CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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19 entries this month

Monday Blues

00:39 Jul 28 2009
Times Read: 969

Geez....had to listen to my boss rag me all day about how I choose to spend my weekend off. Mind you, it's not like I get one of those on a regular basis! I never know when I am getting one, so planning anything is out the window. Most of the time it's 5 pm Friday when he finally decides I will have that weekend off.

I was supposed to have one to two weekends off a month. Last year, I had 8. 8! A little more than half what I was due. So, they're not spoiling me with time off, ha ha.

Anyways, I chose to spend my Saturday running some errands. Sunday I spent lazing around the apartment, catching up on some dvd's I've been wanting to watch. So when I go to work and the boss asks what I did, I told him. He looks at me like I've got bubonic plague.

"Why don't you go out? DO something?" he asks.

Um. Like what? Go hiking? Party like it's 1999? Line dance? WHAT?

I just can't get through to him that I am not one of those people who "do stuff" all the time. HE gets to sit down during the day, so when leaving time rolls around, he's fresh as a daisy. I want to go home and DIE. 12 hours in steam heat, putting up with crabby customers, is just about all I can take.

This is stressing me out big time. It's MY life. I want to live it quietly. I think I should be able to do that.

*end of rant*



00:59 Jul 28 2009

So, next time, just tell him that he really doesn't want to know and that it's none of his business anyway.

Your boss shouldn't be asking about your personal life.

08:47 Jul 28 2009

Tell him you spent the weekend praying .... praying for more time off!



00:28 Jul 27 2009
Times Read: 984

Must be some new wave of members...all female, and young..who look at profiles but don't rate. I just had 5 in a row!

Ladies..gonna get you for my House if I can..so watch out...it's not nice to look and not rate..heh heh.



01:29 Jul 27 2009

Ohhh look out, she's on the hunt...lol

18:24 Jul 27 2009

You have evil in those veins .. lol



17:03 Jul 26 2009
Times Read: 1,001

Can't remember who first wrote this, but I think of it whenever it pours....

The rain it raineth every day,

On the just and unjust fella.

But mostly on the just, because

The unjust has the just's umbrella.



18:08 Jul 26 2009

True...I often pinch the just's brolly lol

19:59 Jul 26 2009

Was that not from a song called England Green?!! Or something like that.


New Crab Tank

03:12 Jul 26 2009
Times Read: 1,017

Bought a new bigger tank for my crabs. It's actually a heavy duty plastic, kidney shaped container, not as tall as the tank I have now but bigger inside. Brought it home, put all the goodies in, and transferred the crabs.

They didn't like it.

Here I was thinking they would want a little more space to roam around in, and they prefer to be snuggled together in a smaller space. I gave up after a few hours of watching them wander around looking lost and confused, and put them back in their old tank.

They immediately went to the "snuggle corner" and jockeyed for spots, relaxed and settled right down. I put a juicy red grape in the food dish in case they wanted a treat later.

I suppose I will eventually get some more crabs. There is a set up at the pet shop like my new tank, with some crabs that are already used to it, toddling around in there. Next week I might go back and get a couple of those crabs, who already are used to what I have.

But for now, everyone is snuggled in the old tank.



03:17 Jul 26 2009

Sometimes change is scary!

13:41 Jul 26 2009

I have to say you really know how to make a crab sound cute and cuddly!



04:19 Jul 25 2009
Times Read: 1,023

I have somehow managed to accumulate way too much stuff in this small apartment. My goal for the immediate future: pare down the crap. If anyone has done this with some measure of success, please let me know your strategy.

My weakness is books. I have a three-shelf bookcase that runs the length of one whole wall (over 10 feet long) and about 4 feet tall. It is overflowing with books, though I do have them in neat stacks. They have overflowed into my bedroom, where there are stacks on the floor and on my hope chest.

I do weed them out every so often, but geez. This is getting ridiculous. Also, my dvd collection has a life of its own. I went through a phase of trying to re-buy my vhs collection, which numbered over 500 before I lost count. I need to seriously sit down and catalogue my titles. Every so often I think "do I have that movie already?" and I think I do but I can't find the damn thing. Grr.

I am due some days off next month. I am plotting a massive cleanout then, but beforehand I am gonna try and get something done. Wish me luck.



11:01 Jul 25 2009

OMG, I can so relate. Here's the thing, you have to be totally ruthless, it's so easy to get melancholy when picking up an old book.

00:16 Jul 27 2009

So - you have a living room/library too?

(There's no such thing as having too many books, in my humble opinion).

Oh - good luck!


Laugh of the day

01:13 Jul 25 2009
Times Read: 1,027

It stormed so hard here it knocked out the power to the sign on the gas station down the street...some of the letters are dark now.

So, instead of it saying SPEEDWAY...it just says PEE.




03:34 Jul 25 2009

What many people do there, I'm sure.

Now it's just the power of suggestion drawing them in....



01:32 Jul 23 2009
Times Read: 1,028

Cerebral Shadows is open for business. Anyone who is interested in being mentored can message me and we can get the ball rolling. Looks like other people have started on this also, so it should be fun to see how it goes!





02:24 Jul 20 2009
Times Read: 1,033

Just a little update for any Gordon Ramsay fans out there...the new season of Hell's Kitchen starts Tuesday night on Fox.

Gotta get my Gordon-fix.




Tabloid Fodder

01:29 Jul 19 2009
Times Read: 1,043

Was changing the channels and came across one of those entertainment shows, and something struck me as I was watching the various stories.

Jon Gosselin, of Jon and Kate Plus Eight, was cavorting on the French Riveria with his 22 year old ladyfriend, 20 days after filing for divorce. He is not wearing his wedding ring. He says he means to "move forward".

Tony Romo, quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, dumps his girlfriend on the eve of her birthday. He says he needs to "move forward".

Michael Vick, the pro football player convicted of arranging dog fighting, and killing dogs who didn't perform up to his standards..is now out of prison. Of course the NFL is sniffing around, wanting him back. Did they forget what a heinous crime he was convicted of, or that he killed some of the dogs by slamming them into the ground, or shooting them?

His lawyer says he wants to "move forward."

What the hell is THAT shit? The new phrase of the moment? That seems to cover a lot of sins if you ask me. Commit some crime, anything from flashing to murder, and you want to "move forward." Nah, you need to stand still and take your fucking medicine like a man.

And now I need to move forward into the bathroom. *barf*



00:18 Jul 27 2009

I know - 'move forward', my ass!


Spell Check!

02:15 Jul 16 2009
Times Read: 1,050

The publisher of our daily paper is one of our regular customers. I am always teasing him because I find glaring spelling and grammar errors just about every night. "Don't you have proofreaders?"

I would think, that if you publish a paper, you would want someone who can spell properly and has a decent grasp of grammar to do your proofreading. There were these two gems recently:

"A bomb report at XYZ High School was reported Tuesday. The building was ejaculated and searched."

"There will be a good old fashioned corn holing at the annual Rock County pig roast." (they meant corn boil for fuck's sake. I can imagine the number of people who showed up for that.)

I think they need to dump the proofreader, NOW.



23:21 Jul 16 2009

That is just, mind boggling. . . . how do you miss that--even without a proofreader that should still be caught. Glaring is the correct term indeed.


Are You a Child of the 80's?

01:28 Jul 14 2009
Times Read: 1,058

You wanted to be on Star Search.

You wore a banana clip or one of those slap on wrist bands.

You wore French rolls on the bottoms of your splatter painted jeans.

You had slouch socks.

You puff painted your own shirt at least once.

You owned a doll with "Xzavier Roberts" stamped on its butt.

You knew what Willis was talkin' bout.

You can name at least half of the Brat Pack.

You remember watching..and enjoying...Saved by the Bell and Full House.

You saw at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock.

You knew "The Artist" when he was Prince.

You know that another name for keyboard is synthesizer.

You want to go where everybody knows your name.

You could breakdance, or wished you could.

You wore flourescent, or neon, clothing.

You know who Max Headroom is.

You know by heart the words to any song by Weird Al.

You remember when ATARI was a state-of-the-art gaming system.

You were a fashion victim: big hair, crimped hair, spandex pants.

"Poltergeist" really freaked you out.

You owned the whole Care Bears glasses set that Pizza Hut gave out.

You ever had a Swatch watch.

You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny.

You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or ET lunchbox.

You wore biker shorts beneath a short skirt and felt stylish.

You had Wonder Woman or Superman Underoos.

You know who the Garbage Pail Kids were.

Songs by Debbie Gibson haunted you.

Partying like it's 1999 seemed so far away.

You watched HR Puffenstuff as a child, but now that you're grown you understand it would have been a lot better had you known about drugs at the time.

You remember when going out for coffee didn't involve 44,000 selections to choose from.

You thought Schoolhouse Rock was da bomb.

You remember when "alternative" music really was.

You ever dressed like someone in a Duran Duran, Cyndi Lauper or Madonna video.

You ever shopped at a Banana Republic or Benetton, but not in the last 5 years, okay?

You remember "Let's be careful out there."

You knew who shot J. R.

You owned a Jordache anything.

You knew any of the following groups: Scritti Politti, Orchestral Manuevers in the Dark, Echo and the Bunnymen, or Cutting Crew.

You know what a "burnout" was.

You had to have your MTV!

You ever called 867-5309.

You held the top score on Pac-Man.

You knew someone called Muffy, Brett or Kirk.



00:21 Jul 27 2009

Yeap - I was an 80's kid - more like late teens/early 20's...scary!


How Ghetto are You?

21:39 Jul 12 2009
Times Read: 1,062

Friend of mine sent me this.....wow, did it bring back memories.

If you've ever used an album cover for a dustpan.

If you've ever run a race barefoot in the middle of the street.

If you had a candy lady in your neighborhood.

If you ever had to pick your own switch or belt.

If you had to walk to or from school.

If you ever used dishwashing liquid for bubble bath.

If you ever mixed Kool aid one glass at a time because you got tired of everyone drinking the pitcher of Kool aid you just made.

If you ever played any of the following games...Mother May I, Freeze Tag, Red Light Green Light, Hide and go Seek.

If your neighborhood had an ice cream or icee cup man.

If you refer to "Now and Later" candies as "Niladers"

If you've ever run from the police on foot...and got away

If you ever had reusable bacon grease in a container on your stove.

If the batteries in your remote control were held in by a piece of tape.

If you have ever worn any of these fragrances....Jean Nate, Hai Karate, Old Spice, Chloe, Charlie, English Leather, Stetson.

IF you've ever used Tussy deodorant

If you've never been to the dentist.

If you had a friend or family member whose nickname is the same word twice...Dee Dee, LeeLee, Ray Ray etc

If you ever paged yourself for any reason

If you ever wore house shoes outside of the house

If you ever drove on a donut more than 2 weeks after your flat

If you use "'n them" to describe a group of people..."mama n' them"

If you ever slept in a chair to avoid messing up your hair

If you ever left a social gathering with a plate of food

If you don't have your own place but your child has a leather coat

You constantly hit *69 and ask "did you just call here?"

You think Tupac is still alive.



22:41 Jul 12 2009


This did bring back a lot of memories...made me laugh, so thank you!

I stole it - hope that you don't mind!



21:01 Jul 12 2009
Times Read: 1,065

Everyone knows the smiley....:). We need some different emoticons..for farther down. Presenting....ASSICONS!

( _!_) regular ass

( __!__) fat ass

(!) tight ass

(_*_) sore ass

( _?_) dumb ass

( _e=mc2_) smart ass

(_o_) an ass that's been around

( _zz_) tired ass

( _$$_) money coming out of my ass

(_x_) kiss my ass

and finally....

(_X_) leave my ass alone.




A little rhyme....

20:48 Jul 12 2009
Times Read: 1,067

They fuck you up, your mum and dad

They may not mean to, but they do.

They fill you with the faults they had

And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn

By fools in old style hats and coats

Who half the time were soppy stern

and half were at each other's throats.

Man hands on misery to man,

It deepens like a coastal shelf.

Get out as early as you can,

and don't have any kids yourself.

---Philip Larkin




Teen Idols

01:07 Jul 11 2009
Times Read: 1,080

I was thinking back on Michael Jackson and all the other teen idols that were up on my walls back in the day.

Mostly musical guys. Started out with the Beatles, Paul Revere and the Raiders, (loved Mark Lindsay!) The Dave Clark 5, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, the Rolling Stones...these were mostly what I heard growing up, due to having an older brother who was a frustrated rock n roller.

When I got a little older, I found some teen idols of my own...Donny Osmond, David Cassidy, the Jacksons (color didn't matter, I loved the music!) and the Hudson Brothers.


OMG, were they hot. And cute! And they could sing. I was completely in love. They had a summer TV comedy/variety show which led to a Saturday morning schticky/kiddie show, then they sort of faded into obscurity. Over the years since then, the only mention I'd heard of them was when Bill Hudson married (and divorced) Goldie Hawn. Yes, he's Kate Hudson (and Oliver Hudson)'s daddy.

Then one night I was messing around on ebay and just for fun I typed in the Hudson Brothers. Wow! There was a brand new DVD set of their Saturday morning TV show, all 16 episodes. So what the hell, I ordered it. It came yesterday and I watched a couple episodes.

Took me right back to my teen age years. I even remembered the words to their songs! They were adorable in their tight white polyester pants and shaggy hair. Damn, that was fun re visiting my past.



01:52 Jul 11 2009

As a *little kid*, I like Shaun Cassidy, lol.

and ALWAYS, Andy Gibb :)

In the 80s- had the hots for a few of the long haired dudes in all the old hairbands :P And then there was the 'Corporate Rock' dudes like Rick Springfield and the like... I was big into them too :)

This was my fave Rick song though:

01:53 Jul 11 2009

Well craptastic! I posted youtube videos and I don't see them showing up :(



01:00 Jul 07 2009
Times Read: 1,093

That ad for "Unborn" that rolls out of the upper right hand corner....is damn scary. I just spilled my soda. Cripes. Wasn't expecting that.



01:24 Jul 07 2009

What's even scarrier is when you can't make it go away fast enough...it keeps rolling down!



00:42 Jul 05 2009
Times Read: 1,114

Reading Morrigon's journal about shitty things that happened to her brought on a flashback memory from my childhood....we had a huge steep flight of stairs right outside my bedroom door, and you had to be real careful on that first step going down. If you didn't hit it just right you'd land on your ass.

One day I did just that...missed the top step completely and went tumbling down, ass over tip, to the bottom. Made a hell of a racket and banged every bone and joint on the way down. I was just a little kid and screamed bloody murder.

My mother didn't even turn a hair. From the living room where she was watching her soap operas I heard her sneering voice: "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

Um, bleeding all over the carpet.

Crappy memory for the 4th. We now return you to your regular journal entry.



01:15 Jul 05 2009

Ugh... I hate that feeling.

Not just the falling down the stairs and bleeding on the floor, but the feeling of knowing someone is not going to help you when you actually need it.

05:27 Jul 05 2009

Oh my God - that was horrible. Isn't it strange how an event - especially a negative one - can color one's perception for that holiday forever?

00:17 Jul 08 2009

i've had that feeling. this was actually rather recent, but in trying to cut something, i managed to cut my index finger quite badly. Like, you could see a lot of muscle tissue and some yellow sort of chunky things in there. . . .

My mom came in, saw the big knife on the table, with blood all over--and ran out, yelling "i'm traumatized!!"

Oops, i didn't mean to scare you. i'll heal this up and quit squirting blood this instant.


Lame, Gross and Boring

02:31 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 1,121

My boss' 16 year old daughters' birthday is coming up, and when I found out she was a huge fan of Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, I told him I thought a really nice gift for her would be an autographed picture or poster of the star. You can find them all over ebay. Great, he said, get one under $100.

I looked around, and found something quite different, not the usual publicity pose or movie still. It was taken at some recent awards show, and Miley is posing in a glittery dress. It is a mini-poster and signed, with a COA from a reputable dealer in autographs and memorabilia. The price was right, so I pounced and bought it.

It arrived today..the seller shipped it right out, which was great. My boss wanted to see it, so I opened the package, and it was matted very nicely. I was totally impressed with it. My boss gave it a funny look and said "Um..maybe she ought to look at this before I give it to her." Huh? I thought it was supposed to be a surprise. Well anyway, daughter comes down, looks at it, and wrinkles her nose.

"Gross!" she says. "The signature is messy. It probably isn't even hers." I pointed out that the accompanying letter states that Miley signed the poster in the presence of the seller, and was authenicated as such. "It's still lame," daughter said. "I wouldn't have it. Give it back."

For about a minute I just looked at her. With her dad standing there next to her I said "Look, Miss Boring/Lame/Gross and stupid. This is an expensive item, it will only go up in value over time, and you are bitching about the messy signature! A lot of celebrities scrawl their names. It's her autograph."

"I don't care," she sniffed. "I don't want it. It's gross."

I was SO close to bitchslapping her, I don't want to say.

Anyone want an autographed Miley Cyrus poster?



15:47 Jul 04 2009

My daughter (she's 14) has decided in the last year or so that Miley Cyrus herself is 'gross'. Ugh.. kids sometimes!

00:56 Jul 05 2009

I am appalled. That's an awesome gift--and how come kids these days don't accept their gifts with smiles and praises to the item? I did that, always. Even if I didn't like it. It's called being polite.

Mind, boggling.

15:07 Jul 05 2009

Maybe he should buy her a term or two at a charm school.


For my Star Trek friends

01:16 Jul 02 2009
Times Read: 1,136

Kirk and Spock were in a jam and wanted out, so they called on Scotty to beam them up.

"Cap'n, I canna beam ye up," Scotty replied. "Some alien vapors are jammin the rays!"

Kirk looked at Spock and said "Any ideas?"

Spock: "Try another stall, and this time don't fart."



02:05 Jul 02 2009

rofl you rock!!!!

02:28 Jul 02 2009


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