My boss can't figure out why I am so tired at the end of the day. Gee. Let's see.
I arrive at work at about 6 am most days. Turn on equipment and while that's heating up I check the tickets and see what's due for today. Then I press shirts till about noon or whenever they are done. Lunch is whenever I get done with the shirts. It's usually something I have made the night before and brought to work for all of us to have. I do not get a break till lunch.
Meanwhile, my boss goes outside every few minutes for a smoke and to sit in his car and talk on his cell phone.
After lunch I go straight back to pressing, whatever needs to be done. Then onto assembly, back for shirt touch ups and more assembly. And of course waiting on customers and answering the phone during all this.
This afteroon my boss said " I have to run some errands" so he took off during the busiest time for about 2 hours. I found out later he was looking for parts for his boat! That put us behind and I was late getting home.
Of course he was fresh as a daisy when he came back from his errands, and I was frazzled. And he can't figure out why I am so stressed and tired.
06:28 May 06 2008
Yep, they go to special boss school for that lol