A hirsute young maiden named Doris
Had a practical lover named Morris,
Who would sigh,"Oh, I swear
I could kiss you right there,
But I can't see the trees for the forres'."
A high-scoring bowler named Corey,
Who was asked by the Press for his story,
Said,"I'll give you a tip;
It's all in the grip,
Which I owe to my fiance, Laurie."
A lively young woman on a tryst
Lost a falsie while doing the Twist.
Though she struggled to hide it
Her bust was lopsided
And gave her a sharplarboard list.
The gnu's a bit shaggy, it's true,
But well known and quite popular, too.
In France he's adored,
But Italians are bored
And frequently ask,"What's gnu?"
An old Brittish couple named Jones
Who wearied of kippers and scones,
Turned to dishes exotic,
Smoked a Chinese narcotic,
And explored theirerogenous zones.
A gypsy boy stealing some shawls
Was kicked by a cop in Sioux Falls.
This action was rash
And produced a loud crash,
For most gypsies have crystal balls.
Two misers named Jock and MacTavish
Tossed bachanals, bawdy and lavish.
This strange contradiction
Is palpable fiction,
For they'd only each other to ravish.
A cannibal once in a dream
Conceived of a dish quite supreme.
And to his delight
He was served it one night:
Fresh Bwanas in heavy sour cream.
An impetuous duellist named Schacht
Wouldn't stand for his skill being mocked.
When taunted one day
He entered the fray
And regretfully went off half-cocked.
An old spinster whom ife had made mellow
Bought a piece of a high-class bordello.
"I am not," she'd impart,
"An incipient tart.
I'm just trying to meet the right fello."