Had a SUPREMELY shitty day at work. It was soooo hot...anyone out there ever work in a foundry? Well this was something like it...about 140 degrees by the steam press, sweat pouring off me... and my boss right behind me telling me I am too slow and that I need to go faster!
Need I mention who took the most water breaks, and who left early?
It wasn't me, dammit. I am getting really tired of being crapped on all the time. When my other boss gets back from vacation, it will be time for a sit-down.
..or trolley carts, for you Brits.
I live in a multi-story apartment building, and park in the underground parking garage. The landlord has thoughtfully provided us with several grocery carts, so that when we come home from shopping, with a trunk full of food, we can haul it up in one go instead of making several trips. For years this went along with no problems..then...these older ladies moved in.
They don't have cars, so what they were doing in the garage is anyone's guess. But they found the grocery carts and decided to use them as something to hold onto while they walked around the building. (I guess they left their walkers in their apartments.)
Well, people would come home from shopping and there would be no carts, cos Maude and Gertie were walking around the hallways with them.
The management had a few "words" with these oldsters, and posted a note in the garage: THE CARTS ARE FOR RESIDENTS USE, FOR GROCERIES AND SHOPPING, AND NOT TO BE USED TO WALK THE HALLS WITH.
Next day, mysteriously, the carts were returned to the garage..and several people (not me) reported dents and scrapes along the sides of their cars..which were parked next to where the carts are kept.
So NOW...because of this stupid crap, the garage is locked from the inside, and we now have special keys to get in and out.
Why does life have to be so complicated? Cos people make it that way, I suppose. Sheesh.
What is it with some drivers, especially during the morning commute? I am talking about people who live in my area, not people passing through on their way to someplace else. Those I can forgive, they don't know their way around.
I see these same cars most mornings, we are all going in the same direction. But it never fails....I get behind this one Chevy at an intersection, and he invariably gets in the wrong lane. Instead of the right turn lane he ends up in the straight ahead only lane, right in front of me. The light changes to green and the fucker sits there trying to get over into the right lane, but the traffic is so tight he can't get in there. Meanwhile, I sit and fume cos the light is changing to yellow and I CAN'T MOVE COS THE FUCKSTICK IS IN THE WRONG LANE!
And of course the cars behind me are honking at ME, cos they can't see what the guy ahead of me is trying to do.
It makes me wish I had a cattle prod that was long enough to reach right into the car ahead of me, so I could poke that guy right in the ass. He does it at least twice a week. I was thinking, I could ease right up on his back bumper and just push him into the intersection.
Wouldn't that be sweet? yeah. Heh.
I think a rocket launcher that pops up from under the hood works better.
Thanks to everyone who kindly advised me as to what "pwned" means. I slept soundly last night!
Now I wonder. Who is the first wiseass gonna be to put "pwned" in my journal comments?
Kamarilla Kaine
Those are my top guesses. I imagine someone will do it. It's just a matter of time!
hey, you forgot me ... "pwned"
Ahh, the mystery man takes it! Well done Sir.
Damn, LB beat me to it...
LMFAO !!! SHIT he's fast lolol
I've been reading a lot of journals lately, and I keep coming across this word, "pwned".
What IS that?
Is it like bitchslapped? 'Faced? P-whipped?
I need to know. I lay awake nights wondering what it is, have I ever pwned someone and not known it, or, worse yet..has someone pwned me?
Maybe someone reading this can help me. PLEASE tell me what it is..let this broad get a decent night's sleep again.
Technically it's just "owned" misspelled :)
pwned basically means in gamer terms is " I just owned your arse" only in one little nice word :)
Lawsy. Here I was thinking it was something dirty and I was missing out! LMAO!!
from what i understand, in some game there was a TYPO that was mistakenly left in.. and the gamers picked up on it and ran with it ...
i think ??
You're right KK, that's how it started. Amazing how these things escalate...
Finally heard something on the news (radio) about the wedding reception/melee Saturday. Apparently it continued on in a very nice hotel restaurant, dear Lord, the announcer said the police found blood on the walls and squads from 3 counties were called in. And when they got there, most of the people had gone..holy cow.
I am dying to find out the name of the couple in the wedding. And if I know them, lol.
Not a THING about the wedding melee on any of the news outlets here. And this is a town where a report of shots fired gets the front page treatment. You'd think a wedding/biker brawl would at least merit a mention!
Maybe someone posted a video on youtube. I can only live in hopes.
I saw the most amazing thing on the way home from work. So amazing that I drove past, turned around, came back and parked my car to see what would develop. Now, normally I'm not that nosey, but this was something I'd never seen before.
In the lovely park by our river, a wedding reception was going on. The pavilion was swathed in lovely white fabric, with bows and balloons, tables, little centerpieces, people in nice clothes, and of course the bride and groom.
Right next to this, a group of..shall we say..motorcycle enthusiasts were having some sort of gathering. Tattoos, lots of leather, beer, LOUD music..you get the idea.
Some of that was spilling over into the wedding pavilion. Evidently some of the bikers came over to take a look, called their friends, and the wedding party were taking exception to this intrusion. I heard screaming, shouting, saw bodies being shoved, the bride beating the shit out of one of the bikers..dammit where's my camera!
While I sat and watched this, one of the bridal party spied me and shouted "you got a cell phone? call the police!!" I figured someone else had already done so, and I was right, for seconds later our city's finest came screaming up sirens blaring.
All hell broke loose. The last thing I saw before leaving was an officer pulling the bride off a biker, who she was using for a punching bag. Yowza. Tables got knocked over, clothes were torn..gee I can't wait to see the highlights of this on the news tonight!
At least the bride seems prepared for married life.. lol
remind me to start going places with you hahha!!
first she is fighting with bikers...
I saw these on a truck as I was driving home from work today.
I laffed so hard I almost missed my turn off, lol.
i dont cosider myself (R) or (D)
i see the stupidity of both sides lol
I could just scream. And I probably will before this is over. I work something like 60-70 hours a week, very physical hard work. Last year I was only "allowed" 3 days off due to the work load, meanwhile my bosses each took 10 days off and guess who had to mind the store while they were gone? yes, yours truly.
And, in the past 2 years that I have been there, I have only had 3 sick days. And those 3 were for food posioning (2 days) and shingles (1 day). I don't take time off for colds, migraines and things like that. I just go to work.
Now, this year, I had been PROMISED a week off for vacation. The only week I could get was the last week of August. Anything later and we are getting into fall and the really busy season. So I pencilled in my week off, and right away one of my bosses decided HE wants that week. So, with no other weeks off available between now and the end of August, I guess I don't get any vacation.
They gave me this "oh don't worry..we'll work something out" line. Last year I ended up just taking the vacation paycheck and didn't get the time off. This year, I REALLY wanted the time off. Hey, they didn't even have to pay me..it was the time off I wanted so badly.
Well, I guess I don't get it. Poop. Oh well, suck it up, right? Be thankful you have a job. Yeah. You bet.
start looking for something else. slavery isn't fun.
Been doing that for awhile now. Besides the sucky economy here, jobs just aren't readily available for non-college grads. If you don't have a degree, you ain't getting nowhere. The thing is I like my job, I just wanted the vacation I was promised.
Sounds to me you might not have the strength to scream...just fall into bed exsausted.
poor baby *hugs*
i have quit a job before for the SAME reason
but i also had something else slated.
i hope things work out hun :)
I'm all for being thankful you have a job etc...but that is just too much.
Here in the UK we have to take leave we are not allowed to work and take the money....personally I think that's a good thing.
i wish that they would make that a law here. all the years i worked retail i could barely take any time off, yet my boss took time galore.
i hear ya sister. i have no degree....that's why i am going back to school at the very latest in january.
at least i will be pedegreed and able to get a white collar job soon versus all these podunk blue collar ones that i have been taking....
Even with a degree jobs can be scarce, but keep looking hun.
Friday we got to clean some famous undies. Riverfest was on here last week, which is the city's annual big party, and they invite famous bands to play. This year we had Seether, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Molly Hatchet, the Beach Boys, and the perennial favorite, REO Speedwagon.
About two hours before they were due to perform, one of their gofers came into the shop with about two dozen cloth bags. I thought he looked like he was wanting a head shop, but he explained these were the guys' underwear, they all needed to be cleaned, and we had to keep everything separate so they would get their own undies, etc. back.
Well..have you ever sorted 16 pair of sox, underwear, t shirts, jockstraps, and what not..and had to keep them all straight? First we had to make note of everything, sort and tag each item, put them into individual cleaning bags and then clean them, dry them, fold them nicely and label each individual order. It was very close to performance time and we were thinking this year REO would have to perform without their underwear..but phew..we made it before deadline. But....pout pout..did we get a thank you..an autographed pic..anything? Nope.
Heh heh..but I have a pair of Kevin Cronin's socks. Sshhh..don't tell him!
OMG !!
kick ASS !!
wish i coulda been there for the joan show :)
seen her many times :)
shes THE BEST !!!!
You know those car alarms that go off if you fart too close to the car..I mean they seem to be activated by the slightest thing! And they go on and on and on and on....because either the owner can't hear it, or figures "that's not my car."
Here's my idea for those annoying fucktards. When the alarm goes off, you have 5 minutes to get to the car and turn off the alarm..or else it shuts off and completely shuts down the car, requiring a tow to the nearest car service center to turn everything back on again.
Maybe that will get some of these assholes out quicker to shut off their car alarms. Who wants to hear that noise at 2 or 3 am?
...that people on here rate you again and again, even when you haven't updated or changed your profile? I haven't done a doggone thing to mine in ages, yet people come back and rate over and over. Don't they see the little message that says "YOU HAVE ALREADY RATED THIS PROFILE"?
Maybe they are just showing off their new ratings stamps, whatever. It just bugs me. Waste of time to re-rate someone who hasn't updated or anything.
End of grumble.
yes, I think they're just using your profile to promote themselves with their stamps. Like advertising, but without selling anything.
it's strange.
....the car in the next lane can't decide which lane he wants so he straddles both, and you have to move waaaaaaaaaaaaay over to avoid hitting him? What is it with people who do that..one lane ain't enough for you? Sheesh. I got behind one asshat today on the way home from work, maybe he didn't know the layout of our city, but he straddled both the right turn and the straight ahead lane and when the light changed to green he didn't move...finally two people honked at him and he waved his finger out the window and proceeded on..still straddling two lanes...a car blew past me and got up right next to this asshat and shouted "PICK A GODDAMN LANE WILLYA!!"
Dang I hate that. Old people do it cos they lose track of where they are...but young people doing it..must be cheap drugs lol.
cheap drugs
you kill meh haha
bu i DO agree with you. it drives me effin BATTY !
and i DONT need help in that area :P
Seems like a LOT of people on here have issues with a member who posts all sorts of drivel, run-on sentences, and just general shit, all over the forums and in journals.
I have had problems with this person too. He comments on EVERY journal entry I've made, even tho he doesn't know me and I don't think I have chatted with him more than once. His comments were deleted, since they were totally unnecessary and totally stupid.
So I blocked him.
This is why I rarely, if ever, leave a comment in a journal. I know so few people on here. I wouldn't want to leave a comment and have it be taken wrong or seen to be something it wasn't.
*peeks in again*
i was kinda afraid to after reading this one LOL!!
and the next person that reads this is gonna be like "WTF?!?"
my job is done here :)
We had a power outage last night, from 10.30 pm to 1.30 am. No lights, no A/C, no nothing. And this is the time I normally sleep, in fact I was sitting in bed reading when the lights went out. It was very eerie laying there trying to sleep in the heat and darkness, not knowing what happened or when the lights would come back on again. I kept thinking, I have to be up at 6, how the hell am I gonna know what time it is? No cell phone...then I remembered I had a battery operated clock on my mantle so I went and got that and set it in my window so I could see what time it was.
The whole area was dark due to a transformer blowout, the street was dark, all we could hear were dogs barking faraway, and occasionally people in the hallway with flashlights asking what was going on.
I couldn't sleep. I laid there listening to things, a little apprehensive. The people in the apartment above me passed the time by having sex, and I had to hear the squeak-squeak-squeak of their bed and all this moaning and groaning. Eww. Too damn hot for that lol.
I was very happy when the lights finally came back on. Found out later today that the blackout originated in a transformer near this downtown bar, apparently some people were messing around and something happened...sheesh.
I've been reading a lot of journals lately. Am completely awed by some of the talent on here. The way some people express themselves is fanstastic. I could never let loose the way some do, but then that's just me. Shy in person, shy here.
I would really like to get to know some of the people whose journals I've been reading, but the personalities seem a bit..how do I put this? Forceful. Emphatic. Strong. Not a bad thing at all. In fact quite a good thing. It's just that I would not want to send a greeting or respectful comment and get slapped down in return. Are most people on here open to talking to others?
Or, if they are in Houses/Covens..do they just want to keep to their own people, or the friends they already have?
Maybe people reading this can offer opinions/suggestions.
The next couple of months ought to be really interesting at work, and I say that with tongue in cheek.
George had his knee surgery yesterday. It hit him a lot harder than he thought. He had a big fishing expedition planned for this weekend, but now he is just going to relax around the house. I think he thought he was going to just bounce right back, but major knee construction is nothing to sniff at.
Anyway, that means I will be doing his job as well as mine for the time being. In a couple of weeks my other boss is going to Greece for a month-long holiday. So I will be doing HIS work while he is gone, in addition to my own.
What I want to know is....WHEN DO I GET A VACATION??? I keep asking, and they keep putting it off.
09:00 Jul 30 2008
Yay, you go girl...