think that's about all fer now. I have to go back to work tomorrow, but that entirely depends if I have my mobilty returned to me fully, ie the pain in my back relieved, and have stopped itching like fucking mental. Alright well , till next time!

FROM 27/12/08





02:15 Jan 09 2009
Times Read: 705

This year for Christmas I got a horrible rash all over my body! :D It's either a side effect or an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin, apparently it's common, but either way, fuck. :(

From 4/12/08



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