Relax, folks, this isn't a bitchy/whiny/pissed off rant at the people here.
I have met some very nice folks here. Some, I was a bit afraid/in awe of...but when I would leave a comment on their pro they would respond in a very friendly manner, and so we strike up a conversation.
It's nice to meet people. I'm on the shy side, and have no idea how to approach people r/l that I would like to know. But here, I find, if you contact someone with a respectful/friendly comment or note, most of the time they will respond to you the same way.
So, thanks to everyone who leaves a comment or sends me a message. And to all the doorknob/douchebags who send the "how r u bite/suck" dumbass stuff..cut it out.
The other day I saw that my profile had been rated 702 times. Today it went back to 701. I was wondering, did someone drop out? Or maybe it was just a glitch. No biggie. Just wondering.
I have been trying to lose a few pounds. Well, more than a few actually. Somehow they crept onto my ass and I can't get em off! I am moving constantly at work for at least 8 out of 10 hours...sitting down only at lunch and on the rare occasions when the bosses are gone. Otherwise it runs the gamut from running back and forth to standing in one place and pressing in the steam heat. So I think I get plenty of exercise. My legs are shattered by the time I get home. Once I got a pedometer, and logged almost 5 miles walking around.
So I'm concentrating more on the food. Trying to eat more fiber and protein, and less fat and carbs. I totally cut out McDonalds, except for fish sandwiches last Friday. I come right home, make a salad and have a small entree. Today was bad at work, it was my boss' birthday and he brought in doughnuts. I just had one small one, rather than the two I would usually eat.
Got a long ways to go, but am definitely workin' it.
Don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Eat before you go. Really.
Sometimes I think I have the best boss in the world. Other times I think he's a shit. Today was one of those shit days.
When I got to work he looked at me and said 'Going for a run?' I had on a nice ribbed knit top and matching shorts. Apparently to him they looked like gym/sweat shorts but they weren't. I had worn them all last summer with nary a peep. They were clean, pressed and neat, which was more than I could say for the faded holey t shirt, ball cap and shorts HE was wearing.
I offered to go home and change but he said no. Apparently it was one of those days that he felt like being a shit and I was the first one he found.
Anyway, after work I hit the mall and bought some new tops and "nice" shorts...khakis, blacks and navy blues, all nice crisp cotton. So he shouldn't bitch about those.
But honestly, you'd think if what I wore was so bad, he would have noticed it LAST summer and said something then! sheesh.
And so it rained today. Just what we need. More water. Geez. lol.
Every day the paper pushes back the date that the river is supposed to crest. Last Sunday it said Tuesday. Tuesday it said Thursday. Now it says "sometime next week". sheesh.
Our whole county has been declared a disaster area. But it isn't so bad here as it is in Iowa. Acres and acres of farmland gone, corn crops washed away. Now watch the food prices go up! This will be horrible. Even the vegetarians will get shafted, cos produce will go through the roof.
Wish it would dry out.
The river is supposed to crest (peak) sometime tonight or early tomorrow. I think we have escaped the worst of it..but till the end of the week, I am keeping fingers crossed.
Anyone watching the news can see how bad it is. Lots of people flooded out here..just steps from where I work, businesses have had to move, people are evacuated. The city keeps checking where I work and so far we are ok. Hopefully will stay that way. Nothing like having bosses more on edge and snapping than usual!
Today my boss took me aside and said "I'm short-tempered." I looked at him and said "No shit!" We looked at each other and laughed. Like I couldn't tell he was upset and worried about the water situation!!
But it was nice of him to let me know anyway, lol.
Today was scary-city. I actually watched the water rise outside my job to the very front door. The street outside became a lake. The river flooded over so much that there were actually fish flipping around in the water in the street! That was bizarre.
We had sandbagged all around the store, so did all the other businesses around us, and all we could do was wait and watch as the water got higher...and higher...and higher...The city workers kept coming in to check our basement and see how we were coming along, they were giving us 1/2 hour till we had to close up as they had closed the street and were going to turn off all the power before the water reached the fuse boxes. They said the engineers and workers were trying to re-route the water to another area, but didn't know if it would go.
After much nail-biting agitation (and my bosses pacing the floor like expectant fathers) we decided to start moving clothes and equipment to the other store, but before we could get that underway, the city workers came in to tell us that the water was going down!
We ran out to see, and sure enough, the lake in the street was rapidly becoming a puddle. The street was opened, and before you knew it things were getting back to normal. It was amazing..a miracle. Never thought I'd see it go down that fast.
We aren't out of the woods yet though. The river isn't supposed to crest till Wednesday and it could still do some more damage. Fingers crossed it doesn't do too much.
And by the way, people, if you are ever in the situation where you are out driving and you come across a flooded area of a NOT try to drive through...PLEASE turn round at the nearest convenient place and find an alternate route. You would not believe the assholes who insisted on driving right through the 3-plus feet of standing water in the street...even through the "street closed" signs. They made such waves (especially the big ass trucks and SUVs) that water rose right up into houses and businesses, making a HUGE mess. Bet the drivers never thought of that. Sheesh, people, really...and the police were giving out tickets too. Good for them!
It's not here yet but it's a-coming. I don't think I have ever felt so helpless, other than when my mother was dying. At least then I knew the, this, I have no idea what will happen or when. It just rained here..just what we need..and the river is at the back door of the place I work at.
Now they are saying the river will crest Tuesday, and it's supposed to rise another foot by then!! Oy vey. Damn I suppose it's too late now to take swimming lessons, lol.
With all the flooding going on, coming right to my made me think how very much I love just being home. This little apartment that I have lived in for over 20 years now, is a very soothing place for me.
I don't like doing a whole lot when I'm home. My work life is so stressful, I am in constant motion for 12-14 hours a day, that when I come home I like to just relax and be quiet. Light candles, watch an old movie, sit and do some stitching, or catch up with my friends on the internet.
A lot of times I am up very late on Saturday nights, getting laundry and cleaning done, paying bills, etc, so I can have a complete Sunday to myself. A perfect day off? Get up late, have some kind of brunch, put on my comfy clothes, curl up on the sofa with my latest cross stitch kit, a bird on my shoulder watching with interest...just relaxing the whole day. Six days a week I am frantic..on the seventh I chill.
This pretty much rules out going out, partying etc. That is fine with me. It gives me no pleasure to run around on my rare off time, so I rarely do it. My Sunday forays are usually limited to runs to the bank, the pet shop (for bird seed) or to the craft store if I need some thread or something. But I can usually buy what I need on the net, so I don't go to the craft store much anymore.
I hope the flooding doesn't happen and uproot my quiet little nest. The river is supposed to crest sometime Sunday or I will know more by then.
I finally decided what I want on my gravestone.
"Here lies a Great Broad".
That about sums me up!
I am going to be reaching a sort of milestone on my next birthday. And, every now and then as the time gets closer, I stop and think....what the hell happened?
I was never one of those "driven" people. By that I mean a kid who knew what he wanted to be from the womb, and made a direct line to it, thus achieving his life goal. I never really knew what or who I wanted to be. Whatever job I had, I did the best I could at it. But mostly I just sort of fumbled along, thinking that one day I would figure out what I was really supposed to be doing and being.
I'm still trying to figure that out.
Is it weird for someone almost middle aged, to not know what they want to be? And even if I did know, how would I go about getting it this late? I can't just stop working and go to college, providing I could get into one. How do people change courses in midlife and learn a new thing, while still working their old job to support themselves?
The first thing would be to try and figure out what I want to do. I'm still working on that. It nags at me that I haven't been able to want to "be" something...a teacher, a nurse, a painter...anything. I just have never had the desire to be anything specific. And that makes me feel ashamed and kind of bad. Obviously at this late date, Prince Charming is not I had better find something I can enjoy doing to support myself, right?
Oh, I am working now, and I like my job. But I don't LOVE it. It's what I do to get the money that pays my rent and bills. Is there a career out there that I can LOVE? That I can wake up and can't wait to get to?
Or am I just one of those people who never find their true calling? Maybe someone reading this can suggest something. many people read my previous entry. I guess lots of folks on here really do read journals. Me, I don't read them a whole lot, I only have 2 favorite journals, but occasionally I see a Mascara post saying "read my journal" and I look at that.
I never feel like I have anything much to say, so anyone reading this must be quite bored lol!
I haven't done one of these in awhile, so I'm due for a bit of a rant. I was just reading a couple journals, and one in particular set me off.
This person is young (21) and seems to live for stirring up stuff here on VR, then commenting that she can't see why the "Mods" and the "Doms" (lol that makes them sound like gangs) get pissed off at her. Added to that were other similar whiny comments such as "don't tell me to read the VR manual" or "don't tell me to correct my spelling".
Did she ever stop to think that the Doms and the Mods are doing A LOT of work here? I mean they give their time to see that this place is run right so we all can enjoy it. I'm also sure they have much better things to do than cyber-spank some twat who just seems to enjoy making trouble. And no, I'm not licking anyone's ass.
I don't know a whole lot of Sires and other upper echelon folks here. The few I do are most definitely NOT whiny ass people looking to stir trouble up. They are sensible folk who do a lot to help us out. I have messaged several with comments/questions, and have always got decent replies back.
So, all the shit-stirrers out there, you will never be anything more than what you are. Probably won't last very long either. If you are not here to be a part of the community that Cancer created, and play by the rules, then for fuck's sake GET OUT! Go to vampirefreaks or where ever and unload your half assed whiny emo persona, get some MATURITY and learn to deal with things.
Cos baby, you do reap what you sow.
22:15 Jun 28 2008
Well ... do you??!!! lol
23:35 Jun 28 2008
do I what?