e·go·tism (g-tzm, g-)
1. The tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively and boastfully.
2. An inflated sense of one's own importance; conceit.
Read this journal all you like I won't mention names but if the guilt you feel about the games you and others play make you react and make stupid comments well then i guess that is your own issue.
I have a busy week and i won't be around as much as i normally am. Today i need to spend some quiality chemical time with my cousinand relowlight her hair so she looks absolutely fabulous when she delivers my godchild. Lets just hope she doesn't deliver him while i am doing her hair
I find it mildly comical as I look over in the Vampbox that there is a big to do over being rated as 1's and people are scattering to stop this mad 1 hater.
( insert mission impossible theme here )
So you got a 1 ...... big fuckin deal
Do you think that is the last 1 someone will ever give you ?
get a fuckin grip already suck it up and stop your crying.
the biggest comedy of the whole situation is the 5 people that are crying over 1s came into the rave and gave me and a handful of other 1s just to be spiteful dickheads.
What goes around comes around i am just thankful i get to witness it first hand
I find it comical the amount of 9s and 10s i get from people that i know from elsewhere hoping they will get somekind of response from me on thier own profiles. Deal with it ? I do deal with it i ignore your sorry ass.
I will not rebuild the bridges that long ago were burnt not for a 10 not for a 8. You do not deserve my time or bandwidth as far as i am concerned so why don't you deal. Why don't you deal with your own issues and the fact that you will never be more then some disgraceful being i and many others want nothing to do with.
Crawl back under your html glittering rocks move on and get on with your stupidity fest. Maybe someday someone might lift the rocks and find you actually have mutated into something worth scraping off the bottom of the boulder for a look on how evolved the rest of the world has become without you in it.
Seems a few of the new Ravers and old acquaintances of mine have taken it upon themselves to bash members here on their identity. These are the same people that love to preach about how spiritual they are and how open minded they are.
Yet they would take the words of people they have preached for years about stirring drama , then find out for themselves. Sadly these people are guilty themselves as posing as other people only to lie and manipulate and deceive others all for personal drama and entertainment.
In case you all have forgotten let me remind you of this and maybe spiritually one day you will awaken to find you fell off your path and can take a better look at yourselves in the mirror
"If it harms none, do what you will."
The second is usually called the rule of three - whatever you do comes back to you threefold.
Now as to the identity of others I care not what you think or say of me because I myself was open enough to find out your beloved TRUTH.( Since you all self righteously seek it now , maybe perhaps to redeem your own sins.)
Truth is I have talked to people on the phone even met some of them and they are better people then any of you will ever be.
I hope one day you can take a look around you and at those you call companions and friends and still easily forget those same people are the exact and very ones that raked you over the coals that tattooed your heads with titles
Take your cause back to where it originated from this is not the place for your personal vendettas. You can preach to the masses there, your behavior here only makes you look like the childish ignorant fools that you are.