CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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28 entries this month


17:24 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 1,152

I enjoy reading journals on here, catching up with what people are doing. Most that I read are very well written and amusing, some are touching, but all are interesting in their own way.

However...it burns my ass to see a certain someone posting comments in journals, not knowing anything about the person or what the journal is referring to...a SO SO SUPERIOR comment, as though everyone and everything is beneath them....making statements and comments that look utterly pathetic.

You don't know these people. You don't know the background of what they were writing about. Why offer unwanted advice, comments or criticism? My own journal was hit by a slew of these snarky, high-hatted comments, which were immediately deleted by the way. You never talk to me, you are not on my friends list, you haven't even rated my profile. Comments such as "you don't seem to have a real grasp on the fundamental basics of life" are stupid beyond belief. Maybe when you get a little older and more mature, with more life experiences, you will see how vacuous your remarks are.

And take the lemon out of your ass. Makes you acidic.



21:11 Jan 30 2010

I so agree with you on this! There is a certain someone who does this frequently to my journal and many others. I want to smack them in the face but that is physically impossible. But the feeling is there... trust me on that. People are just dumbasses.

00:12 Jan 31 2010

You have to name names so we know who to look for.

07:10 Jan 31 2010

I would fart in their general direction if I knew who to aim at. *grin* I enjoy the journals too and would not think of insulting someone in their journal.

16:17 Jan 31 2010

To be honest It wouldn't bother me. Then again, does the person who is doing this know that it is offending?

17:56 Jan 31 2010

Lmao...sorry got the last line of that stuck in my mind, nevr heard that one before.


Say what?

04:22 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 1,164

A customer brought in a lovely jacket today to be cleaned. It was boldly printed in black white and red, with Dr Martin Luther King Jr on the front and back. As I was checking it in I turned it over and saw the printing on the back under the picture:






06:05 Jan 30 2010


16:19 Jan 30 2010

Ohh. . . . Fail.

That is pathetic. Seriously.



23:09 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 1,170

Had a miserable night last night. It was about the worst I've had in awhile. I was up the whole night, tossing and turning. I went to sleep at eleven and was right up at twelve and never got another wink after that.

I had some tea much earlier in the evening, I would have thought the caffeine would have worn off by bedtime, or at least to let me get a couple hours of sleep. My body was tired but I just couldn't get any shuteye.

This caused some major ass-dragging at work today. I could barely keep my eyes open. I hate going through sleepless stages, I don't know if it's hormonal or what. Tonight I feel like someone dragged me behind a truck most of the day. Bleah.



23:51 Jan 29 2010

Sorry for ya'...maybe you'll get some much-needed shut-eye tonight.


Mystery Solved!

02:04 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 1,221

This is the story of how I solved a mind-boggling mystery that puzzled and eluded me for about twenty years.

One day long ago, I was flipping the channels and I came across the last 10 minutes or so of an old movie, a black and white one that looked like a Warner Brothers movie. I had no idea what had happened previously, but the last scenes were of a man and a woman, he was calling her back from the beyond..and she fluttered her eyes and woke up, he kissed her, and fade out...end of movie.

This intrigued me, and I wanted to find out what the rest of the movie was like. Unfortunately, it ended with no cast or credits, the TV channel just went on to the next thing. I didn't have a TV guide handy, and these were the dark ages before internet so I had no idea what I had just seen. I did recognize the actor as Paul Henried, who was in one of my favorite movies, Now Voyager, with Bette Davis.

As years went by, I would remember this little snippet of film, and try to find out what it was. No one I asked seemed to know anything about it, and I never caught the tail end of it again. I was beginning to give up hope of ever finding it.

Time passed, and I finally got a computer. One night I was sitting around and remembered that snippet of film, and I determined to find out what it was. I found the International Movie Data Base, and looked up Paul Henried, and finally, finally, my long search was over. The movie I had been hunting for was called Between Two Worlds. Ah Ha! Now, I thought, I can order it someplace, and own it.

Damn damn..it was never released on DVD!! This can't be true...no no, not to dangle it before my eyes then snatch it away!! I kept hunting, till I finally found someone on ebay who was selling a copy that was transfered to DVD. I took a chance and ordered it...at quite a price I must say, since it is considered a "rare film".

Finally it arrived, and I eagerly sat down to watch this film....it is about a group of people in WW2 who find themselves on a ship that doesnt seem to be going anywhere....after some time they realize they have all died and are waiting to see someone called The Examiner, who will tell them if they are going to heaven or hell.

It was everything I like in a movie, big cast, good story, drama, some comedy, edge-of -seat tension, and a terrific ending. I thoroughly encourage anyone to see this, it is well worth the time it took to track it down. Also in the cast, for old-movie fans: John Garfield, Sydney Greenstreet, and Eleanor Parker.

And it was a Warner Brothers movie, as I thought!



02:31 Jan 27 2010

Sounds like a good one. :)

Hmmm... now to find it.

03:21 Jan 27 2010


I wonder if it's available on Netflix...

14:57 Jan 27 2010

You can watch the film on youtube....I watched it earlier on.

My god I had seen this film many years ago.

02:48 Jan 28 2010

OMG! I was getting all excited when I thought that you had discovered 'Now, Voyager' - I love the film!

But this new rare gem of a film that you speak of...I WANT IT TOO!!!


Ring Ring

01:58 Jan 26 2010
Times Read: 1,239

That commercial for Sprint cracks me up. If I ever butt-dialed a number and some guy answered who said "Yo, this is Flava Flav, who's this?" I would just about crap myself. Of all the people to answer on the other end!



01:59 Jan 26 2010

Man if Flava Flav ever answered a call I made that would be the best conversation in my life. I would try to figure out how to record it!

02:04 Jan 26 2010

I would talk to Flava Flav, but I would rather hope I would accidentally dial someone like Sean Connery or Harrison Ford..*drools*

03:26 Jan 26 2010

Amen to that one CM!

02:49 Jan 28 2010

Well, better to talk to him over the phone than having him in your face on 'The Flava of Love'...yuck.



00:37 Jan 26 2010
Times Read: 1,245

Gah! I've got that song by the Beastie Boys, "Brass Monkey", stuck in my head. Heard it last Friday and I cannot get it out!! *bangs head on keyboard" HELP ME!!!!



00:50 Jan 26 2010

I have that beginning guitar lick of Van Halen's "Keep Talking 'Bout Love" stuck in my head.



03:36 Jan 25 2010
Times Read: 1,258

When I was younger, I had to be in my own bed, with the lights out, ear plugs in, and the room had to be absolutely dark and quiet for me to get to sleep. Even the crack of light coming under my door from the bathroom across the hall used to keep me up.

Now, hell, I can sleep sitting upright in a chair in front of the TV in broad daylight.

What the hell? lol.



13:32 Jan 25 2010

You old fart! lol


Don't Text and Drive!

23:51 Jan 24 2010
Times Read: 1,271

My state is pushing through legislation to make it illegal to text and drive. The local news just had a vox-pops type thing talking to teenagers, who apparently all think this is perfectly OK and they all do it. One had the balls to say their drivers ed teacher never said not to text and drive!

I have driven behind lots of people, I'm sure we all have, who are on the phone, texting or what not. They swerve all over the lane, don't pay attention to the light, lean WAY over the seat till you wonder why the hell they don't just pull over and get whatever it is they want out of the back seat.

Texting while driving is NOT the same as distracted driving. Texting is like saying "I don't care what I'm supposed to be doing, I wanna text so I am gonna text." Honestly, is telling Susie or Tommy you are bored, or that you are going to McDonald's, or WHATEVER....is that more important than keeping your mind on what you are doing..which is DRIVING?

My boss' oldest daughter got as far as the end of their street last week. She was driving her car, texting, and missed the stop sign, plowed right through it and into a parked car. And she had the balls to whine that she couldn't find her cell phone immediately after the accident. Now she has to ride the bus....AWWWWWWWW. AWWWWWWW.

Don't text and drive. It's just not safe. Period.



23:55 Jan 24 2010

I won't even talk while I'm driving. If I'm waiting for an important call, I pull over when I get it and talk then.

People already drive badly enough without adding a phone into the equation. I'd rather play it safe. So some people may think it's a little overboard to pull over every time.... I don't.

I'd rather be alive and late rather than wrapped around a tree, a pole, or under an 18-wheeler.

13:28 Jan 25 2010

It is not legal to use a mobile phone while driving in my country.

Although I have*coughs*

I wouldn't text though...that's bloody insane!

21:46 Jan 25 2010

Its illegal in this state but doesnt seem to stop anyone. Both my man and I have an auto text that says "driving". That way people know that they are not being ignored, we will answer back when we can.

I would love to flashback the kids 20 years back to a time when you had to actually be home to get a phone call and you had to share one phone line with the entire family and abreviations were not the normal way to talk and oh hell....Im sounding my age now lol.


Cleaning Crew

21:39 Jan 23 2010
Times Read: 1,298

I live in a 50-unit apartment building. All sorts of characters live here, including a handful of older retired ladies. These old dears have nothing to do all day, so the management have allowed them to help out by cleaning the building, main floor bathrooms, hallways, and any vacated apartments.

This would be fine, except for one thing..these ladies get up at something like 3 or 4 am and start their day. Apparently they go to bed at 7 pm or something, and get up before the crack of dawn. This pisses off the people who live around and under them, since who wants to hear doors slamming, garbage disposals running and vacuum cleaners going at THAT hour?

This past week they did something else that is a distinct no-no in any apartment building with an elevator. They would put the elevator door on "hold" then wander off to do something....people on other floors were wondering what the hell was taking the car so long to get down, and one lady who is crippled and can't use the stairs easily missed her therapy appointment because she couldn't use the elevator to get downstairs.

The old dears were told off about this, but you know how it is with older folks...they just smile and nod and proceed to do whatever it was they weren't supposed to do anyways. I came home from work today to find one of these ladies being given a verbal bitchslap by my next door neighbor, who was not only woken up by the lady who lives above him, banging around at 4:30 this morning...then the elevator was held up again on another floor whle this lady went to borrow some sugar from her neighbor and sat down to visit, completely forgetting about the elevator!

I came around the corner to hear my neighbor guy shouting: "For fuck's sake not only do you wake me up at 4 thirty in the damn morning but then I can't even use the elevator because YOU FORGOT AND LEFT THE DOOR OPEN ON THE THIRD FLOOR AGAIN!!!" She started to say something but he interrupted "You are a ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS!!!"

I just stood there with a big grin on my face. And I applauded. She had the good sense to get out of there. Probably won't make a damn bit of difference to what she does, but at least he got to vent.




21:52 Jan 23 2010


Management needs to rethink the idea of using the old dears to do odd-jobs.

22:06 Jan 23 2010

I am all for the old dears...without them we would have no stories!

And I live in a house so I don't have to put up with the noise you guys have to...if I did I would boil and eat them...after they told there stories!

22:35 Jan 23 2010

hey im an old person....you whippersnappers ought to get to bed by 7pm and up at 4am...*shakes fist* lol

22:59 Jan 23 2010

Yup...right after Wapner and Judge Judy!

01:37 Jan 24 2010

well duh! cleaning ladies job are supposed to be irritating the other people around! HELLO! geez, now if you will excuse me I have to go vacuum it's 2 am!


Boy howdy!

00:57 Jan 21 2010
Times Read: 1,327

I love older people, they just say what's on their mind and forget the edit button sometimes.

Today I was waiting on a young guy, he had some of the most disgustingly dirty shirts I had seen in awhile. And he was completely lost as to how his collars could get so greasy that you could literally scrape the crud off with a spoon. "I only wore them a few times," he protested.

I was telling him that with a professional dress shirt, you wear it ONCE, then you bring it in to get it cleaned....while I was explaining this, one of our long-time customers, an older black gentleman, came in. He peeked over the young guy's shoulder and saw the collar situation, and let out a low whistle.

"Young man, if that is what yo' neck looks like, I sho don' wanna see yo' ass!" he said, and I nearly fell down laughing.

That made my day. :)



01:16 Jan 21 2010


16:25 Jan 21 2010

That is so funny!

19:36 Jan 21 2010

ha ha ha ha!

I have to use that.. someday...

21:56 Jan 23 2010

Hee hee! I love it...and I have old relatives just like this one here...they sure do say what's on their mind, and I love it. Too damn funny...

Reminds me of the time there was a family get-together at my late great aunt's house. An older gentleman - I'm not sure how he was related exactly - started in on my dad:

"So, Herman, these are your two oldest girls here? They don't look like the rest of yo' kids. Them other ones are Africans...and you got some half-Korean kid too. Yo' bkack ass gets around, boy!"

My father was speechless, of course, but the rest of us were crackin' up.


The Tudors

02:36 Jan 20 2010
Times Read: 1,330

I got all caught up with season 3 of The Tudors over the weekend. Good golly. Those were NOT times for religious zealots of any persuasion. You could be put to death for being Catholic OR Protestant, or neither, or a little of both. Cripes.

Prior episodes featured such lovely scenes as getting boiled in oil, beheading, and getting stretched on the rack. Season 3 offered people getting burned at the stake, hanged in chains, and...a new thing...having a red hot poker rammed up your ass.

Oh yeah, and there were lots of naked tits, too.



16:39 Jan 21 2010

In Berkely Castle, Edward 11 had the misfortune of meeting a red hot poker!! It is said his screams could be heard over 6 miles away

16:42 Jan 21 2010

Edward 2nd lol


Uh what?

01:43 Jan 20 2010
Times Read: 1,343

From someone's journal...

"it makes me feel like a carmillion."

Huh? Ok, well, it makes me feel like a car$2.99.

Could you mean...chameleon?



01:47 Jan 20 2010

It's that camouflage kicking in early :)


Water freak!

01:48 Jan 19 2010
Times Read: 1,371

This is creepy. I have been home from work most of the day, fighting off a good case of the flu. Between lying on the sofa and sitting here at the computer, I have had ample time to listen and observe the sounds and things coming from the upstairs apartment.

My conclusions: A: They do not work much. When I was off due to spraining my back last summer, I was home here for a week, and the couple upstairs hardly ever left their apartment. Either they work out of their home, are rich, or have tiny work shifts that pay a lot.

B. They are shower freaks. Just since I have been home today, one or the other of them have taken 5 showers...all 15 minutes or more in length. (Yes, our walls are that thin..we can hear everything.) One shower clocked in at 22 minutes. Cripes, my BATHS don't last that long!

C. They are clumsy as all hell. BUMP, BANG, BOOM...dropping things on the floor, slamming doors (why the hell do young people think they have to SLAM a door going in or out? why should your neighbors hear that? It's annoying as hell.)

D. The guy upstairs has a hacking cough that he should see a doctor about. All day long I heard "ah-HOOAAHHH, hackhackhackhackhack a HOAHHH". Sounded like my dad in the terminal stages of lung cancer. Geezus.

E. In the bathroom, where the floors are like onion paper, I could hear him announce his business every time he was in there. "Gonna take a shit!" he hollered at one point. Then, much to my disgust, he added "Hey, wanna look?" My husband used to do that, and I would beat his ass. Disgusting.

Sometimes, staying home is worse than going to work. Bleah.



01:54 Jan 19 2010

I agree...LOL!

I miss living in a thick-walled Victorian...

I got two old - ie in their 60's, I'm guessing - that blast music 'round the clock. (Mostly hip hop, and old soul)...I want to shoot them.

03:28 Jan 19 2010

Oh ewww!

On another note...Hope you feel better real soon!

03:57 Jan 19 2010

sometimes you need to take 7 showers in two minutes! geez! *hops in shower* *slams bathroom door*

05:41 Jan 19 2010

Maybe it's a cathouse! ;)

15:37 Jan 19 2010

Psssst....they are time travellers because they are the same people that live in my basement! lmao

Feel better soon.

21:37 Jan 19 2010

LMFAO! Your observations make my day--hell, my week. Thank you.

01:53 Jan 20 2010

Ever see the movie "Splash" ?


01:36 Jan 21 2010

People are just rude and gross and I'd be a very happy man if the population decreased by say 60% or so.

16:49 Jan 21 2010

Lol, I'll be quiet now *embarrassed shuffle*

Wait....I don't do door slamming!



17:37 Jan 18 2010
Times Read: 1,396

I have the flu. Possibly h1n1. Going to the doctor to have this checked. Feel like crap. Burning hot and nauseous, and can't keep anything down. Bleah.



17:46 Jan 18 2010


hope ya get better soon!

17:58 Jan 18 2010

Omg. i just got over that. It sucks. Just, do what you'd normally do. Lots of sleep, lots of water, clear sodas (i could only get fizzy drinks down), teas, all of that. Ugh. It's terrible. You get better soon. Hugs.

18:05 Jan 18 2010

Very sorry you're sick I hope it's just a light case of simple flu and not that bad stuff. Rest and get well soon.

18:09 Jan 18 2010

I hope you feel better soon, hun!


Whether it's the flu or H1N1, get plenty of rest and whatnot.

19:50 Jan 18 2010

Get well soon hunni .. x

20:36 Jan 18 2010

Do get better soon... :(

20:44 Jan 18 2010

noooooooooooo don't dies!!!!!

00:54 Jan 19 2010

Sorry that you're sick...get well soon!



00:01 Jan 18 2010
Times Read: 1,414

We are under a freezing fog alert right now. Looking out the window you see just a white cloud of mist enveloping everything. Makes me want to curl up with a hot beverage and watch a movie. Yep..that sounds like the plan for the evening.



01:33 Jan 18 2010

Wow...lovely weather all around! We're expecting FOUR rain/storm fronts this week. Yipee.

01:35 Jan 18 2010

Nice! I love to sit at home on a snowy day and just drink hot beverages and read... hmmm :)

01:41 Jan 18 2010

freesing fog.... that's where zombies come from!

*hands you a sack of shotgun shells*

03:22 Jan 18 2010

I LOVE THE FOG! it's so calming! giggles, it makes me think of the movie. I'm under a fog alert as well, it's been a strange winter that's for sure!!!


The Tudors

23:17 Jan 16 2010
Times Read: 1,446

Season 3 of The Tudors just arrived. I don't get Showtime, so I wait impatiently until the series is released, then pounce. I plan on curling up on the sofa tonight and tomorrow and watching it.

I will watch just about anything to do with England, the Tudor and/or Victorian periods especially. I suppose lots of people are fascinated with Henry VIII because he had so many wives, and they imagine he must have been some sort of sex manaic or something. Alison Weir wrote several excellent books on Henry, his wives and his children, which I recommend to anyone interested in this period.

I was a little stumped when I first heard the casting...Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as Henry? He didn't quite fit the image that we all think of...a big man, red haired. This actor is smaller and darker...yet after seeing him in the part I quite like him. Certainly brings a lot of energy to the part...he must have had a lot of energy, with all the women he messed around with!

Another interesting bit of casting this series is the singer Joss Stone as Anne of Cleves, who was always considered to be Henry's least attractive wife...he married her by proxy and when he first saw her he was reputed to have said "I like her not!"

Can't wait to dig into this. Hopefully it will take my mind off the stomach bug I managed to pick up the last couple of days. Everything I eat turns straight into water. Yuck-o.




00:56 Jan 17 2010

lol toodle-pip!!! goes in my book of words fame :)

01:02 Jan 17 2010

It comes right after "straddle."

01:15 Jan 17 2010

One of my fav shows ever!!

Henry wasn't the fat old freak we know him as today when he was younger so other than a few differences (like hair colour) Jonathan fits pretty well.

23:27 Jan 17 2010

One of the reason's I've been considering getting HBO (again) is because of this show, and True Blood.

23:31 Jan 17 2010

It's on Showtime, not HBO....not sure about True Blood but that might be on Showtime too. Check ebay...you can buy the series cheaper than getting the premium channels every month!

01:35 Jan 18 2010

See ,,,it's obvious that I don't have premium channels...LOL!

Thanks for the info!

16:31 Jan 21 2010

I so want to be rude about you saying you'll watch just about anything to do with England! I wont tell you what I was thinking ^^


Survivor pt. 2

02:05 Jan 15 2010
Times Read: 1,471

I was talking with my boss today about being on Survivor. Since there is at least one gross food item eating contest on each series, I announced I would rather eat a bug or whatever than sleep outside on the ground. My boss asked me how I came to that conclusion.

"Easy," I said. "If you eat a bug or whatever, you can hold your nose and not taste it, swallow it down and it's done. Sleeping outside at night? The boogie man might come out of the jungle and do naughty things to my va-jay-jay."




02:28 Jan 15 2010

I don't think I could do survivor. A lot of the other contestants might end up missing because they didn't have the correct zombie plan or something.

10:30 Jan 15 2010

Who the hell would touch your va-jay-jay!?!?! *B U R N* haha love ya's!

Of course being me I'd be rather afraid of some hairy homo doing something bad to my man-jay-jay :P



01:54 Jan 14 2010
Times Read: 1,493

Would you apply to be on Survivor? Would you go, if you were chosen? I love the show but I know this for sure....there is no way I would ever voluntarily sleep outdoors with bugs and whatever else they have there crawling up my legs and all over my body. I'm an indoor girl. The most frightening word in the world to me is "camping."

When I was little we would go visit relatives who lived way out in the country. They had outhouses. No indoor toilets. I would not go in the outhouse. I would hold it till we got back home. My parents used to be furious with me, but I wouldn't go outside.

But....for a million dollars? I dunno. A few years ago I downloaded the application for Survivor from the CBS website, just to see what it was. It's pretty in depth. They want to find out just what kind of a person you are. Plus you have to send in a video of yourself.

Since they had two Wisconsonites (Wisconsonians?) in the first series, and one in another series, they may not want anymore cheeseheads for awhile. But I do think about it every so often. That would be a hell of a life challenge for me...if I could only "go" outside, lol.



02:06 Jan 14 2010

To answer your question...hell no.

08:32 Jan 14 2010

I would, i am from Australia! I will out play them all!

10:21 Jan 14 2010

I love sleeping outside and fishing, so I would love doing it!

02:00 Jan 15 2010

outside bad inside gooooooooood!



02:15 Jan 13 2010
Times Read: 1,511

Morrigon put my name in the "Famous VR People" thread in the sandbox.

Dayum! Imagine..little old me, up there with all the big guns! Woo!

*slips Morri a $50* thanks!



02:23 Jan 13 2010


02:51 Jan 13 2010

You should be listed - you're friendly and funny as hell...!

03:21 Jan 13 2010

...and everyone knows you have crabs.

And they're SO cute. :)


Single Revisited

01:09 Jan 13 2010
Times Read: 1,518

The father of the girl who went off on me yesterday came in today. She must not have mentioned her little meltdown as he knew nothing about it, and when my boss took him back into his office and showed him the tape the poor guy nearly fell over.

He apologized all over the place. He said he had been getting his clothes together to bring to the dry cleaners, and his daughter was there, and he had been telling her that he was going to ask me out again. This is a running joke between us, but apparently she took it seriously. He said he would bring her in to apologize, but I said please don't, that would only make it worse.

He said he had decided to get a divorce, and move on, and the daughter didn't like it one bit. A daddy's girl, she is, and wants daddy all to herself. I would NEVER go out with anyone with a kid like that. She would go out of her way to make your life a living hell until you backed off and left her father alone, so she could have him again.

Good luck with that, dad. You're gonna need it.



01:33 Jan 13 2010

Not enough to be middle aged and divorced, throw in a grasping kid and oh yea he's screwed! lol

02:13 Jan 14 2010

Whew! I agree! Nothing like dating someone with a real child from hell. No thanks...


Single..Don't Mingle

01:44 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 1,546

This stuff ONLY happens to me. I never heard of anyone who has the stuff happen to them that I do. I had a raging hormonal female today out for my blood. And I didn't even do anything!

This young woman comes into the store...late teens early 20's I would guess. Right away she asks my name and when I tell her she launches into a high pitched shriek.

"You leave my dad alone! He is NOT going out with you! He doesn't even like you! He wouldn't date such and ugly old ass! He and my mother are getting back together!"

"WAIT A MINUTE", I break in...."who is your dad?" Meanwhile my boss heard the "ugly old ass" comment and came running to see what the deal was.

Turns out her dad is one of our regular customers, and he and his wife had been separated for awhile. When he would come in, he would jokingly ask me out, and I would tell him he still has his wedding ring on, and as far as I'm concerned that means he's married! He never seriously asked me out. I can't imagine how his child got so worked up, my name must have come up at home some way, and she has a LITTLE problem with her dad moving on to another relationship.

That TOTALLY freaked me out. My boss made her leave and sent me out to get some coffee so I could calm down. (Nice tranquilizer, coffee.) When I got back he said "feeling better?" I said yes.

"Good," he said. "Now get your ugly old ass back to work."




01:47 Jan 12 2010

You gotta love a boss with a sense of humor :)

That old she needs to butt out of her parents relationship anyway. Diet Mt Dew works wonders to calm me down. lol

01:55 Jan 12 2010


I'll be your personal body guard.

02:03 Jan 12 2010

wooooooooooooow!! lol I would have said something like I was going to be your new step mommie, it would have been good.

02:05 Jan 12 2010

I hate people like that lol Had a similar thing happen a long time ago to me, wanted to beat the bitch :P

As long as you got the strap on I'll date your ugly old ass! tee hee

02:16 Jan 12 2010

*chuckles* I can't wait to read more of your work "experiences".....dang girl.

03:39 Jan 12 2010

Oh man...LMAO!

On a serious note, looks like you'll be okay from the psycho kid.

05:04 Jan 12 2010

"I can't imagine how his child got so worked up, my name must have come up at home some way"...

okay, THAT part is a little strange.

*points at you*

02:26 Jan 15 2010


16:35 Jan 21 2010

Lol good ole Thoth!



01:41 Jan 11 2010
Times Read: 1,561

You hunka hunka burning love. :D




I Don't Exist?

00:48 Jan 09 2010
Times Read: 1,573

I got the strangest email the other day, from the webmaster of ChristopherLeeweb.com. This is the fanclub/website for the actor which is run by his son-in-law. I had been a member on there for a few years, and had actually talked to Juan ad Christina (his wife, CL's daughter). All good.

Now I get this: "Your account has been terminated. It has been learned that you have been using a false identity. There is no person with your name. As this is a real names ONLY website, your account has been terminated and will not be re-opened."


WTF is THAT shit all about? I had been using my real name when I signed up, I always had used it on there as they did not want usernames or nicknames, so my account was my first and last name, the one I was born with. Now all of a sudden there is no person with my name? They ought to check google...lol there are quite a few people with my name out there.

Luckily I have some friends from that site who are also on yahoo, so I messaged them to see what the hell is going on. They thought I suddenly self-deleted! I am and have been a huge fan of Mr Lee, but if his fansite is going wonky, then I shall just worship from afar.

I don't exist...damn. I want my withholding taxes back then! ROFLMFAO!!



20:48 Jan 11 2010

Damn...that's messed up!


Drive-Up Drama

00:20 Jan 09 2010
Times Read: 1,574

We decided to close our drive up window, mostly because of the bitter cold we've been having, but also because of the absolutely godawful behavior of the customers, who seem to not have a clue as to how to behave at a drive- up window. A recent actual transaction follows as an example. Bear in mind, it was about 3 degrees with a wind chill of -30, the window was wide open, and we have no heat at the drive up window.

Me: Hi Mrs Smith, the total of your order is $28.67.

Mrs Smith: TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING? What did I drop off? I want to see it before I pay for it. (I get the order and show her.) Well, those are my husband's things. I really don't think I should have to pay for his stuff, but whatever. (Roots around forever for money) Do you take a check? You do? Can I have a pen? What's the name of this place again? What's the date? How much was it again? Wait a sec, I have a debit card. I'll use that instead. (More digging in the purse, down the seat, and in the glove box) I can't find it, maybe I will pay you cash instead. (More hunting for money..she actually went into the back seat of the car to look for change) I don't have enough, can I give you part of it and pay later? No? But I'm a regular customer. Let me talk to your boss, he will approve me. (Boss says no) Oh well. I will pay by check again. (More time spent waiting while she makes the check out. When she gives it to me, our business name is spelled wrong, and the amount owed is incorrect. I hand it back so she can make corrections.) What do you mean it's wrong? You TOLD me the price. Wasn't it twenty-five dollars? No? How much was it again? Are you sure? Let me see the receipt. Ok, well I will void the check and do another one. (More time waiting while she voids the check, makes another one....and balances her check book. She finally hands me the check, and as I thank her..)Oh, wait a minute, I have more clothes to drop off. (Digs around in the back seat. ) Maybe they are in the trunk. Hang on. (Gets out of the car, goes around to the back....the cars behind her honk and shout rude remarks, and she flips them the bird. After much digging she finally slams down the trunk, gets back in the car.) I guess I don't have anything. I thought I did. Oh well. (Drives off).

Can you imagine? I put up with this kind of crap most of the day. The drive up is for convenience, picking up and dropping off QUICKLY....not this convoluted bullshit. Boss closed the window after a young guy kept him waiting FIFTEEN MINUTES while he had a long drawn out cell phone conversation with his girlfriend over what clothes he had to drop off. Not only did this hold up the other customers behind him but it kept my boss from attending to other things. So, at least until it warms up some more, the window stays shut.




20:52 Jan 11 2010

God, customers are so lame at times...you just reminded me of a story of my own...rich people can sometimes be the worst customers of all!

02:14 Jan 12 2010




21:12 Jan 02 2010
Times Read: 1,616

I appreciate the rating, really, but the comment was...um..well..you decide.

"a ten for such an honest and rare, opal such as yor self i do enjoy your beuaty come with me if you will and we both shALL SPILL BLOOD TOGHTER !!!!!!!!"

Hey, I'll pass, ok? Seeing as how you are only 14, you better stay home and study a little bit more before you go out spilling blood. Sheesh.



21:47 Jan 02 2010

LOL! I needed a laugh...

Looks like grammar, spelling, and psychiatric help are in order here.

21:52 Jan 02 2010

I love it!

22:33 Jan 02 2010

Holy shit, he lost control of that rate at the end. They need to keep the training wheels on the rates for a little bit longer...

00:50 Jan 03 2010

LMFAO!!! Oh come on you know ya wanna ;)

03:50 Jan 03 2010

What's his username?

I'm going to send him a complimentary dictionary -- upside his head.


03:26 Jan 04 2010

Is that what they are teaching in school nowadays???

22:25 Jan 04 2010

The member needs to read both profile and journal when making such a suggestion (among other things). For example, if it were me, I'd suggest we go into the back room and dirty some laundry! ;P

01:30 Jan 05 2010

Bones, I'd dirty laundry with you anytime. :)


A Toast

04:06 Jan 02 2010
Times Read: 1,629

Here's a toast someone reminded me of.

Here's to you,

Here's to me.

The best of friends

We'll always be.

But if by chance

We disagree....

Then piss on you

And here's to me!



04:49 Jan 02 2010

I like to toast to honor, better.

11:32 Jan 02 2010

lol, great toast ;-)

21:37 Jan 02 2010

I'm going to use that! I love it!



23:34 Jan 01 2010
Times Read: 1,645

When your profile quote says "read between the lines/go away/" and the only thing on your profile are the words "I ain't givin you no discription".....

....You do not deserve to be rated. Go away.



23:41 Jan 01 2010

I gave them a 1...I think

02:24 Jan 02 2010

I usually rate them a low rate that says ain't is not a word and I ain't going to use it! lol

03:30 Jan 02 2010

Well - maybe he (or she) sees himself as a new age beat poet.

21:51 Jan 02 2010

The use of the word ain't became known in 1778

However it was never accepted because it was considered vulgar and at first only the lower classes used it.

Now we all use it, "ain't that right!"



03:25 Jan 01 2010
Times Read: 1,235

The nutjob that parks next to me in the underground parking garage where I live just came banging on my door, to tell me to move my car because it was "in his spot".

There was water all over the garage floor from cars tracking in melting snow, thus obscuring the lines of the stalls we park in, and it turns out my left front tire was four inches over the line in the parking stall.

I told him to shove his anal retentive head up his ass, and if he ever comes knocking on my door again, it better be because the building is burning down, other wise I will kick his sorry ass down the hall and out the door.

I also told him I had to almost use a damn shoehorn to get into my car a lot of times due to the fact that he parks so damn close to me I can't get my door open!

Asshole. Hope he gets burning piles.



03:29 Jan 01 2010

Hee hee...I hope you scared the shit outta' him.

05:04 Jan 01 2010

The parking under my apartment complex is so crap and squashy... it is almost impossible to get my car into just my space. I have been down a few times and actually caught a cab because I knew I would of smashed into something trying to get out..

Good for you for giving it to him..

16:45 Jan 01 2010

Goof for you, girl, new year resolution, don't take #@$# from nobody!! Cool!!

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