Catalunah's Journal

Catalunah's Journal


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11 entries this month

He killed my Chrisimas spirit

12:35 Dec 26 2005
Times Read: 734

Well they say ex's are usually bitter asses and mine is one. Plans concerning my son and where he was going to for Christmas had been established before Thanksgiving. 10am yesterday morning he calls to say that I couldn't go get him to go to my grandmothers. I raised hell and more, finally had enough and hung up on him. In about 40 minutes he calls back apologizing, he had forgotten and that I could pick him up. Those who know me knows what I am going through as far as health is concerned. I had a minor relapse and got stuck in my darkness. So, it was later than intended in bringing him back to finish visiting my ex's family. He chewed me out and told my son that he was not going to return. I may be a doormat now by force, but it will not last much longer and then I can walk over his sorry ass. Then to top it all off he apologizes and then asks if I am willing to date some in hopes that we could put the family we had back together. Not in this life. He showed himself well before apologizing. Then sorry doesn't cut it anymore. I am moving forwards and not going backwards. Idiots like him need a good lesson in life.




Vampyric Creed

08:21 Dec 24 2005
Times Read: 736

Vampyric creed

07:21:53 - Aug 03 2005

Times Read: 92

I am a Vampyre.

I worship my ego and I worship my life, for I am the only God that is.

I am proud that I am a predatory animal and I honor my animal instincts.

I exalt my rational mind and hold no belief that is in defiance of reason.

I recognize the difference between the worlds of truth and fantasy.

I acknowledge the fact that survival is the highest law.

I acknowledge the Powers of Darkness to be hidden natural laws through which I work my magic.

I know that my beliefs in Ritual are fantasy but the magic is real, I respect and acknowledge the results of my magic.

I realize there is no heaven as there is no hell, and I view death as the destroyer of life.

Therefore I will make the most of life here and now.

I am a Vampyre.




Prayers of my Lord

08:16 Dec 24 2005
Times Read: 738

Tell me

19:43:55 - Dec 21 2005

Times Read: 9

Mother Night tell me how can I make them see that they all are part of me? They are all part of each other. We are one and here we lie holding hands across the sky. Mother Night hold them tight, help them see the light. Help them to understand we are one in the good and bad, nothing is always fun. We are all kin. Mother I come to you cause it is you that knows. So please show them only in unity can they be free.


Help me

00:33:35 - Dec 19 2005

Times Read: 29

Mother Night I come to thee on bended knee. I beg of thee help me to see what it is you wish to see. Help me understand what I do wrong.

Give me thy will and it shall be done.

My family needs thy loving embrace now more then ever. My heart hurts. I have lost my way.

Forgive me Mother for I broke one of thy laws.

For I am not strong but weak. Give me my honor back, my strength. Be my sword and help me get my honor back.





Swan Info by Sin

08:12 Dec 24 2005
Times Read: 739

Black Swan/White Swan

14:23:24 - Aug 09 2005

Times Read: 61

I was looking through my books about the two different type of Swans, yet only found a small passage about the Black Swan.

Swan: Those who are not of the Condition, who either know of it, accept it, live with it as a friend or those who are ignorant of it, or know of it, yet do not accept it and dislike us for what we are. This is to reprecent the beauty found in both ignorance and wisdom, like the apple that Eve bit from, this shows the two worlds.

Black Swans: Those who know of the Condition and are there to help to, be friends, donors, guides, ect. Then there are those who are of the condition and favored as friends of the houses, without being actually apart of the house its self. Black is to represent the dirty of the soul being covered in sin to know of us and to accept us as we are. The black is to also represent the beauty of night, which reflects our nature, as we are out casted from society for being and knowing what we truly are.

White Swans: Those who are absent of sin, these people are of two types, ignorant of what we are, and that we exist, which, we see the beauty in that fact. They will not have to know that the world truly does have things science cannot fully explain, and then there are the types that know what we are and dislike us for it. At times this dislike becomes hate, anger and the like. Why they dislike us? Not sure, can be anything, from us being "parasites" to their minds not handling the truth and snapping. At times these people become phsycial about it, some times to the point were they will kill us, that is when they become hunters. As much as we do not want to see the beauty in that type of swan, I can only say that beauty is seen in weird ways. It shows to us, not everyone is able to handle truth, and with that, they will go to what ends it takes to make sure the truth stays hidden.




The 7 Deadly Sins gone Vampyric

08:09 Dec 24 2005
Times Read: 740

The Seven Rules of Sin - Rules for a Vampyre Community

11:22:20 - Dec 21 2005

Times Read: 19

I: Pride

He/she who falls victim to their own pride and show themselves to the world will be devoured by the world. Those who only show themselves to those who can be trusted shall be accepted within and forever acknowledged as a member of the community. Remember, a wise one will always know who knows of them, where a fool will let all know of him and do not know who is there to lay them to rest.

II: Sloth

Those who fall into stagnant behavior fall from sight of life and the ideals of the condition. Remember those who test their own skills of the condition and of their own selves are the ones who will make advancements in their own life. Where those who stay put will be nothing more then another face in the crowd forever lost to time.

III: Gluttony

Remember one must never indulge in what they are to much. For by study and exploration of the condition one can easily exclude all those things most important in life and slowly waste away. Remember, just because we are different doesn’t mean we have the right to let ourselves go. So keep track of friends, health and weight, along with school, work, and other items that could become issues if not pay attention to.

IV: Envy

No matter what we always wish to be the other person. Yet to actively go out and bring down someone else in order for you to take that position will show ones lack of compassion to their fellow conditioned. Remember we are all in the same boat so by bringing one member down just for ones desire to take their place will only hurt us all in the long run.

V: Lust

As much as the desire to achieve something can be fulfilling, it can lead to corruption of energy and that of the soul. Remember, as much as being competitive or flirtatious can be good, yet being lustful for those acts can lead to problems for the community.

VI: Greed

Some times hording information is not a bad thing, yet when it comes at the cost of something important to that of the community or to another person, then there is a problem. One must remember, in order to advance one must be able to help advance the rest before they themselves can fully move on to the next step of the condition.

VII: Wrath

Violence in our world is never really needed. Yes there are those who are Guardians of the community. Yet, even then we do not expect a physical fight to break out. Yet, when someone figures violence is best for a situation that violence is not called for, then things become out of hand. Remember being disciplined and reserve are better then being outrageous and aggressive.




The Condition by Sin (thoughts and facts)

08:04 Dec 24 2005
Times Read: 740

20051222 - Personal Thought on the Condition

09:31:20 - Dec 22 2005

Times Read: 12

After some time of going through the condition and all the myths in the world in

regards to that of vampiric nature. I have came to the firm understanding that trying to

distinguish what was, at one point, true for us as a people to what is fake, as a group. As much as dissecting the nature of the condition, breaking it down through science and then trying to discern it with the magical process, I have come to only one ideal. What if God has put this condition upon this world for some sort of balance? It's hard to try and bring in God when referring to the condition, specially since we are seen,

through out history, as blood thirsty demons of Samuel. Yet, my question is, what if God has created this condition for a reason to help recycle the flow of ambient loose energy through out the world? I believe people do not give enough credit to God for some of the things that do occur here in the world.

Frankly I believe God has some how deceived many into believing that some of the most heinous acts within the world were done to help preserve people of this world. So with that, why can God not kill off five thousand people? What if that is a slow means to saving the world and all of its inhabitants? I know I’m going far from what I was originally trying to explain, yet no matter what it will lead directly back to what I was trying to refer to. I know many young people these days see God as nothing but a menace, yet without God nothing would have been possible, specially the beliefs of many different aspects of God and the means in which we are to worship the one God.

Either way I believe we were created by God for a purpose, and with that mention, that purpose is revealed to us through messages that go unnoticed through out the world daily. I feel that its only a handful of those of the condition realize what these signs are, and only a smaller percent of these type of people actually listen.

As religious as this sounds, trying to make God the good person, I’m not trying to sell anything in religion, just the fact that, what if we have all been going in the wrong direction when trying to study the condition and trying to break it down, find the creator of it and the purpose of why those of us who have it, are afflicted by it. I believe this won’t come to us for some time, and even then, I believe those times might never come until after we have passed from this world and onto the next.

Not sure how many people will really ponder this ideal, yet it is something to look into and reflect on, specially since it brings another aspect into all of this, and a different sight of mind set to explore. I just hope people keep themselves open minded about it

all and not just jump to the conclusion that I’m some Bible thumper, in fact, if anything I’m not. I’m just a man, a scholar in this world doing what many of the condition and occultists do, try to find some means to the truth, even if that means I have to look into

the abyss and risk my own soul to do it.

- Gabriel Sin

the Path of Sin (My Teachings of the Condition and theroies)

12:36:27 - Aug 25 2005

Times Read: 39

Our Beginnings

I cant say where we came from, all I can say is that we are another type of people who still wonder about the beginning. Maybe we came from Adam and Eve, maybe we were apart of the Elorath, or maybe we were apes at one point and time. All I can be for certain though, is that we are here now, as we are, and forever will be, that of the condition.

The Condition

Now this is my theory that I have came up with. Its like every other idea that is brought up, something to look at and chew on as we consider the reason for our energy not regenerating like that of any normal person.

The Breath of God/Divinity

While doing research through a text, I came across something that brought to me some sort of cosmic slap in the face, a realization of something that might hit home about us more then one would think, or at least I believe so.

The Spirits of God has many references to other words which we call this as, Prana, Kundalini, The Holy Spirit, or in Qabalistic terms, Ruach Elohim. Some of those familiar with the concept of martial arts and other associated eastern philosophies know it as Chi or Mana.

With this brought to light, these terms are all used in our lives when drawing life energy into our own bodies to make up for the void we have within us.

Sins of our Fathers

What if this lack of life energy was the lack of Gods presence or spirits within us? Or for those who do not believe in God, but some sort of Divinity, what if it’s the lack of their energy within us? Now, your asking yourself, what would cause us to have this lack of energy? It is said vampire are damned creatures right? Cast out of the light, never to be redeemed, never to fill the warmth of light. What if this light was the Divinities essence, and our damnation was us being born into sin, not like those of normal standards, but, that of worse situations. Maybe we were corrupt from the beginning, always born to take more sin into our lives and in which case, stops the flow of the divinities blessings to us.

Also, speculations, maybe we are the children of someone who has offended the divinities, maybe part of the First murderers lineage, or that of Lilith, as much as these sound so fantastic and probably ideas for those who wish to make themselves something, yet, some times, we aren’t always that of something so monumental, but that of which cannot or was not known by the world.

Now I know there are some out there that are probably saying "I have a strong connection to God/Divinity, so I'm sure if that is true about our sins or not." All I'm doing is bringing another idea to the table about what the condition is.

(More is on its way, give me time and it will be there)

- Sin

Black Swan/White Swan

14:23:24 - Aug 09 2005

Times Read: 61

I was looking through my books about the two different type of Swans, yet only found a small passage about the Black Swan.

Swan: Those who are not of the Condition, who either know of it, accept it, live with it as a friend or those who are ignorant of it, or know of it, yet do not accept it and dislike us for what we are. This is to reprecent the beauty found in both ignorance and wisdom, like the apple that Eve bit from, this shows the two worlds.

Black Swans: Those who know of the Condition and are there to help to, be friends, donors, guides, ect. Then there are those who are of the condition and favored as friends of the houses, without being actually apart of the house its self. Black is to represent the dirty of the soul being covered in sin to know of us and to accept us as we are. The black is to also represent the beauty of night, which reflects our nature, as we are out casted from society for being and knowing what we truly are.

White Swans: Those who are absent of sin, these people are of two types, ignorant of what we are, and that we exist, which, we see the beauty in that fact. They will not have to know that the world truly does have things science cannot fully explain, and then there are the types that know what we are and dislike us for it. At times this dislike becomes hate, anger and the like. Why they dislike us? Not sure, can be anything, from us being "parasites" to their minds not handling the truth and snapping. At times these people become phsycial about it, some times to the point were they will kill us, that is when they become hunters. As much as we do not want to see the beauty in that type of swan, I can only say that beauty is seen in weird ways. It shows to us, not everyone is able to handle truth, and with that, they will go to what ends it takes to make sure the truth stays hidden.

The Three Roads of the Condition (True Vampyrism)

15:57:32 - Jul 26 2005

Times Read: 38

These Roads are taken straight from the Strigoi Vii Teachings, I will add stuff later on things from the Liber Cain, a different set of ideas on the Condition.

Mradu (Pages 127 - 128 of Liber Jahira)

The Warrior in the old tongue are known as the Mradu. These are the protectors, guardians and warriors of the Condition. They are individuals gifted with physical prowess and the knowledge of protective, grounding energy and military arts. It is the Mradu's Purpose to safeguard the Ramkht and Kitra, seeing that none come to any harm whether from threats within the community or outside. It is common for a Ramkht to have at least one Mradu who is especially trusted and is a companion and guard. The Mradu help enforce the rules within the community and see to it that the authority of the Magisters is respected. They are the physical, aggresive male energy within a group, virile and powerful, and at the same time stable and trustworthy as their element, the Earth. Mradu are most often Male, but it is common to find females in the Mradu Road.

Mradu talents include: grounding energy, Martial Arts, diplomacy (within and outside the community), cleansing, banishing, military tactics, perspective in politics, security, practical matters, building and contrsution and mechanics. In ritual it is their Job to generate the energy and maintain the protective circle.

Kitra (See Pages 126 - 127 of Liber Jahira)

The Kitra serve a multitude of functions with a community. They are lovers and donors, councelors and confidants. They are caretakers and healers. In rituals, such as the Sanguine Mass, they often serve as alters, acting as the fulcrum of power between Mradu and Ramkht. Most Kitra are lovers of submissive play, reveling in the attention and power it gives them. Kitra are also often skilled donors and keep their energy in top form to nourish members of their group. Often they are the keepers of an Order's Golden Circle of Donors. They are very sensual people, trained in the arts of lovemaking and enterainment, thus highly sexually charged. This Road is modeled from the example of temple concubines, young men and women pledged to their temples who offered service through their flesh. Other functions include pratical administative tasks and emotional support for the community members. Their element is Water: emotional, life giving, conductive, nurturing and supportive. They are often female, embodying the best qualities of that sex, but male kitra are not uncommon.

Kitra talents include: functioning as an energy generator, ceneter and collector in Sanguine Mass, being a good advisor and reality check for the community, being a good submissive (not a slave) in the BDSM circuit, learning how to function as a skilled donor without harming themselves, performance art and dance, skills in tantric sex and psychology. In ritual, it is their job to function as the energy vortex and vessel, and, ultimately, the kitra is the one who sends this energy forth to do its work.

Ramkht (See Page: 128 of Liber Jahira)

(Note: This passage isn't complete because the people who made the book do not understand basic graphic and design)

The Ramkht are priests of the community and are scribes, record keepers and guide the community to a productive goal. They rely on the kitra to care for them and the Mradu to safe guard them. Their Element is Air: quick, flightly, cerebral and unperdictable. Ramkht seem to be the most evenly split road between male and female, perhaps because the physical plays such a little role in their activities.

Ramkht talents include: writing, orgininizing events, leadership, and monetary affairs. In ritual, the Ramkht are the ones who take the energy from the Mradu, refine it and place it in the Kitra. They give it its purpose and direction.

I will add more later, right now this is the basics of what these roads are.

The Predator

08:11:18 - Dec 09 2005

Times Read: 40

Through out stories, movies, games and the like all vampires have been seen as these predators of great hunger and thirst. Which, they try to suppress or not, but they do their best to try and control this bit of animalism within them. Well this Animalism seems to be present in all of us, from human to Vampire a like, yet unlike humans, we Vampires or Conditioned, have a very and unwanted connection to this side of us. Why? Well there can be many speculations about this, one idea I have read was that it

was due to this little part of our brain known as the "Dragon" which controls all basic functions of the body and even controls our desire to feed and forces us to do things, not normally us, for the sake of hunger.

Now this Dragon, or Predator as I call it, is by far, that driving desire to live, to survive through any means possible. Yet, being that of a Condition where we are constantly looking at a type of starvation that is very hard to stop, it tends to be more... powerful

or willful, in it's desire to keep us alive. So with that Said, this Predator will scream in the back of our minds, claw at our brain, trying to gain control through many means. Now most the time this type of behavior of the Predator is ravenous, it doesn't care how it takes control and how it gets its meal, it just wants to feed. Yet, being as it is apart of us, it can, and will and probably already has, used very subtle means to gain control and some how guide the mind and body to it's desired target and then

slowly take the energy it needs from that target. Which, in some cases, well more like in my case, in the past, I have slept with a woman who was not my girl friend, so to get the sexual energy from her and use it to my own ends. Which, before hand, I

thought I was in the right mind, it wasn't until it was all said done

with, that is when I noticed most of everything up to that point was

just a haze.

I feel a bit... wrong about what happened, I felt if I could give the

energy back, I would, but I know I couldn't, not without having

another incident, and this is just a small part of it all.

Now, like I said before we know the Predator is there, it will do

what it can to get it's meal and if it has to turn to subtle

manipulation of the mind to do so, it will not hesitate at all.

Now let me get to the part that will matter the most. Like I said, it

will do what it can and in a ravenous fashion, to get its food. This

will, in the end, if you let it, lead to a very violent out come. I

don't think I need to say much on this, but I will give a small bit

of detail on it.

Depending on which aspect you are drawn towards, Sanguine, Psi,

Emotion or Warrior, Priest, Councilor, will depend on your means of

feeding, your primary habits of energy ingestion. If you’re Sanguine,

your desire to draw blood, to lick the wounds of opponents to cause

pain, suffering, through any means to get your crimson fix will be a

piece of the hurtful cycle of the Predators will.

Psi, giving people headaches, mental collapse temporarily, lose of

senses, lose of balance, physical weakness, will be the things these

people will feel when being attacked by the predator. Since most Psi,

well to my knowledge as a Sanguine, feed enmass, then in mass crowds

of humans will begin to gain these symptoms, most won't know what hit

them, they will go home and take something for the problem, thinking

it was just some sort of spell that just comes and goes, which the

mind will rationalize in some means.

Next is the Emotion feeds, these one will be the creatures that find

means to hurt it's target, not for blood, well not mainly anyways,

but to gain the fear, the hate, the depression, anything dwelling on

the darker part of emotions for the high that these feelings give

you, even sex can become very dark if during sex things become to

real for the person who is being assaulted.

These are just my ideas, which I started off my own mind, and then

through some reading, gained more insight into what I believe, I

would greatly enjoy if others posted their ideas of the Predator and

see what feed back we can get from all of this.




A wolf visited my dreams.

12:54 Dec 22 2005
Times Read: 746

I have always had black wolves chase me in my dreams. A re-occuring nightmare I get every couple of months and it lasts for weeks. I soon quit sleeping and they find their way to me anyhow.

However, I faced the main one yesterday in my dreams. He took me off guard to begin with but I was glad who it was. It showed me that I knew I would meet him in the flesh one day.

I did not expect to meet him here, but I did. Now he protects me from my nightmares and I don't ever want to wake up. I hope that this isn't another illusion meant to hurt me again. I will feel safe until again he chooses to chase me. I only ask that he doesn't bite me too hard if he changes back.

I really like his company and I am glad that he stayed in the spotlight. I am thankful that he was here when things had gone wrong. But above all, I am glad that you showed your human form. Thanks for everything my dear sweet wolf.

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10:03 Dec 20 2005
Times Read: 747

"I know the whole Lestat thing is cliche and all. But i find the Queen Of The Damned version quite the looker. Plus I haven't figured out yet how I always get him. But I am not gonna down it one bit. Hey I am only female."

The 'Brat Prince'


You are the 'Brat Prince' himself. You have been to Heaven and Hell, and still you endure. You have a blood lust. You woke Akasha from her slumber. You are like me.



href="http://quizilla.com/users/CuriousWitch/quizzes/The%20Ultimate%20Anne%20Rice%20Vampire%20Character%20Selection/"> The Ultimate Anne Rice Vampire Character Selection
brought to you by Quizilla

A 'Vampire' Quiz. (Based on Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles)
brought to you by Quizilla




A Public Service Announcement

18:34 Dec 15 2005
Times Read: 753


Self Infliction-Sometimes you don't know how to

deal with the pain that has been inflicted on

you so you damage yourself. You feel that this

is the only way you can control all the pain in

your life. At times you feel helpless and like

you're fighting for your life everyday. What's

the point of fhighting if you'll just be broken

down again? But you go on because you're a

fighter in your heart and you will fight for

your life no matter what it comes to.

How do you deal with pain?(w/pics guys and girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

"This was me. The only way to deal with my internal pain was to make it physical. I still fight to restrain from old habits.

I have noticed that a lot of the young people on VR are into self-mutilation. It is not okay to do for many reasons. I love you all and I do not want to read about your death because you accidently cut somewhere wrong. If you need a friend, someone to just talk to, I am here. I do not judge and I value individualism. But this isn't being an individual, its following a trend. A very bad trend. O, how I wish I could ease your suffering, but thats life. We all suffer to some extent. You are not alone, you are understood, and you are loved and cared for. All you have to do is look for it. If you have read this then you know that I do as well as some others. Be strong, not weak."




My life is a rollercoaster...want to ride my Hell?

06:06 Dec 13 2005
Times Read: 760

I seem to be slowly gaining my life back. My ex is still a thorn on my side, just doesn't speak to me anymore but uses others. My son is very anxious for all to be settled. I am so far passing my classes. I got deathly ill and my energy is now returning. All falls when I need to be able to continue. I have been to the darkest of tortures and has risen like the pheonix, glorious. I have accomplished so much and I am happy that he is not here to take it away again. I realized that I can be more. I pride my House and m'Lord. Honour, respect, and morales are what we stand for in life, nothing less. May Mother Night keep me safe, as well as my son. I do not needlessly slay, but hurt my son and I will. Dishonour my Lord or my House and I may. I am not built atheletic but I was born with the ability to fight or to kill. Neither matter as long as I do it with honour.




Fear defined

05:23 Dec 13 2005
Times Read: 761

Fear is an unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, real or not. Fear also can be described as a feeling of extreme dislike to some conditions/objects, such as: fear of darkness, fear of ghosts, etc. It is one of the basic emotions.


















Fear may underlie some phenomena of behavior modification, although these phenomena can be explained without adducing fear as a factor in them. Furthermore, application of aversive stimuli is also often ineffective in producing change in the behaviour intended to be changed. Fearing objects or contexts can be learned; in animals this is being studied as fear conditioning, which depends on the emotional circuitry of the brain.

Fear inside a person has different degrees and varies from one person to another (see also phobia). If not properly handled, fear can lead to social problems. People who experience intense fear have been known to commit irrational and/or dangerous acts.

Some philosophers have considered fear to be a useless emotion with uniformly bad consequences; other thinkers note the usefulness of fear as a warning of bad situations.

Contents [hide]

1 Degrees of fear

1.1 Distrust

1.2 Paranoia

1.3 Terror

2 Expression

2.1 Facial

3 Cause of fear

4 Further reading

5 See also

6 External links


Degrees of fear

Fear can be described by different terms in accordance with its relative degrees. Fear covers a number of terms - terror, fright, paranoia, horror, persecution complex and dread.



A mild stage of fear, more like caution than fear. A lack of trust in an object or person. For example, having mistrust in a rickety old bridge across a 10,000ft drop.



Paranoia is a term used to describe a psychosis of fear, related to perception of being persecuted. This perception often causes one to change their normal behaviour in radical ways, after time their behavior may become extremely compulsive.



See also: terrorism

Terror refers to a pronounced state of fear, where someone becomes overwhelmed with a sense of immediate danger.





In fear, ones eyes widen and the upper lip rises. The brows draw together and the lips stretch horizontally.


Cause of fear

See also: mass hysteria

The causes of fear can vary to a surprising degree; fear is to a certain extent a "cultural artefact" (Clifford Geertz). In 19th century Britain, one of the biggest fears was of dying poor, unmourned, unremembered, and possibly ending up on an anatomist's dissection table. By the early twentieth century, this had given way to a fear of being buried alive, to the extent that those who could afford it would make all sorts of arrangements to ensure this would be avoided (eg glass lids, for observation, and breathing pipes, for survival until rescued). During the Second World War, fear of death by bombing was much less than during World War I, even though many more bombs fell; air wardens would complain of civilians continuing to gossip on street corners instead of taking shelter. Similarly, when cars were new, fear of them was such that for a time the law required a man with a red flag to walk in front of it to warn the public; today, tens of thousands die in road accidents each year yet governments struggle to instill a real fear of drunk driving or speeding.

In 2005, University of Toronto researchers traced the origin of memories to the prefrontal cortex of the brain



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