CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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16 entries this month

Woo Woo

23:47 Dec 31 2008
Times Read: 825

I just had two hunky, husky guys in my apartment. Tool-belt wearing, tight jeans wearing....GUYS.

OK, calm down. It's not what you think. I had a plugged garbage disposal, it was backing up into the other sink, and I had no idea what was going on, it's not like I try to grind up huge chunks of food. So the maintenance man had to come check it out, and in doing so, he found a leak in another pipe.

After getting that fixed, he was tinkering around checking things out and he heard something in the wall. Another pipe had burst and was sending water down the inside wall...ewww. He got the water turned off and sent out a call for help, as this was beyond his ken. Eventually another guy shows up and starts taking out the wall where the pipe was.

Sitting there watching these guys, testosterone flaring, doing the stuff that guys do best..mess with tools and fix things...man, I tell ya, life is good.

Happy New Year, everybody.

P.S. Got the pipes replaced and I don't leak anymore. :P



00:08 Jan 01 2009

Get a hammer, now. Un-fix that pesky non-leak!

02:06 Jan 11 2009

Seems to me...it's YOU who was leaking..rofl :)


Holy Crap

01:17 Dec 31 2008
Times Read: 831

We got deluged with clothes today. Anybody want a job? I can put you to work NOW, if you have an inclination to clean and press.

Lawsy. Some guy came in that we had never seen before, and he had this HUGE box. At first we thought it was some sort of delivery person...then he started taking out shirts. And more shirts. 143 to be exact.

Yes, 143 shirts. These were all his, dirty (you can just imagine the smell of that many shirts packed into a box) and he was wanting them all cleaned. Unfortunately he chose the wrong time of year to demand next day service. Tomorrow we close at noon, and so are restricting our cleaning for obvious reasons. If we cleaned everything, we would be there all day. As it's the holiday, we do close early, all our regular customers know this and either don't bring much in, or else wait till after New Year's. This guy was new in town and had no idea. And he wanted them all for tomorrow.

My boss had to come out and talk to him, because he was doing almost a dance in the call office, a male version of a hissy fit because we could not process all 143 shirts. We were happy to oblige him with 5 or 6, but not enough to fit out a whole damn store. As my boss explained to him kindly, "It's not really our problem that you let them accumulate, is it? And that is a good many to want next day, and on a holiday week at that."

I have been in the business over 20 years, and this was almost the weirdest thing I ever saw. Who the hell lets that many shirts pile up? We pointed out that he was driving a small car, and whereas 143 dirty shirts could be crammed into a box, 143 clean shirts on hangers, in plastic bags, would not fit into a VW Beetle. Hell, he would be crowded right out of the damn car.

Eventually he agreed to 5 shirts after we told him he could either have 5 or nothing at all.

And you should have seen his collars and cuffs. Honestly, don't you guys wash those places? Ack. Filthy. Absolutely BROWN.

*Sigh* Gotta go in early tomorrow and pre-scrub those icky things. Phew. lol.



08:23 Dec 31 2008

If and when the day ever comes when I feel inclined to do any kind of cleaning....I will seek medical help...lol....Happy New Year hon.


Holiday Memories

05:06 Dec 28 2008
Times Read: 832

Reading what other people got for Christmas brought back a load of memories from holidays past. I come from a small family, just one older brother, a lot older. When it got to holiday time, my mother would have me and my older brother make a list of about 10 things we would like from Santa. My list usually included books and records. When I was a kid there were no dvds or cds, all we had were vinyl albums (woo, does that sound ancient or what?).

Anyway, the only really cool place to get records was the local head shop. I LOVED this place, they had all sorts of music, t-shirts, posters, and the usual drug paraphernalia disguised as home decor. I must have spent thousands in there over the years, and built up a damn fine record collection.

So, I would make a list of the albums I was hoping for and include the name of the shop to help my mother/Santa find these things. I used to have hysterics imagining my straight-laced mother going into this head shop with all the reefer t-shirts and bongs, asking the long-haired ( but nice) guy behind the counter for records. Occasionally I would throw in a ringer, a fake name just to see what would happen. Imagine your own mother asking a guy "Excuse me, do you have an album called..er...what is it..oh yes....Screaming Monkey Orgasm by the Imperial Wang Dongs?"

Come Christmas morning, Santa usually always came through for me and I would get the music I asked for. I say "usually" because one year my mother gave my brother my list of music wants, and what did he do? He went through HIS record collection and gave me stuff he'd already bought for himself, and used.

Isn't that shitty?

Now, of course, I go in for cd's, and am trying to replace all the vinyls I stored away when I moved. But somehow it's not the same. All those pops and scratches, not to mention seeing some rather bizarre writing on the fade-out grooves, is very nostalgic. And the memories of playing the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper album backwards to hear "Paul is a dead man, miss him, miss him" and freaking myself out. You can't do that with a cd.

Ahh....good old memories.




Problem Solved

02:09 Dec 28 2008
Times Read: 838

Turns out I didn't have to speak to that mother and her kissy kid after all. I just missed seeing it in person, but my boss played it all back for me later (we have a camera in the call office...has come in handy more than one time.)

This kid and her mother come in to get their cleaning, and right away the girl starts jumping around, hugging her mother and "I love you mommy! I want to kiss you!" She knocks into the front desk, which we had put some tinsel and decorations on. The tinsel got dislodged and a couple of the ornaments went bouncing onto the floor and rolled into a corner.

Meanwhile, a venerable lady who had been a schoolteacher hereabouts for many years came in. The kid wasn't looking what she was doing, and knocked into the older lady, sending her backwards into the door. She didn't fall or anything, just got pushed back a foot or two.

She shook herself off, straightened herself up and with immense dignity spoke to the mother. "Is this your child?" The mother said yes. "And at her age, she doesn't know how to behave in a public place? Young lady," she was now speaking to the kid.."and I assume you ARE a young lady, because you are acting like a child. An immature child who doesn't know how to behave in a public place. Your bouncing around not only could have hurt me, but you messed up this store's holiday decorations. When you are out in public, you need to act your age, be still and respectful of your surroundings. Leave all that bouncing for the playground!"

The mother never even asked if she was ok. I thought the kid was going to pee her pants. They paid for their cleaning and left, and you can just see on the camera how, as soon as they got out the door, the mother grabbed the kid by the elbow and jerked her around the corner. I bet she got a dose of ass-whoop before she got to the car.

And the teacher just smiled throughout the whole thing. Classy.

Just wish I had been there to see it!



02:32 Dec 28 2008

I cannot stand it when kids are like that.

They're like attention-seeking couples who suck face in public.

What sort of parent lets their child act like their partner anyway??

That older lady is my hero for now.



17:45 Dec 25 2008
Times Read: 846

My holiday started out very well. I was jarred awake by the sounds of my upstairs neighbor blasting music on my one day to sleep in. And it wasn't even holiday music, it was some bass-heavy rap shit.

Went upstairs in my pjs with hair sticking up and banged on his door. His music was so loud he couldn't hear the knock! Some other neighbor came out and banged along with me and finally the door opened. The music poured out into the hallway and the two of us said at the same time "TURN YOUR MUSIC DOWN!! IT'S ONLY 7 AM!!"

"Oh..I didn't know you could hear it," the guy said as he went back inside to turn the volume down from a 12 to a 10. We shook our heads. "More. Turn it WAY down." By this time other neighbors had come out to see what the hell was transpiring. One lady stepped up.

"I just called the police on you yesterday for making so much noise! Remember?" she shrieked at him. "The officer said if you did it again you would go to jail!"

"I didn't think you could hear it," the dumbass kept repeating.

Then, a wonderful thing happened.

About 5 people, unrelated and not really knowing each other, said the exact same thing at the exact same time.


I about fell down laughing. Someone even had a copy of our lease, which states that "No tenant may disturb any other tenant by loud music or TV at any time of the day or night."

I like loud music myself sometimes, but there is this invention....called HEADPHONES.....you put them on and you can blast your music all you want. Your neighbors aren't bothered and all is well.

I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep again so after the ruckus broke up I went back downstairs to make some coffee and watch the news. I heard a little rap on the door and there was a lady from the upstairs "meeting".

"Aren't you the one with the crabs?" she asked, referring to my pet hermit crabs. I nodded. "Can I see them?"

Lol. So I spent my holiday morning showing off my little pets. And as my littlest one had just changed his shell in time for the holiday it was quite a festive occasion.

Tidings of comfort and joy.

Oh, and in case you were wondering..yes, he turned the music WAY down. I haven't heard so much as a mouse fart up there since.



23:23 Dec 25 2008

If it happens again, call me. I shall sabotage his world.

Plus I want to see your crabs. :P



01:41 Dec 25 2008
Times Read: 858

What the hell is it with all these profiles with the exact same avatar, extolling the virtues of Serious Request? Anybody else smell spam, or is it just me?



02:10 Dec 25 2008

Yes, I do. There are six profiles, and these journal entries are re-posted almost daily.

I asked, and it is one person, with six profiles. She has the same avatar for everyone, same sort of stamp, same profile greatings, all in the same coven.

I thought you couldn't have more than one pro, for this sort of reason. But what do I know.

03:31 Dec 25 2008

Who? What? Huh? Where?



01:14 Dec 23 2008
Times Read: 875

I have a slight problem. Perhaps the journal readers out there can give me some insight on how to handle this.

We have a customer who comes in regularly, once a week or so. She is married and has several children. The kids usually come in with her, and they are very well behaved, with one strange exception.

The eldest girl, who I reckon to be about 11 or so, proceeds to hug and kiss and cuddle her mother the whole time they are in the call office. "I love you mommy" and kissing her mother all over her face and neck and rubbing on her....well, I have had other customers notice this and tell me it is extremely uncomfortable to watch this. I have tried coughing and making *ahem* noises but they pay no attention. It is quite..erm...icky.

My boss has asked me, since I am female and they are female, to be the one to ask them not to do this stuff in our store. How does one approach this? "Knock that crap off" wouldn't go over well. We just want them to leave the rather overdone display of affection outside, or leave the kid outside, or something. I need to figure this out soon, as they will be in on Friday like clockwork and my boss wants me to tell them.




01:27 Dec 23 2008

Having a son that's about the same age as the girl, who acts in a similar manner on occasion, I think I may have a little advice for you.

First, politely ask the mother if you can talk to her privately, without the children. (It would be rude to say it in front of the little girl if you don't have to. If she doesn't feel comfortable "leaving" the kids, then it's really her choice, but give her the option.) Next, say something like....

"I can tell that your daughter really loves you. It's great that she doesn't have a problem expressing that. However, some of the other customers are uncomfortable with such public displays of affection. Could you maybe talk to her and have her tone it down a bit?"

I think if you give a compliment before delivering the "blow," it will make it a bit easier for her to handle. I know it would make a difference to me.

Hope that helps. :)

10:42 Dec 23 2008

I would try humour. Something like...." hey come on, this is a public place, put each other down please ! "


Xmas Bonus

01:00 Dec 19 2008
Times Read: 887

I got to work today and both my bosses were standing in my work area with shit-eating grins on their faces. I thought they were going to tell me that something bad happened and I had to work extra hours. George handed me a folded-up piece of paper, and when I unfolded it this is what I read:

"I'm speaking for all of us here at our second home..Mom, Dad, Manny and I are blessed to have someone like yourself in our business and in our lives! It's a pleasure working with you and having you as part of our family here.

We all love you and hope you have a great Christmas and New year!

With love


P.S. The money is for pleasure only...Manny and I would like dancing girls (naked) if possible!"

Then I was handed something else. I was bawling too hard to see what it was at first..then I wiped my eyes and saw it was $500.


I NEVER got a letter like that from any boss, ever. I am going to frame it as soon as I can find a frame. This makes up for all the long days that rolled into nights, and the many many weekends I gave up (and still do) so they can go fishing and hunting. How often do you get told that you matter so much?

I am really fortunate in most things. I am in good health, I have a good job, my car is paid for, and I have absolutely no debts. Sure, I've been single for a long time, but what the hell. Coming home and knowing I am valued as a person as well as an employee is a nice thing.

And the money? Well, sorry guys, but it ain't going for naked dancing girls. I'm gonna go stuff some red kettles this weekend.

Cheers everyone.



01:11 Dec 19 2008

Oh - that is sooo nice! To be fully appreciated...and get some dinero!

Happy Holidays!

11:24 Dec 19 2008

Yay...enjoy !


Ancient Music

02:12 Dec 16 2008
Times Read: 895

Winter is icummen in

Lhude sing Goddamn.

Raineth drop and staineth slop,

and how the wind doth ramm!

Sing: Goddamn.

Skiddeth bus and sloppeth us,

An ague hath my ham...

Freezeth river, turneth liver,

Damn you, sing: Goddamn.

Goddamn, goddamn, tis why I am: Goddamn,

so 'gainst the winters' balm.

Sing goddamn, damn, sing goddamn,

Sing goddamn, sing goddamn, DAMN.

---Ezra Pound



08:34 Dec 16 2008

For a brief momment there, I thought you were on drugs lmao



00:02 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 901

Saying "fuck" a lot in your journal entries does not make you a hardass. All it does is makes you a person that says "fuck" a lot.




Full Moon

00:29 Dec 12 2008
Times Read: 906

It's almost a full moon..and the Paranoids are out in full force!

Ever notice how, sometimes, people's behavior gets more, shall we say exciteable during a full moon? There seems to be just that much more stress, adding to the fact that the holidays are approaching.

Customers at work are cranky, people driving are cranky, gawd it seems the whole world is on the rag these days.

It's holiday fever!





05:27 Dec 06 2008
Times Read: 945

I just learned that Forrest J. Ackerman passed away last night. He was the founder and editor of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine, a mag that must be near and dear to the hearts of many on here. FJA (or Forry, or 4E, or any number of other variations on his name) was the introduction to monsters for many of us.

His magazine presented info and classic photos from many of the greatest horror and sci-fi movies ever made, along with a good many who bombed. It was where a lot of us learned who Lon Chaney Sr was...indeed a good many writers and film people of today grew up reading good ol FM.

Forry was very generous with his time and treasures. He had a world renowned collection of sci-fi and horror memorabilia housed within his very own Ackermansion and always delighted to share it with a new generation of fans.

Whenever a person passed away who was in any way connected to the world of monsters, Forry always paid tribute to them within the pages of his magazine. And now he has gone. So here's my tribute.

Forry, thanks for the memories. Your magazine and all its wonderful contents was my first introduction to the world of the macabre. It made me want to find out more, to read more books and study other subjects. You always stood up for kids who were interested in monsters and I thank you for that. My childhood and adolescence were that much more tolerable with your benign presence lurking within the covers of FM, joking, encouraging, and teaching.

May Prince Sirki hold a special place for you in his realm. You have truly deserved your niche there.

And now, I'm gonna go dig out my back issues and reminisce a little. Cheers, Forry, and thanks.




Fun Night Out

04:53 Dec 06 2008
Times Read: 947

I went to dinner with my boss, his wife, and their two year old child. They got tired of me always just going home after work (which is fine with me, 12 hours of togetherness with those people is usually more than my system can stand) so they took me out to dinner.

We went to Applebee's. I'd never been there, but had heard good things about the food and atmosphere. It was heaving, being a Friday night, but we were shown to a table at once. My boss' wife turned to me and said "I'm having Bailey's and coffee. You want one?"

Oh hell yeah. I was starving, but that sounded good. And it was. Whipped cream on the top and all. It mellowed me right out. I didn't even mind when their child stood up on her seat and announced in a loud clear voice "I farted!"

The only downer was when my boss was deciding on my work schedule for tomorrow. Bear in mind I haven't had a Saturday off since September. He said "I could give you tomorrow off...but I really need the help."

Pfft. Well, crap. That shot my good mood right in the ass. I KNOW it's the holidays.. I KNOW we are busy. But dammit, you take just about every weekend off to go hunting or fishing...gimme a weekend off too!

Yeah I know. With this economy, be grateful you have a job. Shut up and take it. Lots of people out there would love to do your work. But see, the thing is....once I asked for a weekend off, and my boss teasingly said "why? what do you need it for? You wouldn't do anything."

YEAH!! That's the whole idea of a weekend off. To do nothing if I want to. To NOT WORK. THAT'S what I want. To just lay around and be lazy. Watch some of the dvd's I have around here. Sleep in. Read a good book. Have some chocolate. Take a long bubble bath. Then take a nap. Just simple stuff.

But alas. Like a good solider, I suck it up and report back for duty in the morning.




What The?

01:23 Dec 05 2008
Times Read: 964

I just noticed something. When you go onto the VR homepage..at the very top of the page...it says Vampire Rave...The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory...The Home of Real Vampires.


Really? Has that always been there and I just never noticed it?





Crab Mommy

02:03 Dec 03 2008
Times Read: 989

I was giving the crabs a bath the other day and this amazing thing happened. Yes, you give them baths..lol...in their natural habitat they'd just go out in the sea and get washed around a little bit, but here on dry land I take a cake pan and fill it about 1/2 inch deep with a salt and water mixture and set the crabs in it. Sometimes they just crawl around, but this time the little guy did something really amazing.

First, he hunkered down in the water..I had never seen a crab 'squat' before but that's just what he did. Then, he flipped over, so his shell was down but his legs were sticking up out of the water. I thought it was an accident and he was going to right himself, but he sort of moved around to allow the water to get into his shell opening. Then he turned himself over and shook like a tiny dog to get all the water out.

The big crab just watched this but didn't attempt to duplicate it. I had never seen anything like it. The little guy cleaned himself out!

He got a nice hunk of banana for that when he got back into the tank after he dried off. He promptly took the treat and went off to his favorite spot to enjoy it.



02:07 Dec 03 2008

All I can say to this is AWWWWWW!!!!!

02:25 Dec 03 2008

I had crabs once...I mean...I'm not into hermit crabs much, but those other ones are pretty damn cool!! You should post pics!!

08:54 Dec 03 2008

Sounds like the little guy got talent lol



01:02 Dec 03 2008
Times Read: 994

A lot of folks writing about ratings, so I thought I'd toss my two cents into the pot.

I don't care how you rate me, truly. Put a stamp on my page that stretches it from here to next week, I love it. Leave a comment, whatever, it's all good.

BUT....if you rate me low..I will find out where you live, sneak into your house while you sleep, and steal all your sexy underwear and replace it with bigass grannypanties.

Heh heh. I'm just kidding.



01:09 Dec 03 2008

Was that you that I caught going through my underwear? I took a picture of ya and its in my journal lol

02:07 Dec 03 2008


08:55 Dec 03 2008

I lurve my bigass grannypanties lol

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