It was 111 out here yesterday ,and my black coat didnt make things easier.Thankfully,mistress fixed me up with a nice mister and keeps me in the shade.
I love it when someone ,just out of the blue surprises you with a treat.That is what makes the world a beautiful place.
Thank you CarnelianMist,you knocked me off my feet with that one.ALL FOUR OF THEM!!....
You are most welcome. :)
It is one of those rare times here on vr that someone just does something for another with no expectations and out of simple kindness...I wont forget that.
I met the farrier for the first time today.He is a nice man and I was a pretty good girl.I only tried to kick him once but mistress calmed me down,and told me everything was ok. I learned that she was right..once again.
And now my hooves of steel look like Chrome!!
lol you're Welcome Sweetie.
Heyyyy you are great aunties!! You bring me all these apples,and I eat everyone of them.Thank you! :D
now I am hungry ... and grocery store is close :(
I will share !
Everyone is messaging,but I cant send out any more replies.I hate being a baby sometimes..someone always tries to tell me what to do or what I cant do.
Looks like even Cancer is getting in on the deal.Thanks a LOT.
I thought we vampires were allowed to do anything we want!
Pouts and waits for apples~
How very cute! Another animal with their own profile! Maybe now I can get the real answers to juicy questions about Oceanna.
Haha thank you! But that kind of info will cost you.
Lots and LOts and LOTSSSSSSSS of apples!!!!
Chomp,slurp,chew..."MMMMmThK mu" chomp,slurp chomp...
you're welcome sweetie
17:21 Jul 24 2011
Hey! I cleaned out the poop.
Don't I get any thanks?
03:49 Jul 25 2011