Catalunah's Journal

Catalunah's Journal


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7 entries this month

Am I

08:16 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 662

A dark wind blows

A message it brings me

Not really wanting to hear whats said

Since now I'm wondering aimlessly

A darkness covers me

A chill down my spine

Memories long gone

The pain it reminds

Am I suppose to be this lost?

It blows harder

The fog rises making me blind

Lost in a despair

What am I trying to find?

Circling my mind all over again

Bound up with emotions new

My words all choked

My memories of you

Am I suppose to be this confused?

I don't know where I am

I have once again lost my way

A single tear falls

My ends fray

Desperate is what I cannot be

Needing another's hand

Awaiting my end

Waves stealing the land

Am I supposed to be this weak?

My thoughts whirl

My head spins

I feel so light

Knowing I'll never win

Lost for eternity

Forever bound

Whispers die

Until I'm found

What am I waiting for?




You've taken everything of me

07:58 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 667

You've taken everything of me

Your words cut deep onto my soul

I can't get them out of my mind

On my heart they're taking their toll

Escape is something I can't find

You push me and you pull

In any direction you want

You use me like a tool

All my pleading's been for naught

Why do I feel my heart breaking?

No one the pieces are taking

I can't find my place

I'm losing this race

Can't you see this smile that I'm faking?

I've finally fallen to my knees

Beaten down and I can't take anymore

Deaf to your ears come my pitiful pleas

You've pushed until you've pierced my very core

Bruised and broken you've tossed me aside

An empty shell, so tired so hollow

No strength of will though I have tried

A voice screams "escape!" but another begs to follow

Why do I feel my heart breaking?

No one the pieces are taking

I can't find my place

I'm losing this race

Can't you see this smile that I'm faking?

You've taken everything from me





07:56 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 668

Today, as with everyday

My mind formed your handsome face

Foolish sick heart could not keep love at bay

Nothing your image could replace

I could not help thinking of you

Wishing you weren't so far away

I'm familiar with this pain, its not new

But I still want to see you today

I have gone through times of doubt and distrust

Have cried myself to sleep

fearing your love was only a lust

Dreading a wound that would cut deep

I don't know how it could be

That I still find you in my dreams

That it's you my heart longs to see

It's all hopeless, or so it seems

Today, as with everyday

I thought of you and your smile

Wishing you weren't so far away

If only you could stay, just for a little while




Which is worse?

07:54 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 668

Your words cut me deep

It happened

Without your knowing

Maybe that made it worse

How can I tell you what

Pain I felt when I

Didn't want to hurt you?

Maybe that makes it worse

Such power over me

One minute it kills

The next it revives

Maybe it's always worse

But I still love you

And that makes it better

During those times you're here

An endless cycle

Of pain and joy

Which is worse?




07:52 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 669

My head aches from the screams

that reverberate in my head

I'm exhausted by all these dreams

where I'm chased then left for dead

The sheets strangle and choke me

upon waking I gasp for breath

I'm icy cold, sweating profusely

The fear's wild, nothing's left

Eyes close and there you are

ever present and waiting

From you I never get that far

I dread the day of no awakening

Beating heart tires from the strain

to tell myself that's not really you

Who kills me nightly with such pain

Every morning I must relearn the truth

My head aches from my screams

that follow me into waking hour

I'm haunted in these dreams

By a love turned dark and sour

There is no single place

where I could better fare

I love and dread your face

In empty life and full nightmare

*RIP Jason ... you died fighting & stubborn but you still haunt me.




07:51 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 670




07:44 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 672

I told myself sternly

On the day I was betrayed

Never again to impress a man

And in a dark corner my heart be laid

But now I'm put to the test

As I spend my time with you

I've come to think of you so much

I'm praying the love I feel is true

Suddenly I find myself

Willing to do things for you

Nothing crude or degrading

But honest things, I would do

I worry that my love will show

And change how I act

Or maybe you won't see it it at all

Which would be the worstest fact

I told myself sternly

On the day I was rejected

To never again burden a man

With my feelings and in return expect it

But now I've fallen for you

And I'm trying so hard to hold it back

Because I don't want you to turn away

Emptiness: something I don't lack

I want to tell you all of this

But what if you think its not true

Sometimes I wonder how it would be to kiss

But if I told you, then what would you do

I groan and sigh and hate myself

Because I feel stupid, pathetic, and sad

And now you probably think I am

Yet I still wish that you I had

I told myself sternly

On that day my heart broke

To not love a man so far away

To keep my voice steady whenever I spoke

But now I see how weak I am

And I almost hope you wouldn't love me

So that I'd never burden you with my heart

For I'd be willing to suffer quietly



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