I have had a rough week. Feeling lost and alone again sucks. I am looking forward to being married and setteling into a nice drama free life again, but I seem to only meet idiots and assholes.
What is it that draws the liars and cheaters to me? Do I have a big sign over my head that says "Fuck with Me. I am an Idiot"?
I wish I knew what it is that attracks me to the men that can hurt me the most. Sometimes I wonder if I truly am as stupid as they seem to think I am.
Like every 12 step addict or alcoholic learns (and some of us normies) you can only handle each day as it comes. Once it's gone you can't go back and change it and worrying about tomorrow is a waste of time. There might not be a tomorrow. So for today, I will take a deep breath, hold my head up and tell myself that I am not stupid nor an idiot. I just have crappy taste in men.