I knew when my daughter told me about this video that it was not something I should look at but I did it any ways not thinking it could be as bad as she said. After all, they were humans, right?
To make a long story short, no they aren't. I don't recommend looking it up for yourself especially if you love dogs but I will say this. I was not even half way thru the video when I had to shut it down. The dogs are treated like cattle but when they are killed, it is in such a fashion that if it happened in America; some one would be going to prison. The dog is stabbed in the chest but not so he dies immediately but so he lives a while. Then he is drug out of his cage and stabbed again. That is as far as I got.
They are killed for meat. I can kind of understand that after all I like nothing more than a good steak but the brutality of the whole thing was more than I could handle. I don't know when I will be able to close my eyes again without replaying it in my head.
20:42 May 05 2009
Eww. Thanks for the warning.
I love my dogs too much to see a video like that.