I had a okay day, slept most of the day away. now I just wanna cry, it's valentines day and not a word from my girl, I even wrote her a poem. late last night so it would be one of few first messages she got. I am so upset I deleted all her songs and any thing that would make me think of her. I almost just want to end this relationship, it's so painful when she won't even take the time to say go fuck your self, hello. I keep telling my self I will not cry. screw this day!
I have spent the last two days at my mom's. It was nice a quiet, helped her clean house. and just keep her company. this trying to level up, is making me tired. been on for a few hours now. and my back has been hurting me today. I was so happy when my girl called today, she was worried, cause I hadn't been online. and I missed her too. ya I try to be nice to some people, and they think their shit don't stink. kinda made me mad, cause this person says she don't like people who think they are better then every one else, but she does it her self. good night, time to lay down and read my book.
well I got a cold from my daughter, and didn't get alot of sleep. so I'm feeling kinda tired. I am bored, rated every one who as rated me. just sticking around for my girl, in case she feels like talking. I love her so much, I hate when she is not feeling good. when she doesn't feel good I worry, or I get upset there is nothing I can do. my daughter has been home sick this week, so that is how I got sick. well hope my night will get better.
your sweet voice, will carry through my many dreams of you. as the darkness comes to me, tries to drink of me, my thoughts are of you.My LOVE,MY DEAR, OH how you complete me. for it is you, my love flows for only you. My beloved, if not for you , I may have lost my smile. For the sun shines with your name. We travel as one no matter where we are. As my heart beats, and catches you, I alway's knew it was ment to be. For you are my only love, from this day on. dianicxwitch.
Aww that's sweet .. Huggs you very tight
Awww that's adorable!
Aint love grand?!! :)=
She one day walked into my life and stole my heart away, let me tell you now she is mine and I am hers, may we never part. It is because of her that I grow each day, cause her LOVE feeds me. As you look at me, see into her, and know we are one. for you'd be so lucky to know her name. Oh,how I love her!