The needles fall, the tree comes down
Tossed in the trash all over town
It is over now pack it in
It is now the Xmas that had been
Gone are the ribbons bows and wrapping
Santa retires for a year of napping
A year turns over the worlds at your feet
Get up ! Go on .. get out of that seat
Holidays remind us that loved ones are near
To support and guide us to share each tear
Our tears of joy our tears of sorrow
Our hopes and ambitions of a brighter tomorrow
It is not the gifts or the holiday rush
Or the fact you became a new years lush
It is the ending of old, time to start anew
Embrace it , enjoy it and to yourself be true
If your wondering where i have been lately well i was busy finishing up school and doing a mad holiday rush.
I finally graduated school and i am now a licensed cosmetologist. I worked very hard to get that diploma it was two years of a crazy schedule but i learned a lot and i love what I do and hopefully I can go back and go after my teachers license.
I have to pat myself on the back here because i graduated with a 97 average and i have two pretty seals on my diploma for excelling in color and chemical services.
A big thanks to all that supported me over the last 2 years and had to listen to me bitch moan and whine.
I am having a hard time adjusting to being home everynight, i got really used to running out the door at 5:15. Slowly i am finding out tv at night SUCKS and I didn't miss much. I have to keep reminding myself I don't have to rush around so much I don't have class tonight.
I wish i could say i was busy with the holiday rushing but i am just busy with life all around.
This year i will be one of those last minute shoppers out running around desperate to find a gift to show the ones I love just how much i care for them.
How much do i care ? I must care alot, if i am going to deal with long lines miserable people that are stuck in long lines .... Maybe i should make a video for people instead, highlighting my holiday nightmare of my last minute shopping experiances.
I care for you soo much these are the lines i waited in. These are the idiots that can't drive. this is the stupidity i did all for you so i could buy you a card:) I think it would be a holiday classic that rates right up at the top of the video list with It's a wonderful life. Maybe i could include that everytime a register Cha chings another paycheck gains wings and dies.
I think the homemade video would be soo much more meaningful then a basket full of fruit smelling bath gel.
The other night I was approached by a fellow raver about pictures for his Vampire book. He happens to live not very far from me and I have always enjoyed helping out a local Philly Artist with projects. I do live in the city of brotherly love it is only fitting I love the art as much as the people.
So I took a look over some of the pictures I currently have done and just couldn't find one that fit was Vampire enough or fit the time period of the story. So I got out my flat iron rummaged in my closet and took some pictures for Vampwriter's book. I will be adding some of the images to my portfolio that i liked that didn't make the cut.
I was very honored flattered and excited to be apart of this project and I thank you Vampwriter for considering me and hope you are pleased with the picture.
Let It Snow : Lyrics
Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the Rave is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
It doesn't show signs of Pauseing,
And I've bought some text for posting,
The mp3's are turned way down low,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
When we finally bite goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the storm!
But if you'll really stalk me right,
All the way home I'll be warm.
The bandwidth is slowly dying,
And, my dear, we're still good-bying,
But as long as i am addicted so,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
So last night i was talking to a friend in a chat about my hatred for the tacky inflatable lawn decorations, and thankfully the man is as warped as i am.
we spent 2 hours with coming up with some more amusing ideas for inflatable decorations that are a bit more realistic and can celebrate the lamer holidays.
example ground hog day
I could totally appreciate a inflatable snow covered hole with a little groundhog poking up out of the hole with a sign in his hand that says " Fuck you people it is too cold to come out and freeze my balls off for you see you in 6 weeks"
my idea was to get a real blow up doll dress her up in some pretty christmas lingerie and stick her on my front lawn, maybe with a nice sign to go with her that says
" deck the holes with balls of jolly "
I mean if you are going to be tacky at least go all out and be original.
and flu season. Maybe it is the season for death because you really want to kill the people that passed the flu along to you.
I few here know i have been sick lately. This does not happen often and seems I was very due for it.
I finally went to the doctor he gave me lots of very cool medications , some are making me very tired and others are keeping me wide awake it is a roller coaster ride and a half. I seem to go from crashed out couch vegetable to wide eye rave insomniac.
Thank you to everyone that sent me get well wishes. :)
I can't seem to get into the holiday spirit this year. It sucks and i keep trying to convince myself it is a happy time of year. Even the early snowfall hasn't helped just made me groan and think of how much i hate clearing it off my car and watching the news to hear if schools are open or closed.
I live in a nieghborhood that goes all out with lights and decorations but now it has turned into a world of huge blow up fat red people or big snowglobes.
I know i am a scrooge this year but the temptation to run around the street in the middle of the night and cut holes into these eyesores is very tempting.
Vandalism or public service? I would say public service.
Are people just tired of taking the time to put up lights and just buying these ridiculous looking things to take up space? Do they think it looks like they put more effort into the decorations because it takes up the entire front lawn?
or is it just one of those my pump is bigger then yours type deals?