CelestialDreamer's Journal


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2 entries this month

Randomness that is my life.

19:09 Nov 29 2005
Times Read: 545

My turkey break was fantabulous.

Mike spent the night the day before thanksgiving and then went with us as we left at 3:00 in the am to drive the 6 hours to my aunts house in michigan. (This is a new thing...we never go up there unless its the family reunion.....it was so kick ass). We got there around 10:30 (there was traffic in Grand Rapids...as always). First thing i did was overload Mike's brain as I introduced him to only 25 of my michigan family members (most were not present at my Aunt Grace's house). Then...i took him on the "tour". My aunt and uncle own 100 acres of heavily wooded land. So we went walking through the woods and i took him to a bunch of random spots that had some stupid memory from my childhood attached to it. We ended up running back to the house and jumping on two of the 4 wheelers and had the biggest race ever. I mapped out the course and all the different properties that we could go on...the object: make it back to my aunts house first. We were swirving around trees and luckily i knew all the shortcuts and stuff so i totally whooped his ass. It was soooo much fun. We got back and he was all pissed that i beat him so he started chasing after me. Hehe...i ended up climbing on top of a shed and climbing a tree...yeah i know...stupid mistake...he was like "Umm....Sarah....you are gonna have to come down sooner or later" Eventually i heard my mom yelling that dinner was ready. Fantabulous thanksgiving dinner...soooo good. Then we went out back and made a HUGE bonfire and sat around telling stories (which is a common theme whenever i go to Michigan)....then it got way too cold to still be outside. So we went inside. We played dominoes and then my mom and dad went to bed in the spare room and me and mike slept in the living room. We left after breakfast and i slept the WHOLE way home....cuz mike and i didnt fall asleep until like 5am....and we were woken up at 6...and left by like 8. Yeah....Anyways....we went home and my mom gave me the job that I most love this time of year....decorating the house for xmas. (Yeah i know...its only the day after thanksgiving...but so what). I spent all day doing this...until around 3pm when I went to the Downtown Joliet's Christmas Celebration parade where I had to sing christmas carols on a Float for my school's choir. Then after that was done, i rushed home, jumped in the shower, changed and headed with Mike and Ashley over to a gig at Leo's bar. Great fun. I had a blast.

Holy crap...longest entry ever...i apologize.

There was the extent of my Turkey Break.

I bid you all a great one!




Great news!

17:47 Nov 14 2005
Times Read: 556

OMG...I'm so excited. In about 6 months, i'm moving in with Mike. I never thought i would EVER do this before marriage....but my parents know that me and him are ending up together. It'll kinda suck for schooling...seeing as I will go from living 15 mins away....to about 45-an hour. But thats ok...I'm with the man i love. Mike bought me a ring for our anniversary....its a star sapphire with 3 diamonds on either side. It was so romantic....he surprised me with a trip to chicago. We went to the Shedd Aquarium (which is my favorite place EVER to go). And i was looking mesmorized into the dolphin tank and he turned me around and got down on one knee and slipped the ring on my finger. Then he stood up and pulled me close and kissed me. Granted...i promise you that was not a proposal...cuz he knows that i would never jump into something that big...this soon...seeing as we've only been going out for 6 months. But he just likes to make me feel special....and that he did. It's a promise ring.....and he promised that sometime in the near future (within the next year....he will propose.....which i can't wait for). He's amazing...and all I could ever ask for. We sat down yesterday and talked about our future. He wants two kids....same as me...this is how he put it...he's like "Give me a daughter with your eyes and your smile....and I'll be the happiest man on earth" He's wants a son too. Even though i don't really want a boy...its ok. Omg the way he acts with his nephew, Sean (he's 2).....he's gonna make such a GREAT dad. I can't wait.

This weekend has been the best weekend of my life. I've never felt this strong for someone before. Everything I'm not....he posesses....so it's like....he makes me whole. It's amazing.

Sorry for the super mushy post...but you guys can live lol.

I bid you all a fabulous one.



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