People everywhere, they are bad people. Everyone has guns everyone is shooting eachother, good & bad agianst one another. Im trying to protect Jordyn, Jayanna, adn Cassandra. Steven(Jordyns father) Skye(stacys best friend) are backstabbers. We are trying to hide adn defend ourselves. But too many bad people not enough bullets in our guns. Im throwing Jordyn adn Jayanna out windows in cars adn ditches so they are not seen. They kill you when they get you. Its like a video game with everyone, people you know and dont know. You cant trust no one, they will shoot you. I got to protect the kids. Thats what I am doing. Wake up. Next to my mother. Alone. I feel alone.
explosions, gunshots, and landfills of children's ashes and bodyparts and live children suffering with in. It was our jobs the slaves to remove sick make em well to become slacves. I saved a beautiful lil girl and gave her to another to make her better, then the lil girl didnt remember me but the girl who brought her back to health. We were all young kids, between 5-16yrs old. I remember girls only, the men older teens were our maters who raped us abused us. Sick. I think we turned on them set them up their were more of us than them. It turned to a school where I walked out of class for teacher making fun of me, it was magic though, desk moved, notebooks&pens/pencils disappeared, principal wasnt around and the school rearranged its offieces and things. WEIRD...