Only do this if you are with the partner you wish to be with and they have chosen you as well!
On the waxing moon, take a thin, red candle. Carve the astrological symbol of yourself, beneath that carve your lovers symbol. Burn the candle to it's end with fond thoughts of your lover. Simple and effective. ( If your intended doesn't feel the same about you, this spell could turn very dangerous!) Please have equal feelings for each other first. To make the spell stronger you can spiral a single strand of hair (one of yours one of theirs) down the candle in opposite directions.
This spell is for the waning moon. (When the moon is growing smaller after the full moon.) Be relaxed, clean and naked. light a white candle upside down. During the waning moon, with a permanent black marker, draw a horizonal line across the area. ( Keeping in mind the whole time the intent of the spell.) Then to make an "X" in the middle of that line, a large "X". (The "X" should be wide at the top as well as the bottom. Kind of as though you had layed this "x" on it's side.) Keep the intent in mind, chant it if you will. Extinguish the candle with a snuffer. (Never blow.) When the symbol fades, wait for waning moon reapply.
My results: Food began to taste bitter, unwanted, therefore I ate less of it.