Okays so this is like the hotest it has ever been. We are having weather in the 90's and yea go figure the first summer for the baby and it has been something else. Sick most the time cranky and all that fun stuff add teething and just got shots and yea even worse. This has been like hell but in a way not too bad I mean the crying can be solved easy with cars trucks and bottles the sickness I can handle but the heat that is another story.
Okay yea I am bored so whatever I know I ant been on in a while a lot of personal reasons but yea I am back for a bit. So much has happened from adding 3 videos to funeral (not here yet) to just spending time with the baby. Sometimes I just need a day away before my head explodes but then I come back for some stress releaving typing and adding some random bullshit lol. Or just because I am bored and pissed and my games ant working with me and I need a place to chill. So many awesome peeps on here and a few I freakin question like the assholes who keep blocking you for no reason because hell you never talked to the prick. Oh well though let the asses be asses and this playa gonna play on lol. (Not the whore type player I mean it in a gamers point of view this time lol). Anyhoo so whatever to them. Anyhoo so I am like sitting here listening to my fav song when WTF I get an idea about something to add to here or facebook or youtube or twitter. But oh well fun anyhoo to let out the brain storms and let my mind do the work for me. Even though sometimes I know not the best thing to do but what the hell I do anyhoo. I rock the world of Random bullshit and crazy as hell annoyance. But I am happy and this is what makes me well me and the freedom I have to do so makes me almost invencable lol. I know I am kinda a cyber nerd and a lil bit of a geek and a science wiz. But that is what makes me special. I know I make my mistakes but I do own up to them and know what I am doing so I am to blame for each and every one of them. But I will never say my child was a mistake he was a well loved lil surprise and forever will be loved by me. Sometimes I wonder though would my child have this chance if I would have stayed put. Even if I would have never made the mistake of marrage I would still have my baby I was already 3 months before marrage so yea do the math there lol. I know I have a lot written but there is so much to say and yea I am a big mouthed typer who puts what she thinks on this and really. I don't care if people likes me or my wrightings this is the real me so deal with it. Not all the time am I sunshine and roses sometimes I am cloudy and dark with the chance of raining down like a tunderstorm on here. And sometimes like a tornado lol.
18:11 Jun 27 2012
Try a toothy numbing jell or a frozen hardish rubber/plastic chew toy.