It's really weird being alone again after not being alone for so long... He was my shield and my guidance for years... I felt like I always belonged to him even when I didn't at one point in our little lives. He's decided to break our bond and move a different direction. I don't truly understand why. I don't think I did anything wrong... But yet, I feel like I should have done more. But it doesn't matter what I say or do now, he wants no part of me. I am to be erased.... He lied to me. He said he would always be there, and he isn't. I truly trusted him with every fiber of my being and that trust was venomously betrayed. I feel so broken and torn up over this whole thing. In a blink, I lost the love of my life, my home, my best friend, my life... everything feels as if it's been ripped away from me and there's nothing I can do about it. It happened so fast. I didn't even see it coming. How can someone just, smile at you and say I love you, Make love to you ... and then say goodbye. He said he was just "playing along" until the opportune moment to tell me... I was fooled. I feel so used and manipulated. I hurt so bad. I forgot what this sort of pain felt like to be honest. It's agonizing. I have no idea how to be alone, how to be single, how to do most things On my own without him there with me. I wanted us to elevate together. To continue what we had and only grow... I was truly happy. The happiest I had ever been in my entire life. I feel like it was all a lie...
23:17 Jan 12 2017
I hope you find comfort and peace in future times. Just take one day at a time and each day you will grow in strength.