Catalunah's Journal

Catalunah's Journal


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31 entries this month

My Tale pg5

19:09 Jan 16 2006
Times Read: 691

The teachings were simple in a sense. They gave rules and laws for our kind. ironic how we are not free anymore and start to have self-proclaimed kings of our own. Those foolish lycans. They create a mess and we are to clean it up. Blood everywhere and everywhere blood. The world's newest killers we all are. I befriend all of these new monsters and fallen one's. My heart still feels divine love for this pathetic world that I exist in. I wish I could turn back time so I did not have to follow this path. The mortals are trying to find our weakness. They do not realize that even if they kill our vessel, we return in another. To hell with this illusion they have built. My heart slowly grows cold and I know what I must do. I proclaim my rule over them. Let them cower before me, because they do not appreciate the sacrifice I made for them. Ungrateful they are. I must apologize for my anger. In the beginning I was so passionate and now I resent all that I felt so much for. This world has turned its back on me. Even those monsters, demons, and lycans have. Hard to digest all at once. War we are at and there are no alliance amongst us. As some vampyres make evil legions in order to control everything. It sickens me so. This is why we fell and they are doing it. We were the reason that what you know call mythical creatures are extinct. We, the damned, took away the world's innocence. We made his world like ourselves, damned. How are hatred took us beyond our own comprehension. Ironic it all is. Murderers we are called. We are

killers with no regrets. I wish to be mortal. To be able to die peacefully. Never will I rest, nor will my thirst ever be quenched. I should have known better than to involve myself into mortal lives. To bad I cannot turn back time. Yes, I know that I have already stated that. Still I wish. Why must I go through this? I only tried to do good and I am banished in this hell. No, wait, hell would be so much nicer. It's a shame that I would wish for hell.




My Tale pg4

19:02 Jan 16 2006
Times Read: 691

How does demons exist? Blame the spell-casters. Why? They created them. Why are you angry? Because they should have never been that involved in their magicks to not see what they were doing. Now instead of the light they brought our world its true darkness. Never

before have I seen such beings. We even now have those that look human but they hunger for our blood. What else came from this? O so many terrible things including what the people have called lycans. Such a silly name. They are like

nothing in this world. I know of no one who wants their curse, yet both lycans and vampyres can make us like them. Wait who am I kidding. I am not a mortal human. A fallen angel I am. Never should I have tried to help. Now I pay a terrible price. O why did I tell you what I am. Now you will only fear me or try to be like me. No one should want my curse. To forever hunger that which is forbidden. I am no animal, I eat not for survival. I do because the thirst drives me to it. I am like a shark, the smell of blood drives me into a frenzy. I am now a monster. Lycans our daylight protectors until they feel like we use them and never give them any credit. How much

credit do they want? We house, clothe, feed, and comfort them. What should be their payment is what I ask? I have befriended them and they have turned against me. I am hunted for my kindness. Wars all over. Man against man. Man against these new monsters. Lycans against vampyres. I care. I care too damn much. Forever will I not trust fully, if at all. Damn my fall and damn my landing. I hate this world, I never should have tried to save it. No one even bothers to thank me for helping. How much effort does it take. O well I wouldn't approach me either. So much blame do they share of mine, so much revenge and hatred do I harbour.




My Tale pg3

18:58 Jan 16 2006
Times Read: 692

All of humanity had torn this ripple in time. The feelings of want, anger, revenge, and unfulfillment arose. Fear swept the people and

honour was stretched thin. The world now knew despair. I must turn my face away from this, it pains me so. Of all that could have happened, this was unknown to even the greatest of seers. Now man wanted to rule everything. The mortal heart has shown its weakness. People who harnessed the magicks began to search for a means to change this wrong. Instead of finding an answer they made things worse. Out came an even darker being and many angels fell. They fell from the heavens because they aided these users. They now feel humanity yet are not human. Cursed for eternity. Many wanted death like their vessels. Forever they were to live with an insatiable hunger for those they tried to save. Hunters of the flesh they now were. How the nights became frightful, for these

fallen angels saw in the dark. The daylight they hated for it stung them so. Soon those fallen claim acceptance to their hunger and began nightly hunts. There were times that whole villages were wiped out. At that point, a few began to realize that they were devouring

too many that were not necessary. These began to quit hunting more than needed and began to teach a code into their kind. This became the code of honour for the new species, the vampyres they became known as. They were feared and idolized. They ruled this world now

and they never even tried to gain such power. How did they do it? Man gave it up out of fear. No they thought they were better than all because they used to be angels. So egotistical they were. What a moronic way to think. They are outcasts, not gods. Angels bah. How good of angels they must have been to be thrown down in such an unhonourable way. Weaknesses they have are unfathomable. There are very few of them. Some were capable of daywalking. O those were the lucky ones of their kind. They were a rarity and mankind had better be thankful for that.




Fantasy Dream

05:17 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

I would love to soar upon dragon's wings.

To be in time that none has see.

To be able to dances with fairies and elves.

To swim with mermaids in the ocean's gleam.

Unicorns running wild and free,

In all of their majesty.

Pegagsus flying high above my head,

In a realm full of fantasy.

To watch the dryads and imps play,

By rivers and lakes; in forests and meadows.

To hear the ogre's and giants' loud roars.

To see trolls and goblins running in shadows.

I hear the little people's music play,

And leprechauns counting their gold all day.

A dragon's roar is heard up ahead,

As you see the last sun ray.

Night has come upon the land and,

In the meadows the bonfires are lit.

Time for celebration and meal.

I think I'll nap for just a little bit.

As I lay my head down, sleep comes fast;

For me to only awake from my precious dream.

Home in bed is where I find myself,

Ready to find my own fantasy realm.




You Broke My Heart

05:16 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

You and I were together for awhile. You

told me that you loved me and would never

leave me. And then you broke my heart.

You said you wanted to marry me. And you

broke my heart. You cheated and you lied.

That's how you broke my heart. And after

all that I took you back. You said it

wouldn't happen again. And I believed you.

Then you broke my heart again when you divorced

me. And that's how you broke my heart.

By: Daniel K. Lambert




05:16 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

Visit in your dreams,

Wish it in your heart,

Open it into your soul,

And it will tear you apart,

Eat you up inside out

Turn you into a sour tart,

Makes you wish you were dead,

To see your coffin carried on a cart,

Then there's a sharp flash of lightning,

Then you slice your life with a sharpened dart.




Never Forget

05:15 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

You will never forget me, I'll always be there.

Where ever you turn in my eyes you will stare.

The times that we had are memories pat.

The love that I gave you, you can never give back.

"Only take what you will;

I'll cherish you still."

But as I live in this land with you,

with my heart by your side so true.

Everything that is done will remind you,

Of your life as it was now behind you.

No, you will never forget me.

I will live in your mind for eternity.




Death's Embrace

05:15 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

I welcome Death's cold embrace

His cold, cold hands caress my face

His breath, like frost, cloud in my eyes

But lets me see through living lies.

"Enjoy the pain," he said to me

"For though it hurts, it helps you see"

"They ways of men and the way of man"

"In light of yourself."

By: Daryn Evons





05:14 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

I went to a party mom,

I remembered what you said,

You told me not to drink mom,

So I drank soda instead.

I felt really good inside mom,

The way you said I would,

I didn't drink and drive mom,

Even though the others said I should.

I know I did the right thing mom,

I know you're always right,

Now the party is ending mom,

As everyone drives out of sight.

As I got into my car mom,

I know i'd get home in one piece,

Because the way you raised me mom,

So responsible and sweet.

As I lay here on the pavement mom,

I hear the police say,

The other guy is drunk mom,

And now I'm the one who has to pay.

I'm lying here dying mom,

I wish you'd get here soon,

How come this happened to me mom,

My life burst like a balloon.

There is blood all around me mom,

Most of it is mine,

I hear the paramedics say mom,

I'd die in a very short time.

I just wanted to tell you mom,

I swear I didn't drink,

It was the others fault mom,

The others didn't think.

He didn'y know where he was going mom,

He was probably at the same party as I.

The only difference mom,

He drank and I will die.

Why do people drink mom?

It can ruin your whole life,

I'm feeling sharp pains now mom,

Pains just like a knife.

The guy who hit me is walking mom,

I don't think that is fair,

I'm lying here dying mom,

While all he can do is stare.

Tell my brother not to cry mom,

Tell Daddy to be brave,

And when I go to Heaven mom,

Write "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.

Someone should have told him mom,

Not to drink and drive,

If they would have taken the time mom,

I would still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter mom,

I'm becoming very scared,

Please don't cry now mom,

Because when I needed you, you were always there.

I have one last question mom,

Before I say good-bye,

I didn't even drink mom,

So why am I to die?

This is the end mom,

I wish I could look you in the eye,

To say these final words mom,

I love you and good-bye.




"Too Impatient"

05:14 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

T'was in the early evening so still and fair,

As an impatient girl sat waiting there.

She looked at her watch and then nodded her head.

"Will he come? Will he ever come?" she worriedly said.

Then colder and colder the wind would blow.

As she murmurred, "He will come, I just know."

But she sat ther hoping and great grew her fears,

As if tiny raindrops mixed with her tears.

Close by was a shack which seemed deserted,

"I'll have to stay thre." she sobbingly blurted.

Knowing he had forgotten, she clutched a sharp knife.

Then suddenly a dark figure walked up to the door,

And saw his helpless loved one stretched out on the floor.

Tears sped down his cheeks and his whole body shook.

T'was a flat tire which the life of her took.

As she lay in his arms, her last words were understood.

"I knew you would come, I just knew that you would."




How A True Friend Feels

05:13 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

Supper of the mind, body and soul.

The flower of a root that will never grow old.

Love is something special;

Oh what a treasure to define.

You can't touch it, smell it

Prices money can't buy.

Dedication, trust;

The heart shall reveal.

But words can't express;

How a true friend feels.

By: Crystal Shannon




Heart & Soul

05:12 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

How can you see his heart through his manly soul and pride.

Ever in his life has he truly loved and cried.

If you ever receive his love,

It will seem like a gift from Heaven above.

Does he stand so straight and true,

Or can you feel his presence near to you?

Does he make you lose yourself and cry,

Or does he hurt your soul so you feel that you could surely die?

Does he make you so happy you think you might fly,

Or does he make you ashamed, like an untrue lie?

I'll tell you a little about love that maybe a secret,

And through the years it gets buried deeper and deeper.

If it's as a dove or as restrained as a glove.

No matter what you do, you can never kill true love.

By: Tina Lambert




What I Feel

05:12 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

As I look at the star filled sky,

I feel a tear come to my eye.

It is not from sadness,

Nor is it from happiness.

It comes from a feeling,

Of a deepful longing.

I long for your being here,

Whispering sweetness in my ear.

To feel the warmth inside your heart.

It hurts for us to be apart.

The way I suddenly go weak,

When I can hardly speak.

Where I can barely stand.

The feeling of being grand.

To just hear you speak my name,

Surrounds me with loving fame.

I never really expected to fall this deep.

I felt my wall crumble with defeat.

I don't know why, but it's a great joy,

To feel the love I have for you boy.

So please don't let it all go up in flames,

For I will be the only blame.

I want you for the rest of my life,

With no worry of hurtful strife.




05:11 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

A teenage boy of nineteen,

Sitting on his front porch.

"A lonely fellow I am," he thinks,

Taking the last toke of a roach.

He wonders why he has no friends,

And why his family has abandoned him.

Wondering why the stars are farther,

And his glass has spilled over the rim.

Why he no longer has fun,

And has nowhere to go.

What made him,

And his life so.

He's thrown away it all,

Including his shining dreams.

He's lost it all and then some,

Over the edge it all seems.

He wants to be popular,

He wants a best friend,

He wants money in his pockets,

But he's only reached his end.

He smoked his life away,

He has yet realized how.

All he has to do is go straight,

Then slowly start to pray with his head bowed.




Child Abuse

05:11 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

I stay here in my own little world.

Where evil cannot roam.

Afraid to leave my happy place,

And find my way back home.

For there is only danger there,

And pain is skin-deep.

So I'll stay here in my own little world.

My body they can keep.




05:08 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 700

Tears are like a river,

That continuously flows,

By the westerly winds that blow,

Down your back with a shiver.

Your heart is like glass,

You sometimes see through,

That shatters easily in two,

It's edges cut right past.

Human nature is like a creature,

Through the shadows it comes,

never knowing where it comes from,

It is just one mystical feature.

The mind is exactly like a puzzle game,

Where one piece fits another,

To start takes you one piece less further,

Where nothing is left to blame.

Mistakes are like a ghost,

they can simply disappear,

Gone but once here,

You are just their host.

Love is like an unknown wonder,

That has yet been found by all,

As it seems to rise it actually falls,

To go further along with its plunder.




05:08 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 701

I seem to have a hole inside,

And I want it to be gone.

It makes me want to run and hide,

It makes me want to be alone.

I want it to leave me be,

To let me be my own woman.

I want it to set me free,

To choose my own man.

i want to be with him,

To love the one I want.

To not have to listen to them,

And their endless taunt.

To have him to worship,

The rest of my precious life.

To have a lasting relationship.

To be the very best wife.

To never let him go away,

To have him always to keep.

To have him for the rest of my days,

For only him I have fallen deep.




05:08 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 701

When you fall in love,

You can hear all new sounds.

You can feel their heart beat,

Even when they're not around.

You feel them beside you,

Even though they're far away.You lose your balance,

And words are hard to say.

You want to keep them held tight,

To never let them go.

Time seems to stand still,

Even though it doesn't go slow.




05:07 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 702

It seems that everything changes,

In all kind of ranges.

Once you finally can understand.

Something else becomes a demand.

Once found and lost again,

You look for help in a friend.

You go through too much,

For the sensitive heart to touch.

You try not to break down,

You try not to make a sound.

You have to decide what's next,

In your own hand-written text.




05:06 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 702

As I wake up in the morning,

With only you on my mind.

I get up to call you,

Hoping you're not hard to find.

I have to talk to you,

After that I start feeling slow.

I miss you everyday that I cannot see you,

And I ache when your voice is not heard.

Seems like I have known you a lifetime,

But its only been weeks which is absurd.

There are no words to describe,

The way I feel about you.

I get nervous when you are around,

And I hope that you do too.

I want to be with you,

Every waking minute that passes.

Hoping you can put up with my ways,

And also with my stupid glasses.

By all means you are not all that,

But you are by far to me.

I pray the Lord keeps you safe,

And that we are meant to be.

I miss you all the time,

And it starts with the waking of light.

My thoughts are mostly of you,

And you are in my dreams at night.

I do not feel as we qre beginning,

That we have already begun.

That we will be forever,

And no such thing as being done.




05:04 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 702

I thought that when we were through,

That I would do nothing else to do but cry.

But there hasn't been a tear that's fallen for you.

And it sees that time has started to fly.

I figured that when it was over,

That I would lie down to slowly die.

But this hasn't yet held me down,

For my soul flies seemingly high.

I think that I have wised up,

Before the end came near.

I had learned my lesson of life,

Which is to face my fear.

As you seemingly grew away,

And we were slowly growing apart.

I took one final step,

I took back what was mine: my heart.

So, I was not able to cry,

And I did not fall.

My heart was not broken,

And that is all.





05:02 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 703

I lay upon a wet ground,

Looking at far-away stars.

I sit upon a sidewalk bench,

Watching the passing cars.

There seems to be something missing,

You are nowhere around.

There seems to be something wrong,

I seem to no longer wear your crown.

My hand seems to have lost your ring,

And my head has been aparted from your hat.

I walk outside to only hear barking dogs,

I walk into the kitchen to only hear my cat.

I lay in bed to welcome only tears,

And wait hours for sleep to come.

I close my eyes for dreams to receive nightmares.

I seem to live only misery, there is no more fun.

A dark cloud seems to hang over me,

Where the sun may not shine.

I seem to have no more fears,

And able to live just fine.

Now that I see that you are gone,

and that you will never come back.

I can seem to finaly understand,

That love was all that we lacked.




05:00 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 704

Sometimes i wish that death was near,

Or that this life was crystal clear.

You can't win for losing a no-win battle.

Everybody's words caught in a baby's rattle.

Sometimes I wish that I was anybody but me.

To just be able to go out and be.

To be what I expect from life,

Not to be cut by a dull knife.

It seems that every right makes a wrong.

So, bluntly saying: "Where do I belong?"

It's all just an overdramatic movie,

That we have all been to see.

Why couldn't I live in a fairy tale?

Is there a happy ending for sell?

I sit here not knowing what to do,

Just be glad that it isn't you.

I wish that I could leave this all behind,

But its printed on a neon sign.

I want all of its bulbs to blow out,

Then I could rejoicely shout.

Everyone has problems but not as I.

All I can do is sit back and cry.

Poetry has become my only exit.

Write it all down, then text it.

I wish for another life.

But it seems to be too much strife.

It seems to much to ask.

But it shouldn't be that hard of a task.




04:52 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 720

A single tear freely falls,

From my cheek you slowly wipe it away.

Your heart, for me it calls.

My feelings you do not play.

You search deeply into mu soul.

You can see it through my eyes.

Your love charges no toll,

And you have no hidden lies.

I cannot help but to cry,

For I have fallen deep.

No words, only a faint sigh.

As in your arms I've fallen asleep.

There i don't want to awake,

For fear of having to leave.

My feelings are not fake,

And in your feelings I believe,

I bow down as to worship,

To the Gods for having you.

My life you send for a flip,

And I send you, too.

These dreams will never go,

For you are always around.

Our gentle breeze will infinitely blow,

For we've got each other bound.




Graveyard Poem

04:44 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 721

Young women remember as you pass by,

As you are now so once was I.

As I am now you soon shall be,

Prepare for death and follow me.




04:42 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 722

Everything seems to start from the bottom,

Everyday it just rises more.

Like love starts at the bottom of the heart,

For someone you like, you adore.

It makes you hooked, like an addiction,

On something both wrong and right.

It keeps you bound to the ground,

But yet sends you into flight.

It drowns you in an unknown river,

But yet keeps you afloat.

It will chill you down to the bone,

But keeps you warm like a fur coat.

It makes things seem all realistic,

But they seem to be only decoys.

Makes you seem so different,

yet the same, like an old toy.

But I'll sail this ship,

Til our final setting sun.

To enjoy only the love we share,

As if we are the only ones.




04:39 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 723

Every time I fall in love,

Something seems to go wrong.

To somehow make me wonder,

Where I really do belong.

I seem to get a hole inside,

As if something's missing.

To wonder if happiness is waiting,

Or if it's Death I'm kissing.

To wonder if there is more,

To hold my heart with joy.

Or wonder if I'll be lonely,

As somebody's forgotten toy.

To make me go confused,

And to make me wonder in whispers.

Be like a cat; hold my head up in pride,

To be controlled by whiskers.

Make me wonder if there is more,

For me to see, for me to know.

Wonder if I'll always be small,

Or one day I might grow.

It seems to haunt me,

Time and time again.

Makes me wonder where it started,

And hoping it will end.




04:33 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 725

Love comes and love goes,

But it all comes around again.

From old flames to new ones courting,

It seems fairly insane.

Should you trust one that returns,

Or the stranger you yet know.

One has already hurt you deep,

And the other has yet to begun to show.

Should You rebuild a burnt bridge,

Or cross one we yet have been.

Or should you sit back and wait,

For what is yet to be seen.

This uncommon thread seems popular,

To only the lonely hearts.

Who just sit back and wait,

Instead of tearing themselves apart.

Now I wonder if I'm a lonely heart,

Or am I out for excitement.

I have yet to figure out which,

But it'll never be an aurgument.




04:31 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 727

I have these thoughts in my mind,

That run around all the time.

They go by fast and go by slow,

To find a place to plant themselves and grow.

I don't know why they do it,

For I can't stand it one little bit.

They make me whimper inside,

To go on their frantic ride.

They don't stop to let me know,

what kind of thought they show.

But I wish that they would tell,

So I can know what has fell.

They come dark so I cannot see,

My fate that will be.

They want to keep me from being near.

To keep my mind full of fear.

To keep me on my toes with worry,

Without the slightest mumble of "I'm sorry."

Maybe one day we will become one,

Under the same rising and setting sun.




My Boyfriend's Prayer

04:29 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 729

Heavenly Father full of Grace.

Bless my boyfriend's face.

Bless his kiss which is the most.

God it almost makes me roast.

Bless his hands which are so strong.

And help him keep them where they belong.

Bless his hair that waves and curls.

And keep him away from other girls.

Bless his heart which belongs to me.

Together may we always be.

Take care of it like I have done.

For now you have two and I have none.

If I die before you do.

I'll go to Heaven and wait for you.

And if you aren't there on Judgement Day.

I'll know you went the other way.

So I'll return the Angel's wings.

Golden rays and other things.

And just to prove my love is true.

I'll go to Hell to be with you.





04:27 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 731

Just one more year,

Before high school I am through.

Before I graduate,

My dreams and goals I do,

I seem to just sit in class,

wishing that I was done,

To leave my friends behind,

To meet my rising sun.

It has seems that life,

Is very, very tough,

But as I look back at it all,

It wasn't really that rough,

To find out that what I thought sucked,

Was just the best days of my life,

There is a tougher world out there,

That will cut me with it's knife,

When I thought I was over,

That I had reached my end,

I finally begin to realize,

That I do have to first begin,

It seems like my most fun,

Was during my high school days,

I hope to always remember,

And it doesn't leave in a haze.



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