SparTacus ( has joined #santcuary
*SparTacus is now known as Betty_Guns
wacko Jacko ( has joined #santcuary
::wacko_Jacko:: ok spartacus just came n here i know it. which one of you is that loser?
::hunney:: I am spartacus
::ji_pper:: no im spartacus
::Betty_Guns:: I am spartacus
::mistr andersn:: I’m spartacus
::wacko_Jacko:: ur all freaks thats what u r
::Vigrel:: Woah, if my shit was a nuke aimed at Hiroshima, Russia would get blown up
::Kor1413:: It was That big?
::Vigrel:: No, i missed.
::Pwnz0rz:: What do you guys do after sex?
::D3v1lm4n:: i like to cuddle with her
::Haxorz:: i leave
::Dragneel:: i Bury her again
::MindSpark:: So the officer stops me and asks for my license and registration
::MindSpark:: After handing them to him , he asks who the car belongs to
::MindSpark:: I tell him it's my wifes
::MindSpark:: He asks if I have an authorization, because you have to have some proof that you're allowed to ride a car that's not yours
::MindSpark:: I go "Sir, I ride the OWNER of this car personally with no authorization, do you really expect me to have an authorization to ride her car ?"
::MindSpark:: Officer hands me back the papers in silence and salutes me