It has been almost 2 years since the accident but i am reminded of it every second of the day. I was driving on a road just a few city blocks from my house on the way to run someerrands and get my kids some dunkin donuts.
It was one of those sweltering 90 some degree humid philadelphia days. It was soo hot i only put the seat belt across my lap. The kids were buckled in the backseat talking to each other about what kind of donuts they wanted when a Red SUV a car length in front of me decided to make a Uturn no signal no brake just an over exagerated turn. I yelled " OHH SHIT !" hit the brake as hard as i could but there was no room and nothing i could do. The next thing i remember was pulling my upper body out of the passenger side the kids screaming my head hurting and seeing the front dashboard pushed in to me.i tried to turn around to see the kids and as i moved my leg and looked down i could see my bone sticking out of my thigh and only the top part of my leg moved.
the ambulances came and with the help of 3 very nice paramedics they got me out of the car.The kids suffered a few bruises bangs and had a big scare, they are the first ones to tell anyone to wear a seatbelt now.
i took the biggest hit, my femur bone broke into 3 pieces a 4inch chunk of it was left inside to fuse back. they placed a rod and 4 very long screws in it. wrapped me up in an ace bandage and after a few days in the hospital sent me home with a pair of crutches and strict instructions to not use it at all for 6-8 weeks. It wasn't until november that i could take my first steps.
I have since had another surgery on it and most likely another in the future. My right leg is almost an inch shorter than my left. I still don"t have full use of it and most likely never will. My knee has all kinds of issues stemming from it and i keep tearing one of the tendons to shreds.Maybe someday i will upload pictures of it but they will be the last leg pictures i will ever take.
1. get my lawyers off my speed dial
2.Give the kids a summer they were cheated out of the past 2 years
3. find a doctor that has better solutions than take a pill
4. take a nice long walk
5. finish moving
6. watch all the movies i have piled up that i haven't had time for
7. write something besides a to do list
All wonderful things to do..but the first one needs to be done already!
My mission this weekend is to find a few concerts to go see this summer.I was never a fan of country music but i am really getting into some of it. I am actually even considering getting a big group together and going to see rascal flatts. I never thought in a billion years i would go to a country music concert.
I LOVE IT !I haven't had my own pc in a long time. computers have been a neccesity for parts of my life, then a heartache, then a luxury, finally it has become a fun novelty again and i should be around VR more then i have been over the last 2 years.