Thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone. I wish that there were more words to thank you with. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.
Daddy is coming home today. The minor heart attack didn't show any damage to the heart or the stints that are already there. There is a sign of his sugar and blood pressure being out of whack so they are sending him home with a glucose meter and insulin sticks to take as needed. So he will not permenantly be on the insulin.
So far he seems to be in a really good mood and is picking on everyone.
Wanted to update all you.
So far the tests are showing the signs of a mild heart attack and we are waiting on them to do a nuclear stress test. They have said that if the NST comes back ok then they will let him go home. I want him home but I want to make sure that he is well before I bring him home not when the hospital says its ok.
Hugs to all of you and thanks for the prayers and thoughts. It really means a lot to me. :)
definately will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers...
I hope all goes well for him.
You all will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Well daddy was admitted to the hospital last night. Doctors were saying a minor heart attack and now they are saying that they don't know what is going on. So it looks like I will spend the next few days at the hospital with him.
Wish us well and prayers are appreciated. :)
Always well wishes hun .. always. xxx
i am sorry about your Father, I will say a prayer for you and him . I wish you well.
You know I don't have anything against anyone that likes to go out and have a good time but when it comes between you and your son, then I think that you need to wisen up and get a real life. Damn, how I want to just knock the shit out of my little brother right now. My little brother looked at me the other day and told me that I was wrong for calling him a drunk when .... well he is a drunk. No one can get him to understand that by not being there for his 3 year son that he is actually hurting himself and his son. I am a recovering alcholic myself and what made me stop drinking was my oldest son. I can understand that he needs time to wind down from work but at a bar is not the place to do it when you have a family sitting at home waiting on you to come home......
Please forgive me everyone I don't mean to offend anyone with my words. It is not meant to upset anyone or to have ethem bash me. This is just a place for me to vent about the things in life and I needed the rant.
*end Rant*
16:25 Jul 30 2009
I m so happy to hear he is comeing home!