CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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10 entries this month


04:10 Dec 31 2011
Times Read: 679

I get a lot of different people reading my journals. From the highest Admins to just regular peeps from different societies, and with that in mind, here's what I would like you readers (yes, you!) to do this time around.

It's the end of the year, or will be shortly. A lot of time for introspection and resolutions. Today our news paper asked some older people what advice they would give to the younger folks, and that got me thinking.

What pieces of advice would you (yes, you!) give to a younger person? I'd like to hear what everyone has to say. Say as many pieces of advice, or as few, as you'd like. I'll start it off with mine. If I could give some advice to a young person, I would tell them....

1. Hang in there. Life's tough, but don't give up. Ever.

2. Be true to yourself. If you want to be a freak, fly that flag proudly!

3. The stuff you think is so important now, will be forgotten in a few years. Don't sweat the small stuff.

4. Have friends, but keep some things to yourself and no one else.

5. WORK HARD if you have a job. Jobs are scarce, keep the one you have, and if you don't have one yet, network like mad. You gotta bust some chops nowadays to get a good gig. And try not to piss the boss off, because a job review will follow you.

6. Never stop learning. Find out about how things work.

7. Learn how to sew on a button and mend a simple tear. Cook a simple meal. These will come in handy at some point, beleive me.

8. Be kind to people. You never know what they are going through.


10th and last.....Remember, above all....every day you wake up ALIVE is a good day. Make the most of it.

Now....what say the rest of you?



05:50 Dec 31 2011

11. Pull yer fuckin' drawers up.

That's all I got. I am young, not much wisdom yet. But right now, number three is something I really needed to be reminded of.

So thanks for posting this. I mean that.

14:43 Dec 31 2011

12. Don't think you have to get married EVERY time you fall in love.

Yeah, that's all I got.

16:54 Dec 31 2011

a) In 100 years - who the hell will care how you fucked up?

b) So, having read a) - if you have a dream - GO FOR IT! If you never try, that dream will never happen. If you fail? Try the next one! Really. Try. Because - in 100 years - who will care how you fucked up? In 10 years - YOU will care if you never tried.

c) If you fear, acknowledge it, and push on. Being brave isn't about not being afraid - being brave is about being afraid and going forward anyway. Face your fears. Don't let them win. You are worth more than that - and you're better than that. I wish you could see it.

d) Awful things happen. They do, unfortunately. If they happen to you, then try not to let them break you. The strength you can gain from living through them? It's phenomenal. It may take years to gain that strength, to come out the other side, but the air is sweeter when you realize you have made it.

e) Live. Don't just exist. LIVE. Like Frankenstein's monster, let your life be full of lightening, or what's it all for, then?

23:59 Jan 04 2012

Just don't quit today. You can always quit tomorrow.

00:06 Jan 05 2012

Also, Requiem just made me cry. Guess I needed to hear it. Thanks.


Holiday Memories

23:32 Dec 26 2011
Times Read: 707

Watching the news, seeing footage of shoppers crowding the stores to take advantage of after-Christmas sales...reminds me of the year when I was younger, my mom got out the day or two after Christmas and did some shopping. Come the next Christmas, she was scouring the house trying to find the items she'd bought and tucked away! It was a couple weeks after the holiday that she found everything.

I wonder how many people actually shop for the next Christmas on the day after...or just for themselves?



01:12 Dec 27 2011

I always used to wonder why mum and dad never got our present a day later, when all the huge sales were on.

It makes sense to me - most things are up to half price, and it's only one extra day to wait.

In my town, the sale were on for up to a week earlier than Christmas though, and town was empty the day after. No sales at all. o.o

08:01 Dec 27 2011

I've done what your mom did lol, lordy..

07:08 Dec 29 2011

up here it's called Boxing day, and it is not only one step away from Black Friday, but a national holiday...lol



01:08 Dec 26 2011
Times Read: 719

Neighbor stopped by, she knew I was spending today on my own so she generously brought over a huge plate of her food. Gawd. There were slices of ham, turkey, bbq meatballs, salad, cheese, deviled eggs, and cookies.

I am very happy now. *burp*



01:26 Dec 26 2011

That was very considerate of her.

I am glad that you are happy and very full by the sounds of it, lol.

12:38 Dec 27 2011

YUM! :)



01:11 Dec 23 2011
Times Read: 743

One more day, then this week can go down in flames. We have had more than our usual share of fuck-nut crazy customers, including one for the record books who brought in a dead beaver and asked us to clean it. (It was stuffed.) Um, really? Dead animals? Dude, please.

The cake topper was today. They built a really nice new hotel downtown, they have a cool jazz group that plays there on the weekends, and it's usually always full, so that's good. Unfortunately, their front desk staff is a little off the rails. One of them phoned us this morning during our rush period.

"We have a bridal party here who needs your team to come over and clean and press their clothes."

Um....wtf? Do you think there is portable dry cleaning equipment? There isn't. It's all very large and bulky and powered by steam, which comes from a boiler. We can't just pack up a mini-version and go traveling. We advised the desk clerk of this, and her voice just got higher as she got more agitated.

"You have GOT to make this happen! The wedding is in two hours, they came in from Virginia and their clothes are wrinkled and dirty! They need your team to come over and get them ready!" She was so worked up, she almost squeaked.

Lady, first of all, we don't have a "team", at least none that can drop what we are doing, pack up our stuff and come to your hotel to fix up a bridal party. As we explained this to her, she came out with the capper. "Don't tell me you can't do it, cos I saw it done on a TV show!"

Oh really.


I can't tell you how much that amused me. I have no idea where she saw that, but it wasn't something we could do. We hoped she could figure something out, because having a bridezilla throwing a fit right before her wedding is something we know all too well.

My boss spent the rest of the day saying "don't tell me you can't do it! I saw it done on TV!"

I said "Did you see a woman set fire to her boss? Cos that might happen."

Boss: "I'm taking your Christmas gift back."

Me: "I got one this year? Really?"

Boss: "Yep. The new Justin Bieber album."

Me (thoughtfully) "I wonder how that will look stuck down your shorts."



03:08 Dec 23 2011

All the anal retentive planning these psychos put into their weddings and they leave this stuff out???

03:43 Dec 23 2011

Beaver... cleaning... jeebus, there's so much wrong with that.

I never understood that. Why do people always seem to leave the clothing of the wedding to the last minute? Isn't it nearly as important as the entire ceremony...? With the way people carry on about it, you'd assume so. :P

07:33 Dec 23 2011

Uh.. I work for a 4 star hotel in a big city, and I know that request is not realistic.

Squeaky and bridezilla can eat shit.

12:14 Dec 23 2011

:) I just get deaf people calling me. Or people who don't know why they are calling me, calling me, and they insist I must know.


Phone Stuff

02:00 Dec 17 2011
Times Read: 781

This was an actual phone call I took today, at about 9:15 a.m.

Customer: Yeah, so, do you have, like, same day service?

Me: Yes, we do. Monday through Friday, in by 9, out by 5.

Customer: So, like, if I get it in by 10 I'm good?

Me: No, Sir, you have missed the cutoff time. You need to get things in by 9 to get them out same day.

Customer: So, like I can't bring it over later?

Me: Of course you can, but it won't be processed til Monday.

Customer: So, where can I go to get something done in an hour or so?

Me: Nowhere, sorry.

Customer: You sure I can't get it done in an hour or so?

Me: What do you have?

Customer: Um, a couple of things.

Me: Well, your best bet would be to call around in Rockford and see if a cleaner down there can help you out.

Customer: Like, when? Today?

Me: If you mean can you get your clothes cleaned today, you would have to call other cleaners and find out for sure.

Customer: Well YOU'RE A LOT OF FUCKING HELP!! *bangs down phone*

You gotta keep smiling.



04:46 Dec 17 2011

You were professional. :) You did your job, and if he wasn't bright enough to see that you can't do more than what you did... then I wouldn't really want to clean his clothes, anyway. :P

09:54 Dec 17 2011

They must think it's xmas or something :-p

04:09 Dec 18 2011

Oh man...what an ungrateful dumbass!

01:46 Dec 20 2011

That's so messed up! I'm so very sorry you were treated like that. :(



16:45 Dec 11 2011
Times Read: 806

Spent some time yesterday cleaning out my dvd and vhs stash. Extricated a lot of vhs movies that I had re-bought on dvd, and took out quite a few dvds that I had bought and never watched, or watched once and knew I'd never watch again. They filled a huge-ass box.

I was toting this downstairs to the community room when I saw a lady who lived across the hall from me. She's a little older than me and has grandchildren. She wanted to see what I had in the box and her jaw dropped. "My grandkids would LOVE these!" she said, and I promptly handed her the lot. She said her hours had been cut at work and she didn't know what she was going to do for Christmas gifts for the grandkids, and here the problem was solved.

I got a warm fuzzy out of that.



17:28 Dec 11 2011

Aaw, it's always the simple things in life that bring the most pleasure :)

20:19 Dec 11 2011

Awesome :)

20:45 Dec 11 2011

That is fabulous. :)

03:54 Dec 12 2011


04:10 Dec 18 2011


Funny how things happen for good!



04:43 Dec 11 2011
Times Read: 819

Thank you all for the rates and re-rates. That hideous stamp is now far down the line.





03:58 Dec 11 2011
Times Read: 826

Can someone PLEASE rate or re-rate me, I got a huge-ass stamp that's wreaking havoc on my profile. Thank you very much.





00:34 Dec 04 2011
Times Read: 856

Everybody who works in customer service, and probably everyone else on the planet, has to deal with rude customers. I'm sure a special place in hell is available for customers who call up and complain that they have been rudely served, when in fact they have not. They do this to try and get something for free, or get someone fired.

It does not work in my business. My boss had to take a couple of these calls today, from women who insisted that I was rude to them, and therefore they should get a refund on their cleaning or get an order free next time. First thing my boss does is ask in what way was I rude to the customer. Did I say something? or make a rude gesture? Less than professional service?

Lady A couldn't pin it down, she was sure I had been rude to her. "I drove all the way from Assbite Township, to have this woman be rude to me when I picked up my order. I want a refund," she said. My boss reviewed the tape of the transaction, and this woman was smiling and nodding the whole time as we had a little chat while I got her clothes out. My boss advised her of this, and you could hear her gulp over the phone. "Um. You have it on video? I didn't know that." Click. Bitch.

Another woman (and it's usually always women, sorry to say, ladies) had been in a few times as a customer and recently had been applying for a job. We had checked her work history and her last two employers said hell no, they would not re-hire her, she was continually late and spent a lot of time on her phone, facebooking or whatever. My boss gave her a one week trial of employment and she showed up two hours late the first day. We sent her back home.

Since then, she's called up claiming I have been rude to her when she comes in as a customer. Again, video surveillance comes in real handy for times like these. She says I called her a lazy bitch....and supposedly did this a month ago. A MONTH AGO?? AND YOU'RE JUST NOW GETTING AROUND TO SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT IT?

Sheesh. Once she was informed that we have video surveillance, and that she was perfectly calm and happy during the transaction when I supposedly called her a lazy bitch....she dried right up.

Shame on people for trying such stunts. We actually had a lawyer present (as a customer) when this woman was making a complaint to my boss. The lawyer listened with interest, then said to the woman, "You know, these people can turn around and sue you for defamation of character and a couple other things, and it's all on video." She looked like she took a dump right in her pants after that.

People try this shit every year around the holidays. They think they're the first to do it and that it will get them some money or free cleaning. It never works. It only makes people look stupid, and we never serve them again. Yeah, I can be rude as hell, if you come in swearing or acting like a complete douche you will get it right back. Retail people get dumped on all the time and in most cases they have to take it.

Had a rough week. Feel better now.



00:56 Dec 04 2011


03:53 Dec 04 2011

I'll never understand that... I've never even requested my money back when someone is actually rude to me. Usually I just make a mental note to never come back and move on. Lying about it to get a refund is just childish and pathetic.

14:09 Dec 04 2011

I had a patient do this regarding my no show fee. I waived the first no show and was going to charge for the second (it is my time that someone else could book). She actually tried to come in and do the same- she too had applied, but was not hired. Hopefully, you don't any more.


Say what?

03:05 Dec 02 2011
Times Read: 875

No, you jackass, I am not going to enter your name in our customer data bank as "A. Coolluvva Johnson." Your name is Andrew. Get over yourself.

Yes, this actually happened to me today. Sheesh.



03:36 Dec 02 2011

What about "A Dipsh*t Johnson"? I think that sounds nice :)

05:02 Dec 02 2011

Haha! Was he cute? :P

01:47 Dec 03 2011

Um. ::snort::

22:11 Dec 04 2011

What a jerk of johnson

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